Reasons to go West:

1. __

2. __

3. ___

Free Land in the West:

1. ___—law that gave settlers ___

2. ___—law that gave federal land to state governments __.

Religious Freedom

1. ___—founder of the Church of Latter-Day Saints (___)

2. __ moved believers to Salt Lake City, ___.

Whose Land is this Land?

1. Government opened up Indian land for white settlement

2. ____—_____ in which some 50,000 home seekers __

3. __—Black soldiers sent to keep Indians on their land (reservations)

Living in the West

1. Life difficult—weather, wild animals, Indian attacks, landscape (no trees)

2. __—homes built on the range ___

Who Went West and Why?

1. _____ Immigrants

Used to build the __

Railroad connected the East to the West


Railroad helped cattle-ranching and mining

Towns sprang up along the railroad

2. Women

___ in the west

Tried to drive out _____

3. Freed Slaves

_____ for a new start

Majority of ____

Riches in the Earth

1. ____ was profitable in the West

2. ____—____ that sent thousands of prospectors to the West

*Boomtowns to Ghost towns

Death of a People’s way of Life

1. Indians ___ for food, clothing, weaponry, and money

2. __ while building the transcontinental railroad

3. Buffalo wiped out to force Indians on Reservations

“I Will Fight No More Forever”

1. Native Americans fought against westward expansion

2. ____—leader of the __

Forced to move to a Reservation in Idaho

Tried to move to Canada

Fought the U.S. Army

Captured and sent to Reservation in Oklahoma

More Indians resist Assimilation

1. ___

_____ after gold found on their land (Black Hills)

Indian Warriors led by Chiefs __

______ at Little Big Horn Creek



Sioux performing ____

U.S. Army sent in to arrest Indians

____, but many Indians escape

Army catches up with Indians and kills all 170-370 Sioux: men, women, and children


Group of whites kills over 200 Indians

Reformers and the Indians

_____—writes about how the _____ by America in the book, “___”

_____—law that _____

Believed this would led to assimilation