Darts AGM
11 August 2010
Venue: Red Herring
AgendaChairman’s report
I generally thought that the league year went very smoothly, the league was conducted without too many problems, the three leagues of ten teamsI think worked well, the divisional secretaries again completed tables on regular intervals, keeping everyone up to date, the cup was competitive and completed on time. I didn’t hear of too many disagreements.
The competitions were initially an issue, I was away on long term sick and could only get involved from behind a PC. It was agreed, from a suggestion from Paul Knapp that we could make the draw on the night, and to be honest I believe that this worked very well, and should be retained for forthcoming years. Particular thanks to David (Eden) & Paul (Knapp) for all their efforts.
I did make it to the final and thought that it was a thoroughly good evening and again thanks to David, Angie and Lorraine for all their help, and also to Richie, Paul and for their help in scoring the finals.
The Porters Lodge I think did us proud, a good venue, should use it going forward, what did people think about the filming though!
Overall I consider it a good season.
League Secretary’s Report:
Apologies from Mike, who is suffering from a back problem.
Hopefully we shall get the league registration forms out by early next week, and return date would be the 26th August. And we would like to commence season 1st week of October.
There have been enquiries by three new teams, David will supply the contacts and we will send out registration forms.
Tournament Secretary’s Report:
The Challenge Cup final was played on 31/3 where Cazenove Old Boys beat Lovells and the Guthrie Cup was played on 13/4 when Bank of England beat Norfolk and Secs. Porters Lodge was used for both finals which was a good venue as players could practice on other boards.
Mark Hickey of Lloyds Lads asked that contact details of teams in other divisions are sent to each division to enable contact when drawn against a team not in their division.
Treasurer’s Report:
Last year’s minutes recorded a profit of £60.79 but with adjustments for costs at the AGM this is now £22.65. Income from subs was up by £260 (£35 per team) and other income and costs are in line with last year. We are currently showing a profit of £296.83 although this will reduce for the same reason as last year. Last year it was voted for subs to be at £40 with a £10 discount for attending the AGM. 21 existing and 1 new team (Porters Misfits) were represented tonight which will swallow this year’s profit.
Election of Committee Members:
As there were no nominations or volunteers for Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer and Website Secretary all 4 were re-elected:-
Chairman – Norman Roberts – proposed by Mike Kane and seconded by Mark Shackleford
Secretary – Mike Allen – proposed by Mike Kane and seconded by Andy Fox
Treasurer – Angie Jones – proposed by Lorraine Hayward and seconded by Andy Fox
Tournament Secretary – David Eden agreed to stand for the position (excluding Cup Matches) and was proposed by MikeKane and seconded by Shellie Pracey
Website – David Eden – proposed and seconded as above
Election of Divisional Secretaries:
Of the existing Divisional Secretaries Mike Kane and David Eden indicated that they will be willing to stand next season but Paul Knapp was not present. Lorraine Hayward said if Paul no longer wished to do it she would be happy to replace him. Paul subsequently confirmed he will continue. If there is a 4th Division Lorraine should be approached.
No proposals were submitted before the AGM but Norfolk & Secs would have liked to have proposed for a format change. See below under Any Other Business.
Any other business:
Phil Cordingley (AP Old Boys) suggested that notable achievements, i.e. Low dart finishes, highest shots out and 180’s scored in cup competitions should be recorded by the Divisional Secretaries but notbe included in the season’s total and shown separately. It was agreed that teams will also e-mail the result sheet to the Divisional Secretary highlighting the achievement in the covering e-mail. This was carried.
Darren Wiltshire spoke on behalf of Norfolk & Secs. He said their matches go on too long and would they like to adopt the 19 games of 1 leg, (9 pairs, 4 triples and 6 singles) format. A change of format was unanimously rejected by each division at last year’s AGM and it was minuted that the result sheet would include an area to record start and finish times. Divisional Secretaries advised that this was only completed at the beginning of the season. Norfolk and Secs wanted the bottom division to trial the change of format but some felt that all leagues should play the same format. It was recommended that Norfolk & Secs contact other teams to gauge support throughout the season, teams fill in the start and finish times on the result sheets and Norfolk & Secs submit a proposal prior to next year’s AGM if they have some support for it.
Andy Fox (Lovells) said that the website had not been updated regularly. David Eden apologised saying he had had some personal problems. It was also questioned why Derek’s holiday homes feature on the website. Angie believed that Derek made a donation to the league some years ago to enable him to advertise his holiday homes to league players but we may not be obliged to continue to promote them. It was suggested that we adopt a website format used by other leagues and Lorraine Hayward agreed to send details of the websites – Chsdl.leaguerepublic.com and lioda.leaguerepublic.com to David Eden. Rob Madigan (Porters Lodge) also mentioned their singles summer league website enabled players to submit their own scores.
The AGM closed at 7.50p.m