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A P R I L 2 0 1 6

Sunday Worship: 10 a.m.
Holy Communion is celebrated on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of the month.
Sunday School: 10 a.m. – 3 years old through fifth grade
Adult Bible Study: Sundays 9:00 a.m.
Youth Bible Study: 10 a.m. (1st & 3rd Sundays)

Dear Beloved Members and Friends,
When we were out in public, sometimes we saw people we know. We drove down a road and recognized people driving the other way. We saw folks from a distance in a store or in a restaurant. When we first saw the person, we may have wondered, “is that her?; is that him?” We recognized the person we know.
This month of April is a part of the Easter season of the Church Year. Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. The risen Christ appeared to His disciples on Easter Sunday and on the Sunday after Easter. Our risen Lord appeared again to His disciples by the Sea of Galilee. Jesus provided for His disciples a large number of fish. John and Peter recognized and responded to their Lord. Christ prepared and served breakfast to His disciples.
Jesus is with you today. Our risen Christ appears to us in His Word. Jesus said, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28: 20b) Our Lord speaks to you in His Word. Jesus will bless you as you hear His Word and obey it. Christ blesses you with His presence and peace.
Sometimes we did not achieve our goals in our endeavors. We caught no fish. We got a lower grade than we hoped for. We received no calls for work. There were no sales of what we were selling. There was no weight loss on our diets. We were disappointed, discouraged, and frustrated. We did not realize that Christ was with us at times. We felt alone in our circumstance.
Our risen Lord is with you and knows what is going on in your life. Jesus knows if you have no food or money. Christ knows if you have no job. Our Lord wants you to pray about what is lacking in your life.

Jesus has blessed us. You caught your limit of fish before you returned to shore. You got A’s on your report card. We had so much work some weeks that we worked all seven days. You worked overtime. You had so many sales that you needed help to handle them. You lost so much weight that some people thought you were too thin.
Our risen Lord has provided for your physical needs. Jesus has given you income, food, drink, clothing, shelter, education, and transportation.
Christ blessed you with health, healing, strength, medication, doctors, and nurses. Our Lord has provided family, friends, fellow Christians, co-workers, classmates, and neighbors. Praise and thank the Lord for meeting your needs.
Let us positively respond to our risen Lord Jesus. Confess that Jesus is our Lord in the creeds and creedal hymn. Let us worship our risen Christ by singing hymns, liturgy, and spiritual songs to Him. Speak liturgy and prayers to our Lord. Let us utilize our bodies to serve Jesus. Use our grace gifts and talents to serve Christ our Lord.
Let us obey Christ’s words. We love Jesus by obeying His commandments. If we love our Lord, we will obey His teachings. We will love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. We will love our neighbors as ourselves. Let us love one another as Jesus has loved us.
Jesus met your spiritual needs by His resurrection. God justified you by raising Christ from the dead. By raising Him from the dead, God demonstrated that Jesus’ atoning sacrifice was acceptable to Him. Christ saved you from your sins and from hell by His resurrection.
May our risen Lord bless you and your family this month of April and always!
Sincerely Yours in the Risen Christ,
Pastor Terry Nelson

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
SUNDAY SCHOOL classes are held at 10 a.m. for children three years old through fifth grade during the school year. Children are dismissed to their classes from the worship service after the opening hymn.
YOUTH in grades 6-12 are meeting for Bible Study at 10 a.m. on the first and third Sundays of the month. For questions about Bible study or youth activity nights, call Amy at 810-333-6370 or Dom at 586-864-8623.

“Stuff They Didn’t Teach me in Sunday School”
Ready to get behind the scenes on those great stories in Genesis you heard as a kid but wondered about as an adult? Well, wonder no longer. Join us for this DVD Bible study on the book of Genesis.
“For where two or three come together in My Name, there am I with them.”
(Matthew 18:20)
“Preschool With a Plus”
Registration for fall classes is off to a great start. We have just one morning spot available for 4 year olds and openings in both afternoon 3 and 4 year old classes. A $70 registration fee (cash or check) is due at the time of registration. You are welcome to come and visit a preschool class at any time. A 2016-17 Registration Form is available on our website.
If you are new to our congregation and would like more information, please call the church/school office. Call 248-437-0871 also to set up a class visit. We offer a play-based program for three and four year olds, with age appropriate academics and kindergarten readiness.
THANK YOU to those who participated in the Cherrydale Farms - Morley Candy preschool fundraiser. We appreciate your support of our preschool.

March Madness Fans Can Celebrate
For many sports fans, the NCAA March Basketball Madness is the pinnacle of the sports season. Basketball fans exhibit great spirit and enthusiasm as they cheer their favorite team or teams through the March Madness Tournament. If their team does well, many people share in the excitement of the victory. Each win in the tournament is celebrated by thousands or millions of fans. The celebration is due to the hard work, commitment, and skill of 12 young men on a basketball team, who have dedicated their time and talents to become proficient basketball players.
In a much more meaningful way, we, as God’s people, celebrate not the work of 12 people, but the work of one Savior. Jesus has done everything to make us winners. Through Baptism, His Word, and the Lord’s Supper, we have been made part of His team. Even though He ALONE has won the victory for us over sin, Satan, and death, He includes us as part of His team. We can all celebrate in the victory Jesus has won for us. Whether or not our favorite team wins in March Madness, we are all winners in Jesus. In response to what Jesus has done, we enthusiastically use our time, talents, and money to tell others about Jesus.


The Path to a Happy and Joyful Life
Even though we live in a sinful world which causes us to face challenges, struggles, and heartaches, we, who have been redeemed by Christ, are joyful people. As recipients of God’s love, grace, and mercy, we can in the most difficult times find God’s strength, peace, comfort, and even joy. God does not want us to stay in a state of despair or gloom. If we continually focus on what’s wrong in the world or even our own lives, we are causing our sorrow and unhappiness. If our appearances radiate the joy of the Lord, others will be drawn to Him as well. As the Apostle Paul learned to be content in all circumstances, we can find that same contentment and even joy in the circumstances that we encounter (Philippians 4:10-13).
St. Augustine, one of the great theologians in church history, wrote, “Every man, whatsoever his condition, desires to be happy.” Where do we look for happiness? There are two paths. Perhaps the most popular path for seeking happiness is through the accumulation of things, which can lead to temporary happiness but ultimately ends in despair and death. The path on accumulating things of the world is a very appealing path. It is a path that focuses on getting more and more. It’s a path that seeks power and prestige, which people mistakenly assume leads to ultimate happiness and security. The way of the world is centered on ourselves. It is about immediate gratification. It is about getting, taking, and hoarding. It is about an appetite for things that is never satisfied. It is about what you want now, such as a job, house, vacation, promotion, money, etc. This path ends up in abusing people and won’t bring long-term happiness.
The other path is God’s path, which leads to sustainable happiness and life that is truly life (1 Timothy 6:19). God’s path is a radically different way. It is filled with love and compassion. The focus is not on getting more and better things but on the Creator of these things. It is about faith that enables us to understand that God is the provider of all our good gifts and then expressing our thanks to Him through our words and deeds. We seek God’s guidance and direction for our lives. Through faith, we live our lives to please and serve Him by serving others. In contrast to the world’s path of getting, God’s path is centered on serving and giving. It is in our serving and giving that we find true joy. Our happiness does not come from what we have but who we are in Jesus.
Lou Holtz said to a graduating class,
if you want an hour of happiness, eat a steak;
if you want a day of happiness, golf;
if you want a week of happiness, go on a cruise;
if you want a month of happiness, buy a new car;
if you want a lifetime of happiness, put your faith in Jesus!

Thank you for your donations of non-perishable food items for Active Faith throughout the year. Donations are welcome in the box provided as you enter church. Our church has a monthly commitment of $250 to Active Faith. Your monetary donations are also invited.


+ + In memory of Edna Mattison, a gift has been given to Active Faith by Jim & Patty Wadkins.

+ + In memory of Doreen Echols, a gift has been given to Debt Reduction Principal by the Eldridge family.

+ + In memory of Doreen Echols, a gift has been given by Thomas Voltattorni and Lorraine Lsoble.

+ + In memory of Doreen Echols, a gift has been given by Annie Nichols.

+ + In memory of Doreen Echols, gifts have been given by Kenneth & Charlotte Baldinger, Robert & Mary Behrendt, Robert & Carole Rhode, and Barbara Moore.

+ + In memory of Doreen Echols, a gift has been given to VBS by Charles & Becky Staab.



+ + Doreen B. Echols

March 6, 2016


+ + Robert & Beverly Beyer

From All Saints, Hartland, MI


+ + Brian & Susan Parrish, Elise

To St.Peter’s, Rockford, MI


Thank you to all who helped prepare for our Easter celebration with the placement of altar paraments, banners, and lilies, music practice, and children’s activities.



2 Lisa Sterling

3 Rachel Tura

5 Haley Lauer

Hal Nimer

6 Julia Kreipke

8 Ronald Reichert

Gloria Schrom

9 Dawn Lanczki

Brent Sterling

Sue Zimmerman

10 Heather Sieting

15 Lillian Candela

Karen Hantz

Kenneth Nelson

16 Joe Vance

17 Vi Chambers

Cathy Eckhout

18 Sarah Zimmerman

19 Alice Miller

Luke Nelson

Samantha Hudson

21 Bob Smith

22 Stephen Flook

23 Brian Hall

27 Gary Albin

Lucille Martin



3 Dennis & Donna Evans

28 William & Leslie Pratt


CAVE QUEST – Following Jesus,

The Light of the World

The dates for our summer Vacation Bible School are being finalized for a week in July.

Many volunteers are needed to help with VBS. We welcome your feedback on date preference.


Dear Christian brothers and sisters in Christ, Saints of Cross of Christ,

In my garden, the crocus sprung up in the warming light of the sun. At the first sign of new life, the dullness of winter soon is to pass away. With the coming of crocus, we know the daffodils will follow and then the forsythia. What beautiful signs of spring. What a wonderful prelude to the celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ which we just celebrated. Christ’s resurrection is a wonderful sign of our own resurrection to eternal life with Jesus.

Even more wonderful than finding a great deal at Walmart, is the good news that Jesus lives. Having died on the cross to deliver us from sin, death, and the devil, He now lives that we might have life now and life in eternity.

Barbara and I are so looking forward to sharing this wonderful news with the people in Macau, China; to the deaf and hearing alike. They have no new life to look forward to in the darkness of their religion. They only have more of the same after death. They have no hope to live in our Father’s heavenly mansions. No hope to be clothed in glowing white robes and sitting at the heavenly banquet with Jesus in which we get a foretaste in the Lord’s Supper. The people in Macau wait for someone to tell them the good news of the Gospel. Who is going to tell them?