Drew Central High School
6th Annual Quiz Bowl Invitational
January 9, 2016
Please complete and return with registration fee:
School ______
JR or SR tournament? Complete a registration form for each ______
Division in which you compete______
Coach (main contact) ______
e-mail ______
phone number (school) ______
phone number (home) ______
phone number (cell) ______
Mailing Address ______
Registration fee:
First team without buzzer set = $65.00 ______
First team with buzzer set = $60.00 ______
Each additional team = $30.00 ______
Make checks payable to :
Drew Central High School Quiz Bowl
Send Registration to:
Attn: Jana Reeves
Drew Central Quiz Bowl
Drew Central High School
250 University Drive
Monticello, AR 71655
Contact info: Jana Reeves – (870)460-0899 (home), (870)367-6076 (school)
Drew Central Junior and Senior High will be hosting an Invitational Quiz Bowl Tournament on January 9, 2016. This will be the first year that we are offering Junior High competition, so we will be limiting the tournament to 8 JR teams and 12 SR teams.
Pertinent Information:
We will use the same format as the previous Regional tournaments, with a 3 match draw-in for the morning rounds.
We will order the question sets so that our team may compete; but we reserve the possibility of adding special categories.
Registration will begin at 9:00, with the first rounds starting at about 10:00.
Coaches will meet at 9:45.
There will be a Hospitality Room for Coaches and Moderators.
Monticello has several restaurants within driving distance and you will be given plenty of time for lunch between the morning and afternoon rounds. We do not plan to sell concessions.
Four team trophies will be awarded and an All-Tournament Team will be named.
Fees are outlined on the Registration Form.
Please plan to bring a scorekeeper for each team.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
I would appreciate knowing which teams are interested, as early as possible so that we can start making plans. You don’t have to submit registration, yet; but I would like a heads up.
Jana Reeves and Chaille Brown
Drew Central HS Quiz Bowl