TLC Minutes 3/7/13

Lynn welcomed members.

Group Talk today is from our focus book, Checking for Understanding - Chapter 4 “Using Writing to Check for Understanding.”

Lynn noted the district has been focusing on writing throughout the curriculum for a while now.

The 4 Groups will discuss a topic or task from page 1 of handouts, while using the Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Activity Examples on page 2 of handouts.

Personally Think About: What happens when you write? Do you discover ideas that you might not know you had? Does writing help to clarify your thoughts? Have you ever thought of new ideas or questions while writing?

1. Group #1 DOK 1-3 Discuss why and how writing can be used for formative assessments (quick checks for understanding) in all subject areas, not just English Language Arts. Construct three short, formative writing assessments that could be used in:

A. 7th grade mathematics,

B. High school auto shop, and

C. 2nd grade art.

2. Group #2 DOK 2 & 3 Discuss the similarities (compare) and differences (contrast) between “think-pair-share” and “read-write-pair-share.”

A. When might each be used?

B. What are the strengths and weakness of each?

C. Explain how “read-write-pair-share” or “write-pair-share” be used for formative

assessments (quick checks for understanding)?

D. Construct one short “write-pair-share” for 5th grade social studies and be ready to

demonstrate it with the group.

3. Group #3 DOK 3 & 4 Using only one paragraph, each group member will create a 3-minute draft to summarize his/her personal thoughts about using writing to “check for understanding” in his/her choice of subject area.

A. Share personal thoughts with fellow table-group members.

B. Then, analyze and add additional thoughts to your personal paragraph.

C. Synthesize a “group-thought paragraph” to present to the full TLC.

4. Group #4 DOK 4 Design a means to quickly instruct to the entire TLC on RAFT writing prompts (pg. 67). Please include examples of: who, what, when, where, why, or how. RAFT stands for R= Role (What is the role of the writer?), A= Audience (To whom is the writer writing?), F= Format (What is the format for the writing?), and T= Topic (What is the focus?)

Steve Neal gave an update on the Technology Bond

·  Projectors have been installed in all buildings.

·  Even the teachers that didn’t want the two monitors are impressed with them.

·  Staff has been great about the construction and disruption.

·  Custodial staff has been more than helpful throughout this first bond bid.

·  We are having trouble with our internet. It is not district or bond equipment trouble.

·  Steve is bringing another bid request to the BOE in April for more student computers,

a District AP system and portable electronic carts for all buildings.

·  Wiring is still an issue being worked on to support the new equipment.

Steve took questions and remarks:

·  Tracy Deering noted the decision facing teachers to make regarding student computers in the classroom or electronic carts for the buildings.

·  Julie Bergmann noted it is a hard decision to make and hope that it is fair. Socialism is a factor.

·  Steve made note another concern is that if a teacher moves to another building or another grade level they may not have the same technology.

·  Karry Swanson talked about the sound toggle being able to go to the task bar.

·  Tracy Deering told of ways to set-up and use the webcam.

·  Jon Wicox noted that high school students are helping to install computer.

·  Lynn thanked the tech team for everything they have done and will do.

Building Reports:

Cal Prins reported that Central is working on a 3 to 5 year Common Core plan. The goals are for reading, writing, and math and to integrate social studies and science in the next 4 to 5 years.

Julie Bergmann reported that the scan, scope, and sequence training from the Sheridan Title Support Team were very helpful. She would like to see more of this.

Kolleen Homuth reported that the Cloud 9 on-line program that Amy McMullen, Special Education teacher from Central and Montessori, shared with Ottawa staff was extremely worthwhile. Also, Ottawa is having a Read-A-Thon K-5 with writings about the book that will be posted in the halls.

Joel Donaldson introduced Scott Redman, parent member from Sheridan’s TLC. He expressed the concerns he had with bullying in the district. He is happy to see the programs and steps the district is taking to bridge the gap for those students.

Dan Taylor told the members about MS working on the 21st Century Grant they hope to receive.

More will come on that topic if they receive the grant.

Jon Wilcox reported from the HS TLC. The math teachers would like help with the literacy component. Under best practices Jon talked about the NCA activity:

·  Teachers Self-Reflecting

·  School wide Co-Leading

Jon noted the Bullying assembly Feb., 7th went well. But, because of all the activities going on that evening, the parent meeting had a low turnout. They also had the Bullying assemblies at Sheridan and Lincoln Elementary Schools, and they were well received.

Lynn added that the MS has been involved with Advantage Education through Camp Daggett for character building for 20 years.

Lynn gave an overview of the changes starting next year to gain certification and renewal credits. Lynn has supplied all staff with the changes and links to review. Page 3 of handouts.

Overview points are:

1.  OLD –SB-CEUs by days moving to hours (3 SB-CEUs has been = to 1 semester credit and limited to 9 SB-CEUs in 5 years through PLCs)

2.  SAME – College and university semester credits

3.  NEW – SCECHs and DPPDs Options

a.  180 State Continuing Ed. Clock hours (30 SCECHs=1sementer credit)

b.  150 District provided PD (alone 150 or combined=180)

Lynn provided the members with a draft agenda for our District PLC/PD March 15, 2013. Page 4 of handouts.

·  Full day PD for grades 6-12th

·  Grades K-5th are to use this day for P/T conferences and prep.

·  HCAs - on-line modules updates for (AED, CPR, and First Aid)

Lynn requested members to do a “shout out” to staff and community to do the District 2013 Perception Survey that is on our home page before the April 22nd deadline.

Topic – Student Achievement – 1st Data Points 3/7/13

1.  Where are our strengths and weaknesses?

2.  What questions does this data raise?

3.  How might this information influence our goals for PLC planning or PD needs in 2013-2014?

Strengths Weaknesses


PLC: Scaled Score Mean: PD:

Other: Focus Areas: Resources

(This chart will be ongoing with more information in April.)

Discussion Topics:

Lynn shared handouts for 2012-2013 District MEAP/MME Proficiency Percentages Comparisons. Page 6 of handouts:

·  It shows the District same or higher than state

·  District same of higher than ISD

·  District averaged 12.7% higher than the state

MEAP & MME By Average (Mean) Scores & New Proficiency Scores. Page 7-9 of handouts:

·  Show the New Cut/Target Scores and MDE Targets will be the new 2013-14 TLC Goals.

What will be our TLC Teaching & Learning “Focus” for 2013-2014? Page 10 of handouts:

·  Show past and current TLC Teaching & Learning Focus Areas.

·  Some Ideas:

o  Meaningful Feedback

o  21st Century Skills

o  Inquiry

o  Effort/Stamina/Perseverance, Student Targets, current items, or other

Do we want New Mean Scores for the District? As well as MDE’s annual targets

Our next meeting is Thursday, April 25, 2013. Please read Chapter 5: “Projects and Performance to Check for Understanding” from our focus book, Checking for Understanding.

Respectfully submitted

Diana Konkus