Parenting Education Committee of Prevention Works!
8:00 a.m. on January 6, 2009
Those attending the January 6th meeting included Florence Bucierka, Nancy Martin, Martha Hastings, Jennifer Charles, Karen Meyer, and Cynthia Martin.
Strengthening Families relevance for 4th through 8th grade. The group discussed the concerns expressed about the having Strengthening Families for children of this age range. Given the need to adapt the curriculum to the participants, the group agreed that the material was appropriate especially with competent instructors. Jayme Wisecup will be leading the next group for the Healthy Youth Coalition.
Strengthening Families through Parent Line begins February 11 for children 4 to 11.
The Incredible Years began last night at First Teacher for parents of young children.
Meeting with Kierstan Pool from Family Therapeutic Court to discuss curriculum for parents of young children. Nancy Martin, Nita Lynn, and Cynthia will be meeting with her hopefully this week.
Brief discussion about checking into conversion between VCR and discs.
Discussion of pending Parenting Summit on May 2 from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Cost will be $5.00 per person and $7.00 for 2 people. Snack, coffee, drinks, but no lunch. Publicity flyers in newsletters and through newspapers. Jennifer will set up the budget information for us.
Title: Messages To Our Kids
Time schedule:8:30 Registration (Coffee and snacks)
8:45 Welcome (Cynthia Martin representing PreventionWorks!Parenting Education Committee) Announce end of the program statements from each person
8:50Welcome from Commissioner
8:55Parade of Leaders with Message To Our Kids (School Superintendent, Sheriff, Pediatrician (Weller), Commissioner, Newspaper, Judge, Mayor, Tribes, Senior Citizen (grandparent), Faith Community, CPS, Foster Parents, Youth Groups (YMCA, Little League, Parks and Recreation, Scouting), Service Clubs), and SNAP 1 minute-1 sentence each with a balloon from Nancy Martin
and message to address “The Importance of messages we send to our kids.”
9:15 Kevin Haggerty
10:30Session 1
11:25Session 2
12:20Large Group Reconvenes (Participants write out Take Away Message each participant will follow up on that says “What message do I want to send to my kids.”)
Messages To Our Kids (Each group having one person from community and one from our committee as Leaders)
Group 1 Family Values: Leaders Cathy Shay and Nancy Martin
Group 2Delivering Critical Messages in Positive Ways: Leaders Marian Birch and Karen Meyer
Group 3Modern Technology: Leaders Lisa and Mr. Mosely
Group 4What Do You Want for Your Child? Leaders ______and ______
Group 5?Special Messages for Special Kids: Leaders ______and ______
We need Martha and Nita to pick from the two groups 4 and 5.
Nancy will talk with Teresa Stuber about the possibility of the Special Kids group.
Karen will talk with Kevin Haggerty and get back to us.
Cost of using the Church is $100.
Need to consider what kind of handouts.
Need to work on budget for Prevention Works (Jennifer).
Our plan is to meet on Tuesday, January 20 at 8 a.m. at Parent Line to firm up some details and before we begin to talk with people.