Injury Prevention Intervention Theory Exercise: Haddon’s 10 Countermeasures

Instructor’s Handout – Answer Key

Group #: _____Assigned Countermeasure Stations: ______

Exercise Instructions: Use this handout to record your group number and the stations that your group will be visiting during this exercise (above). Go to the first station that your group has been assigned, and use the list below to identify at least two injury prevention interventions that seem to fit that countermeasure. Repeat this process at each of the stations that your group visits.

Injury Prevention Interventions

Identify the Haddon Countermeasure that corresponds to each of these interventions:

  • Reduce vehicle horsepower (2).
  • Fire retardant fabric (4).
  • Remove trees & poles from roadsides (5).

  • Require physical conditioning before participation in sports (8).
  • Stop manufacture & import of firearms (1).
  • Physical therapy (10).

  • Improve EMS & police response times (9).
  • Lower height of playground equipment (2).
  • Build pedestrian & bike paths separate from roads (5).

  • Trigger locks on guns (7).
  • Shelter for victims of domestic violence (5).
  • Physical & mental rehabilitation (10).

  • Shorter cleats on sports shoes (4 and/or 7).
  • Keep children out of the kitchen when cooking (5).
  • Wear sunscreen (8).

  • Increase use of smoke detectors & carbon monoxide detectors (9).
  • Close pools & beaches when a lifeguard is not on duty (1).
  • Stop manufacturing trampolines due to spinal cord injuries (1).

  • Quick release ski bindings (4).
  • Empty swimming pools when not in use (3 and/or 7).
  • Limit number of hunting days during season (2).

  • Stop manufacturing 3-wheel ATVs (1).
  • Restrict driver’s licensing to older drivers (2).
  • Use child restraints & seatbelts in motor vehicles (4).

  • Install air bags (6 and/or 4).
  • Install automatic sprinkler systems in homes or office (4).
  • Padded gym walls (7).

  • Limit the number of prescription pills to a non-lethal amount (2).
  • Place EMTs near areas with relatively high injury rate, i.e., rodeos (9).
  • Designing firearms that don’t discharge inadvertently (3 and/or 7).

  • Improve motor vehicle braking capability, especially heavy trucks (3).
  • Increase the availability of roadside emergency telephones (9).
  • Exercise therapy to prevent osteoporosis (8).

  • Ban dangerous toys such as lawn darts (1).
  • Waiting period for firearm sale (5).
  • Communication systems for EMS (9).

  • Install a fence around a dog yard (6).
  • Provide canes, walkers & handrails to the elderly in their environment (3).
  • Don’t build a swimming pool at a daycare center (1).

  • Rubber bullets (7).
  • Handicap accommodation (10).
  • Eye protection (6).

  • Require helmet use for motorcycles, bicycles & horseback riders (6).
  • Boat lights & highly visible swimwear (9).
  • File down dog’s canine teeth (2).

  • Build cribs with slats too narrow to strangle a child (7).
  • Develop a regional trauma system (10).

IHS Intermediate Injury Prevention Course