Welcome to Coleridge Families!

Coleridge Families (CF) is a charity and also the parent staff association for Coleridge Primary School. Our aim is to help our children’s education by fostering cooperation between the staff and parents, and encouraging all parents and carers to become involved in the school’s activities and through that their children’s education.

We organise activities that provide fun and education AND also raise funds. We spend the money raised on providing educational facilities not provided by the LEA.

We welcome input and ideas from everyone and there are many ways to get involved:

Our website: families.co.uk

Find out more about our annual events and details of what we fund on the Coleridge Families website. There is also a feed for the website on the left hand column of the School’s website.

Join the Facebook group

We have a closed Facebook group open to all Coleridge parents and carers. This is our main way of communicating with parents. Even if you hate Facebook and don’t use it for anything else please use it for this! You can use it to connect with others, post questions, arrange social events, ask advice or volunteer. We would love more people to join the group as this will help us reduce the amount of emails you receive from us and the class reps.

Join here:

When you join either Francesca Iannaccone or Elizabeth Mackie will send you a message to you on Facebook asking you to confirm your child’s class so that we can make sure no one unconnected to the school joins. Please look in your “other” in box to find it as you won’t be notified about any messages thatgo in there.

Become a Class Rep

After all the children have joined Reception we will seek volunteers from each class to be the class reps. Reps fulfil a vital role in liaising between the committee, parents and teachers of each class. Nearly all our events are run by a year group but some, like the Fireworks, are run by a separate committee. As a rep you will work with other reps from your year to coordinate your events and you will also arrange social events for your class. It’s enjoyable, the jobs are varied and are spread across the year and it allows you to meet and get to know many parents in your class and across the whole school. If you already think you would like to be a rep for your class, please email Amanda:

Come to the Coffee Mornings

We organise regular coffee and croissant mornings where you can chat with others or share your ideas with us.

Attend the Annual Meeting inmid-October

We welcome all parents and carers to our Annual Meeting in the West Side Hall where we will discuss funding for the year ahead.

Committee Members

We would love to have some new committee members. You don’t have to have a specific role – although if you want one that would be great - you just need to be interested in what we do. We usually meet 2 to 3 times a term in the evenings. At the moment there are about 15 people who attend regularly. If you think you’d like to join us please contact our Chair, Elizabeth for more details: .

And don't forget you can also help raise money by signing up to shop via

Thank you!
The Committee

Draft Calendar for 2015/16

Date / Event / Year to organise
Fri 11 / Reception parents coffee morning / Committee
Fri 18 / Reception parents coffee morning / Committee
tbc / Committee meeting
tbc / AGM
Weds 21 / Halloween disco (for Y3 to Y6) / Year 5
Oct/Nov / Christmas cards / Year 4
Half term 24 Oct – 1 Nov
Inset day Mon 2 Nov
Sun 8 / Fireworks / Fireworks team
tbc / Autumn Dig / tbc
Thurs 19tbc / Advent fair / Year 1
Fri 27 / Winter bazaar / Year 2
School Play costumes / Year 6
Thurs 4/ Fri 5tbc / Mulled wine Nursery Nativity / Nursery
Mon 7– Fri 11t / School play DVD’s / Year 6
Mon 14 / Christmas parties &present wrapping / Reception
Tue 15 / Carol singing & refreshments / Year 3
tbc / Committee meeting
Holiday 18 Dec- 3 Jan
Inset day Mon 4 Jan
tbc / Coffee Morning
tbc / Committee Meeting
Inset day Fri 29 Jan
Fri 5 / Quiz night / Year 4
tbc / Coffee Morning
Half term 13 Feb– 21 Feb
Fri 4 / Cake Sale / Reception/Year 2
Thurs/Fri 17/18 / Sponsored bounce / Year 1
tbc / Nursery Easter egg hunt / Nursery
tbc / Committee meeting
Holiday 19 Mar – 3 April
Sat 23 tbc / Spring dig / Reception
tbc / Coffee morning
tbc / Committee meeting
Fri 13 / Cake sale / Year 1/Year 4/5
tbc / Gig Night / Year 6
tbc / Coffee morning
Half term 28 May - 6 June (Inset Day 6 June? )
Sat 24tbc / Summer fair / Year 3
tbc / Coffee morning
Thurs 21 tbc / Leavers’ party / Year 6
tbc / Committee meeting
Inset Day Fri 22 July
Holiday 23 July – 29 August

What events do we run?

Halloween Disco

The discos are for Years 3 to 6 only. It is a fun filled couple of hours for 2 year groups at a time with a Halloween theme and lots of games as well as dancing.

Autumn and Spring Digs

These are the opportunity to get out your gardening tools and help improve the school grounds. We have helped build the outdoor classrooms, planted the allotments, cleaned the ponds and many other projects at these Saturday events twice a year.


This is a traditional fireworks display at local cricket club together with lots of added extras like music and food and drink. Like a mini-festival on a Sunday evening.

Christmas Cards

This is an opportunity to get your children’s artwork printed on a greeting or thank you card – get all your cards done in one half term project.

Advent Fair

This is an evening event aimed at adults with local stallholders and parents selling crafts, food, and gift items for the holiday season. Come and have a mulled wine and some snacks whilst you shop for presents.

Winter Bazaar

This is an event at school where children buy gifts for their families. Parents and carers provide the gifts in advance and they are pooled together and the children then shop for a minimal amount for their family members.

Quiz Night

This is for the adults – an enjoyable evening where teams of 8 pit their wits against each other in a challenging quiz whilst eating and drinking.

Sponsored Bounce

Another one for the children. We hire a bouncy castle and the children are sponsored by you for each bounce.

Gig night

This is a Year 6 fundraiser for the adults to help raise funds for the Y6 leavers book and party and also to fund the Y6 journey for those who otherwise couldn’t go. A great opportunity for parents and teachers to display their musical and comedy talents whilst having a good night out.

Summer Fair

This is our main fundraiser of the year and involves the whole school community. The Fair is arranged by Year 3 who carry out the bulk of the work but every class gets involved and has a specific stall to run.

Cake sale

A very traditional PTA event – you bring a cake and then they are sold after school. A favourite with the children.