Observation of learning, playing and interacting in the EYFS – achieving better outcomes (child initiated/adult-led)

Assistant observed: Childminder: Date:

Context :

Possible prompts / Observation notes
Warm and affectionate
Appropriate language/communication used
Use language of thinking and learning
Skilfully question children
Extending the use of new words
Intervening at appropriate time and for the appropriate reason
Activity level of challenge is appropriate for age/stage
Encourage and support children to relate to others
Encourage children’s efforts at independence
Support children to resolve conflicts through problem-solving
Take time to observe children as a natural part of all normal activity
Interpret and respond to children’s actions and words to try to understand the child’s thinking and learning
Scaffold children’s learning through talk, discuss strategies and ideas, suggest possibilities and model approaches
Children are given time to think, talk, explore
Modelling self talk, describing actions
Model being a thinker
Carefully re-shape focused learning opportunities in response to observed interests, learning and development
Provide experiences using fresh, creative and playful approaches based on an understanding of how children learn
Provide experiences to explore and discover
Children are enabled to test their own ideas and are supported to achieve what they set out to do
Support children to persevere through difficulties, to think about and take risks, to ask questions and problem-solve
Provide feedback to help children to review progress and leaning
Be specific with praise that focuses on mastery rather than the performance goals or end product
Directly teach through demonstrating or explaining
Identify and support next steps in learning

Playing and Interacting in the EYFS – Achieving Better Outcomes

Evaluation and Agreed Areas for Development

Assistant observed:



Strengths / Areas for Development
Strategies / Support Provided by Childminder
Signed by Childminder:
Signed by Assistant:
Date: / Review Date:
Method of Review:

C:\Documents and Settings\szanelli\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK16\Observation and evaluation of learning forms.doc