Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on Wednesday 18th July 2012

at Longburrow Hall at 7.30pm.

Attendees: Mr Penny (Chairman), Mrs Baker, Mr Conran, Mr Elliott, Mr Jones, Mr Davis,

Mr Randall, Mr Saunders, Mr Hawkins (Clerk), and 8 members of the public.

1.  Apologies were received from Mr Parkinson, Mrs Cripps, Cllr Gibbs and Cllr Neudecker.

2.  Declarations of Interest. None.

3.  Minutes. Mr Randall pointed out that he too attended the meeting about the Slade Road site. Subject to this amendment it was agreed by all present at the meeting, that the Minutes of 4th July 2012 be approved .

4.  Matters Arising. None

5.  Reports and Actions: The monthly jumble sale at the Dog Rescue Centre. Response to Clerk’s letter-see Correspondence. The new roof at the Social Club is almost complete despite the wet weather recently. The asbestos in the old roof has been disposed of safely.

6.  Notification of Parish Matters The abandoned vehicle on the Wycombe Road is still there-Clerk to remind WDC. The vandalized signboard opposite the Post Office should be removed. The Chairman invited Mr Arthur Case to speak to the meeting from the floor. He has for some time controlled the growth of shrubs, brambles etc at a 2/3 acre piece of land between Eastwood Road and East Wood. This was once a childrens play area but has never actually been owned by SPC. He wanted to make the Council aware that he could no longer manage the work, and asked if the Council thought it should be properly managed to ensure continued informal access for the public. It was agreed that the Clerk would attempt to discover ownership in the first instance. Mr Charlie Pinder then gave a short account of progress in the design and costing of the proposed skatepark for the Slade Road site. It was agreed that this project with associated play area should be progressed as fast as possible without compromising the Council’s duty of care to ensure the best possible outcome for the village. The Clerk offered to help with contacting manufacturers etc to obtain quotes.

7.  Planning

·  06413 Construction of single storey extension to existing church rooms to the NE of the main church building at St.Peter & St.Pauls Church, Church Path.(France). Work to be carried out to strict conditions of English Heritage. No objection Prop by Mrs Baker, sec Mr Davis. All agreed except Mr Elliott, abstained.

·  06403 Single storey side extension to existing stable block to provide additional stabling and food storage at Beechwood Stables, Horsleys Green. (Berg). No objection prop Mr Conran, sec Mr Jones. Unanimous.

·  06346 Householder application for erection of replacement rear boundary wooden fence and part wall with brick wall at The Old White Hart, Oxford Road.(Full). No objection prop Mr Conran sec Mr Elliott. Unanimous.

·  06347 Erection of replacement rear boundary wooden fence and part wall with a brick wall at The Old White Hart, Oxford Road.(Full). No objection prop Mr Conran, sec Mr Elliott. Unanimous.

8.  District and County Councillors: Cllr Downes asked whether the Council thought that the Local Area Forum was worthwhile in its present format. Mr Chadwick believed the idea to be sound in principle but in practice there was not a wide enough spread of representatives (top heavy with district councillors) and meetings seemed sporadic and cancelled too often. After a discussion, it was thought that some vehicle should exist but probably needed revisiting. Cllr Downes agreed to take the feedback on board.

9.  Finance: Bills payable to the amount of £2819.06 were approved for payment unanimously.

10.  Correspondence: Mr Penny read a second letter from James Walter thanking the Parish Council for the donation of £500 towards the cost of the new Day Centre chairs. Stokenchurch Dog Rescue had responded helpfully to our comments about parking problems on sale days. They are to have large signs erected on sale days to ask people to park more considerately on the verge. They also ask about using one of the Commons for their 50th Anniversary celebrations next year. No objections, clerk to liaise with Jan Elson. Navin Gurung of the Royal Oak is arranging a trip to Nepal next year and inviting any interested parties to contact. A fund raising hogroast is happening in August.

11.  Four Horseshoes Mairead McErlean of Geoffrey Leaver corrected the impression given in her legal opinion that the pub was to be renovated as a going concern-she was aware that a housing development was going forward, and this in no way affected her stated opinion. The Clerk reported that the Application for Deregistration of land registered as Village Green was being progressed by Martyn Phillips for the developers, and would be made available to Council before submission to the Secretary of State.

12.  MUGA: The second quote for the floodlighting had been received at £13,750 plus VAT. It was thought that a third quote should be pursued (Eldridge Lighting suggested).

13.  Travellers sites Nothing to report.

14.  Vantage Land: Nothing to report

15.  Stokenchurch Library: The first of two recruitment evenings took place yesterday and was well attended. Mr Chadwick indicated satisfaction at the level of commitment seen so far from volunteers and now had 5 of the 6 required Lead Workers signed up.

16.  Slade Road School site: See above .

17.  Cemetery: No response from Rev. France re consecration of part of the cemetery extension at time of meeting, however letter received next day. Happy to work with SPC on this and suggests an initial working party meeting. Mr Randall now has the signs for the Mains Water pipe, to be put in when possible. Recommended that tree planting to infill be considered soon.

18.  Bin The old concrete bin by the play area is not in good condition and fills with rainwater. Suggested this is replaced by one of the modern top-covered bins.

19.  Other Parish Matters Dashwood Hill footpath is in a dangerous state, to be reported to TfB. Memorial Club will cut back hedge on both sides of the gate. Jason will bill us for our section. It was asked that we order the Remembrance wreath from Radnage British Legion early. Mr Elliott asked about potholes in Cricket Ground lane. The Chairman suggested a rolling programme of repairs to include Rose Corner and Bowling Green. Agreed to ask John Lee to quote for Cricket Ground. Clerk reported the good news that Stokenchurch had won the Pushman Cup for Best Kept Large Village in County, 2012. Additionally we had been awarded the 2012 Savills Community Award for showing the most evidence of community effort in achieving best kept village status. The new Caretaker for Longburrow Hall was announced. Mr Steven Dutton takes up his duties on 28th July 2012. As we approach autumn attention to be given to the purchase of a leafblower with funds provided earlier in the year by WDC.

There being no further business, the meeting concluded at 8.45pm.