Time called to order: 6:41 pm
Absences:Stephen Ecker, Andrew Hawkins, Mark Smith, Matt Young
Guest Speakers: None
Student Concerns: None
Minutes approved as:Written
Corrections: None
President: Our state’s representative will be speaking in Tulsa tomorrow night. He will be talking about higher education “100 ideas for the next 100 years”. It is tomorrow (Tuesday) from 5-7pm. We will pay for you to ride BOB if you are interested in going. It should be interesting and a good way for us to get the viewpoints from politicos in Oklahoma City.
Vice President: None
Treasurer: None
Advisor: I think we finally got the webpage worked out. Hopefully it will be up and running tomorrow. Ebony, Austin, and I have figured out what we are going to get for our trinkets for the Renter’s Fair. We will get 500 of each of the following items: orange tote bag, a stress ball in the shape of a house, and a dry erase board with useful #’s as well as general info about OCSA. We will be sending out invitations for Renter’s Fair next week.
Other: None
A bill was passed. It was featured in the O’Colly today. There were no speakers. The allocation of money was big issue. It will be taken to the Supreme Court, so this should get interesting!
University: None
Civic Affairs: I have a piece of legislation that will go through this committee. See you at the super committee meeting Wed. 5:30 pm.
Internal Affairs: Nothing formal. Not that many people here. I’ve been talking to people and looking forward to more interviews.
Renter’s Advisory Council: None
Vice-Chair:I took care of absences earlier. I’m not too happy and have emailed these people. Hopefully, I will be getting some responses soon.
Chair:Austin touched on the subject of the empty plaqards in the OCSA office. We should look into that. We might be losing some people, but your word of mouth is working. More and more people are hearing about OCSA and understanding who we are. Keep up the good work!
- Appointments: Taylor Haines-Attorney General, Austin Kershner & Keegan Davis-Senators
- S07RC06-A recommendation to the OSUColvinCenter to keep their equipment clean.
- S07RC07-A recommendation to the City of Stillwater to paint a crosswalk and stop line at the intersection of 3rd and Perkins on the West side.
- S07RC08-A recommendation to OCSA to sponsor OCSA senators/reps. For the purpose of attending O.I.L.
- S07RC09-A resolution to appoint Taylor Haines as Attorney General.
Motion was made to adjourn at 7:16 pm