Minutes—November 12, 2015

School Site Council

I. Introductory Procedure

  1. Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 2:43 p.m.

Establishment of Quorum

Quorum was established with 9members:

4 parents- Erika Ontiveros, Jorge Sanchez, and Laura Flores, Karen Ayala

3 teachers- Patricia Powers, Grace Poole, and Michele Cevallos

1 other staff- Kim Hildebrandt

1 administrator-Emily Devor

1 non-member- Carla Calderon (PS/IC)

  1. Pledge of Allegiance-Pledge recited
  2. Welcome-All members welcomed

II. Action Items

  1. Approve meeting Minutes from October 22, 2015

A motion was made to approve September minutes, with corrections by Kim Hildebrandtand seconded by Michele Cevallos.

Corrections: Item III #7b- DTD to TBD # 8-apply to applied

9 were in favor, 0 were opposed. (9- 0).

  1. Approve Title 1 Expenditures

A motion was made to approve Categorical Expenditures by Grace Poole and seconded by Emily Devor

9 were in favor, 0 were opposed. (9- 0).

III. Discussion/Information

  1. Budget Report
  2. Our principal has requested that our Computer Assistant’s salary be paid with general funds. The majority of schools do not use categorical money for this purpose.
  3. Training: Parent Involvement Policy, Three-Way Compact, and School Website

a.Uniform Complaint Procedure/SARC

Principal reviewed process step by step. She also reviewed the School Accountability report card and directed parents to our website where it can be found in Spanish.

  1. SPSA Input 2015-2016
  2. Principal presented data on Long Term English Learners (LTEL). We have 62 5th grade students who have attended a US school since kinder, 38 of them who have attended Terrace all 6 years, who have not been reclassified, and therefore considered LTEL. The council suggested promoting more reading at home and offering incentives. It was proposed to hold meetings with these students and their parents. A goal focused on reclassification would be added to their personal plans, which each student already has.
  3. ELAC/DELAC Report
  1. DELAC president had to step down, so a new president had to be reelected. The council asked for data that shows how being a LTEL vs. RFEP student affects them after high school.
  1. PAC-no report
  2. ATP (Action Team for Partnership)
  1. The team discussed up-coming activities for Parent Involvement Week
  1. Program Reports
  2. Professional Development Opportunities

We continue to train in Thinking Maps and will soon receive training in NGSS

  1. Parent Training Opportunities

Our Parent University is offered once a month. Parents continue to learn more about Thinking Maps.

  1. Interventions

All tutoring groups continue at full capacity.

  1. Principal’s Report

Emily Devor attended the NEU convention and talked about the charity of the year, “Together We Rise,” Terrace’s goal is to donate $3,000. The organization committed to using the proceeds for foster youth in our community.Ted Springer, our school psychologist, runs an orphanage, “Casa de mi Familia,” which has been accepted into the NEU network. She also recently presented our school at the Board Meeting. She was proud to present the following employees with a certificate: Kim Hildebrand for her involvement in reaching out to Norte Vista students to participate in some of our events and connect with our students, Jessica Salas and Judy Kennedy for their hard work in starting our DLI program, and our student of the month, Raquel Vazquez, for her hard work and perseverance. Raquel gave a beautiful speech and did Terrace proud. In addition, Emily Devor discussed attendance. In October our attendance was 93%, our lowest to date. Our average is around 96% and our goal is97%. She will schedule meetings with parents of students with excessive tardies. We will pilot a Music Program with our 5th grade students to begin in January 2016. Students will work with Alpin Hong and instructors twice a week.

Mrs. Cevallos reported that 5th grade classes visited Jensen Alvarado Museum and the students learned about life in the 1800s.

IV. Hearing Session/Public Comments

This item is placed on the agenda so that members of the audience have the opportunity to speak regarding subjects or concerns that do not appear on the agenda. The chair reserves the right to limit the speaking time to three minutes. Government Code Section 54954.2 and Education Code Section 35154.5 prohibit the council from discussion or acting upon matters not on the agenda.

V. Adjournment

  1. Agenda building for next meeting
  2. The next SSC meeting is scheduled for January 6, 2016at 2:30 p.m.
  3. Adjournment: Action Item

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00. A motion was made to adjourn by Kim Hildebrandt and seconded by Grace Poole.

9 were in favor, 0 were opposed. (9- 0).