Write an App – Semester 3 Project
It is sometimes quite a misconception that students of the current generation are “tech savvy”. Students of the current generation are not tech fearful as many previous generations have been. However, when it comes to using technology for a productive purpose (rather than for games or texting friends), students of the current generation have no more or less skill in these endeavors than any other generation. For this reason, this assignment is designed to help students to gain skills that may be used to improve student productivity in using technology.
This assignment tasks the student to find a creative way to solve a problem in chemistry by developing an app. The application may be used to help chemistry students solve common mathematical chemistry problems (like mole conversions, percent composition of formulas, molar mass of formulas), create Lewis structures or structural formulas, ask quiz questions for various chemistry topics in a fun and interesting manner, or something that you may find creative and interesting that is related to chemistry.
In addition to creating your app, you must also create a 1-4 minute demonstration video. The demonstration video should outline:
What does your app do?
What tools did you use to create your app?
How do you use your app?
You may also include information to show why your app is unique / fun for students to use.
Your submission for completion of this assignment should include:
· Your video demonstration of your app as a web link (the youtube link if you used youtube to upload your video) - 50 Points
· A short description of what your app does and why it is useful to students. If you are completing this assignment as a group, all team members should be listed in this description. – 25 Points
· Although your assignment is not due until 2/1/2016, if you turn in your COMPLETED assignment by 01/13/2016, you will receive an additional 25 points.
Your submission must be original. It cannot be something produced by a third party (someone else) that you are claiming as your own work.
It may not:
· Be indecent, defamatory, in bad taste, demonstrate lack of respect for public morals or conduct or adversely affect the reputation of the school or school district.
· Be illegal under the law
· Depict hatred, defame, threaten a specific community in the society or incite violence
· Contain vulgar language or violence
· Contain pornography, obscenity, or sexual activity.
· Violate the Intellectual Property, common law or privacy rights of other parties.