Federation Meeting
EuroCHRIE Federation
Council on Hotel, Restaurant and
Institutional Education /

Date: Friday July 22 2016.

Time: 10.15-11.15am

Room: Austin 3

Item / Minutes
Present / Ed Kastli, Maureen Brookes, Bill Samenfink, Peter Russell, Ralf Burbach, Kevin Nield, John Fong, Anders Justenlund
Apologies for absence / Were read
Call to order (JF) / Welcome to EuroCHRIE Federation Meeting in Dallas, USA
Approval of Minutes from the Autumn meeting in Manchester (AJ) / BS moved for motion to approve
RB seconded
Minutes approved
President’s Report (JF) / JF informed the federation members on the following items:
  • Funds from ICHRIE to EuroCHRIE ($8500) (Action Point John Lohr to set an online strategy for EuroCHRIE)
  • HAMA workshop Rene Beil for EuroCHRIE members
  • Alex Rayner AMADEUS training/Big data Workshop
  • John Lohr provides access to HOSCO for EuroCHRIE (could be a plan for the online strategy)
  • RB suggested a welcome pack for new members (on boarding process). Action point John Lohr + Ralf Burbach).
  • Joint conference with ApacCHRIE - 2019 is suggested as the year for the conference.
  • JF thanked Kevin Nield for his service for EuroCHRIE.

Immediate Past President’s Report (KN) / KN called out for Award nominations for Budapest 2016
Nomination should come straight to KN
Vice President’s Report (JF) /
  • Strategy meeting perspectives (e-invoices from ICHRIE system needs improvement ICHRIE is working to improve this)
  • Bounced back notification.

Secretary’s Report / Handover to Chrystel Masdupuy with immediate effect.
Treasurer’s Report / JF read the budgets and informed the meeting about EuroCHRIE balances. We hope to see record numbers after the EuroCHRIE conference in Budapest.
Board of Directors’ Reports and Area Consultants’ Reports (as necessary) /
  1. NETWORKING & CONFERENCES (Patricia Cuevas)
  2. Not present
  4. Not present
  5. MEMBERSHIP (Henry Kuokkanen)
  6. Not present
  7. INDUSTRY RELATIONS (Peter Russell)
  8. PR will work with JL in relation to the online perspectives and value proposition for industry partners.
  9. Will be meeting with IOH on how to create the right value proposition in relation to partnership/sponsorship.
  10. Continue to work with Melanie Smith on the sponsored workshops for Budapest 2016
  11. RESEARCH (Elizabeth Ineson)
  12. Not present
  13. EDUCATION (Ralph Burbach)
  14. Value proposition focused on learning/educational resources online for educators to share.
  15. AHLEI are willing to provide some resources for this forum. Thank you to Ed Kastli

Changes to Bylaws (Bill Samenfink) (as necessary) / All set – no changes/updates
Any other business /
  • JF’s position in relation to his move to the US - outside of EuroCHRIE “territory”. EuroCHRIE supports JF’s position as EuroCHRIE President for the rest of his presidency (both as president and immediate past president)
  • The meeting moved for a motion to keep JF in his position when he moves to Miami. All who were present were in favour.
  • Appointment of a second Director at large for EuroCHRIE – Ed Kastli was appointed. The Federation welcomes Ed Kastli in his new position.
  • Call for nomination to ICHRIE board position. MB called out for potential candidates from ICHRIE (Marketing, Networking, Secretary, Education).

Date and time of next meeting / Annual General Meeting, Budapest Hungary October 28 2016.
Time to be confirmed
Close of Meeting / Meeting ended 11.14am

Anders Justenlund,Honorary Secretary2016