English 101, Welcome Letter Page | 2

Welcome to English 101 Online at UNM-LA!

I’m Ms. Tracy Thompson, and I will be your instructor for this course. I’m looking forward to a great semester! We’ll be working on academic reading and writing, the kind that will be important in other courses you take , in your career, and in every day life. Many of our readings will focus on the topic of authenticity, which you’ll learn more about from the syllabus and in week 1. I’ve attached the course syllabus and a general schedule of assignments. Please read these documents carefully. If you have questions at any point, please do not hesitate to contact me at my UNM email address (), through the course message system in Learn, or by phone at (505-690-0412, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm).

Please remember that this is an online course, so you may encounter some technical difficulties or mishaps. Don’t Panic. You may:

−  Contact me at my UNM email address

−  Call the friendly folks at the help desk: 505-277-0857, option 2 (M-F 8:00 am – 5:00 pm) – IT and Learn support on main campus.

−  Check FastInfo: http://fastinfo.unm.edu (UNM searchable knowledge base)

−  Contact UNM-LA IT supporthttp://losalamos.unm.edu/campus-life/computing-services/index.html or email

−  Check Learn’s help online: http://online.unm.edu/help/learn/students/

Please be aware that all online courses at UNM and UNM-are taught in Blackboard Learn. If there is an issue you are trying to resolve, let me know. We’ll work it out!

Even though there are no class meetings to attend, there will be many opportunities for interactions with other students and with me. We will create an on-line class community in which we will share ideas and learn from each other; it just won’t be face to face. Although the entire class is online, I teach traditional classes at UNM’s Los Alamos campus and have an office there. If you ever need to see me in person, please call or email me. I’m also available to meet by appointment.

Because the course is entirely on-line, you will need to work independently and manage your time carefully. Some students think that online courses are easier or have less work than traditional courses; this is a misconception. Expect to spend 9-12 hours a week working on this course, just as you would in a traditional three credit course (including classroom time). Though you work independently, this course is not self-paced. Each week’s module folder will contain the work due that week: reading assignments, lectures, videos, discussion questions, homework assignments, and writing projects. You will need to sign in on a regular basis—no less than 3 different days a week—and discipline yourself to put aside time each week to complete your work for this course. Plan your time carefully and do not get behind. Contact me for help if you need it.

What should do you do to begin:

●  Buy the textbook. We will be using The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing Concise Edition, 6th edition, Ed. Rampage, Bean, and Johnson, ISBN-13: 978-0-205-82314-7, Our textbook is available through the UNM-LA Bookstore : http://bookstore.mbsdirect.net/unm.htm. [Note: the textbook may be available for purchase elsewhere, but if you do not purchase it through the UNM-LA bookstore, you will not be able to sell them back to the bookstore at the end of the semester.] An ebook is available to rent from CourseSmart at http://www.coursesmart.com/9780205019601. You will have an assignment from this book every week, beginning with week one, so if you don’t have it yet, you will need to order it immediately.

●  You should read the UNM-LA eLearning Student Guide found at http://losalamos.unm.edu/academics/online-learning/students/online-learning-student-guide-blackboard.pdf

●  If you’ve never taken an online course, you should read and take the “Online Readiness Assessment” in Appendix A to decide if you are prepared for the demands of an online course. In addition, Appendix B lists the computer skills that you will need in an online course. In addition, I recommend you view Blackboard Learn’s tutorial videos found here: http://ondemand.blackboard.com/students.htm

●  Set up your computer. Appendix C of the UNM-LA eLearning Student Guide describes the computer and internet environment that you will need; you should make sure that you have this set up and working before the beginning of the semester. Access to a high-speed internet connection is strongly recommended. Appendix E discusses how to create a back-up plan to deal with computer and technical problems. For a current list of browsers that are compatible with the latest version of Learn, see: https://help.blackboard.com/en-us/Learn/9.1_SP_12_and_SP_13/Student/040_Browser_Support_for_SP_13

●  You should also read the Course Overview file, the course syllabus, and the schedule, which I’ve attached to this email. They explain the course structure, how to navigate through the course in Learn, and course policies and expectations.

I highly recommend that you log into the class website on Monday, January 20th or Tuesday, January 21st. Since the first day of the semester is a holiday, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we’ll begin working on Tuesday. The following link will take you to Learn where you can log in: https://learn.unm.edu/.

First, go to the Course Orientation module folder and follow the instructions for beginning the course. Once you are familiar with the course syllabus and schedule and with Learn, begin the assignments found in the Week 1 module.

Finally, it is my sincere hope that each of you succeed in this course. I believe that the analytical reading and writing skills you will develop in this course will help you wherever your career path takes you. If you have any questions about the readings or other material we’re covering, please ask!

With all of that said....again, welcome to the semester. I look forward to working with everyone, and I hope participating in this course is a great learning experience for you!