Present: Chairman J Fryer, Vice Chairman R Ball, H F Beswick, W F Goldstraw, C G Heath, N Hawkins,
D Wheeldon and H Wilson.
Apologies were received from Cllr C Rider
The minutes from the meeting held on 16th May 2017 were signed as a true record.
Matters arising:
1. Replacement Postbox, Gratton – it was confirmed that the postbox is now in place but not yet
commissioned for use.
2. SCC Community Paths Initiative Bid – clerk has submitted bids for footpaths No9 (the Boat) &
No33(Steps, Rudyard Lake)
3. Highway issues – Dams Lane, Hathaway Lane, Camrose Hill and Green Lane -these have been
reported. It was confirmed that Camrose Hill and Green Lane have been dealt with.
4. Varnishing of seats – Cllr R Ball confirmed that the seats in Gratton have been varnished. Work
is still to be carried out on seats at Horton Church and then Rudyard.
5. Posts supplied by Highways Dept.- Cllr R Ball confirmed that the posts were unsuitable for
Blackwood Lane and this has been reported to Dave Rushton, by the Chairman. The Chairman has asked
if chevrons could be provided as an alternative and if so, Mr E Moss is happy to install them. Dave Rushton
to make enquiries and report back. In the meantime, it was proposed to use the posts on the ditch at
Blackwood Hill.
1. Police and Crime Commissioner leaflet/poster on Cyber Safe Staffordshire – tips on how to stay
safe online.
2. Correspondence from Lake Road resident expressing concern over an application by Rudyard
Lake Hotel for outdoor functions. Cllr N Hawkins agreed to make enquiries and report back.
3. Notice of Parish Assembly to be held on Thursday 22nd June at 7.00pm.
1. Proposed by N Hawkins, seconded by C G Heath that Chairman’s Allowance of £160.00 be paid.
All in favour, no objection.
2. Proposed by W F Goldstraw, seconded by N Hawkins that Mrs E Hough be reimbursed in respect
of varnish for seats throughout parish. All in favour.
Approval of 2016/17 Annual accounts – A copy of the 2016/17 financial accounts were passed to each
Councillor for approval. Proposed by R Ball, seconded by C G Heath to approve the accounts. All in favour.
Cllr C G heath thanked the clerk for producing these.
Date of next meeting – Tuesday, 18th July at 7.00pm
Review of Lengthsman Expenditure ytd – no expenditure to date but an invoice is due for work recently
carried out to grids etc. No further jobs at the current time. Cllr R Ball to instruct lengthsman if urgent
work requires,(ie: blocked grids causing flooding) prior to meeting.
Planning Applications :-
1. SMD/2017/0325 – construction of a 20m x 40m menage for private use only at Lower House
Farm, Gratton ,Endon. Proposed by C G Heath, seconded by R Ball, all in favour, no objection.
Defibrallators -
A discussion took place regarding the placement of a defibrillator, the cost, who should provide it
and whether it would be possible to use one if a mobile phone signal cannot be obtained.
Cllr N Hawkins felt that the Dunwood First Responders were set up to be able to assist in the case of an
emergency and they are supposed to respond in the same time as an ambulance. However, others felt that
anyone suffering a heart attack would be glad of any assistance as soon as possible and prior to their arrival.
Cllr W F Goldstraw said that he thought it was a good idea and as a parish council we should see what can
be done to install one outside the village hall and in the longer term at the Church and in Gratton.
Cllr Hawkins suggested that it should be funded by the village hall rather than the parish council. Cllr R Ball
has received a suggestion from a parishioner that they may raise funds from a function to put towards the
provision of a defibrillator. Cllr C G Heath would be prepared to also give a donation.
It was agreed to investigate further as to whether it is feasible regarding mobile phone signals and if it is, then
it was felt that between the various organisations the cash could be found.
Any further comments:
1. Cllr R Ball advised that a dog walker had recently walked down footpath no 21 with 2 dogs on
leads. Upon arrival at the gates on the cattle track, she turned around and went back stating that she was not prepared to go through the gate as cattle were present.
2. Bus Shelter, Rudyard – Cllr D Wheeldon reported that the bus shelter in Rudyard requires
attention. Cllr R Ball said that he would ask if the volunteers could deal with this and inspect what works are
3. Cllr N Hawkins advised that SMDC will soon be looking at the ‘Local Plan’ and the detail may
lead to some upset. She was unable to give details but Cllr H Wilson confirmed it was on the Parish
Assembly agenda so more detail may be available then. Cllr R Ball said that in his opinion all Parishes
and Towns should look after themselves and not be dragged all over the country for a decision.
4. Highways matters – Cllr W F Goldstraw confirmed that matters at Dams Lane, Hathaway Lane
and Parkhouse Lane remain outstanding.
The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.35pm