Worksheet #2 – Classification of Matter II

Name: ______Period:______

Part A: Classification of Matters

1.  Fill in the Blanks

A(n) ______is a pure substance that is made of only one kind of atom.

The symbol for a(n) ______is always one or two letters. When the symbol

contains two letters, the first letter is always ______, and the second

letter is always ______.

A(n) ______is a pure substance containing two or more elements that are

______combined. A(n) ______is represented by a chemical

______. The elements in a(n) ______always combine in


A(n) ______is made of two or more substances that are ______

combined. A(n) ______that is uniformly mixed is called ______.

A special name for this is a(n) ______. A(n) ______that is not

uniformly mixed is called ______. A special type of mixture that is a solid

______of two or more metals is called a(n) ______.

2.  Identify each of the common items below as an element, a compound or a mixture. Their chemical formulas have been given to help you out.

a.  Sugar (C6H12O6)

b.  Phosphorous (P4)

c.  Battery Acid (H2SO4)

d.  Air (N2 & O2 & CO2 …)

e.  Oxygen (O2)

f.  Milk (C6H12O6 & H2O & C50H102O3)

g.  Gold (Au)

h.  Granite (SiO2 & KAlSi3O3 & K3Si3O10)

i.  Drain Cleaner (Al & NaOH & …)

j.  Sodium (Na)

k.  Water (H2O)

l.  Salt Water (NaCl & H2O)

3.  Which one the following is NOT a true statement?

a.  Two or more atoms held together with bonds make up a molecule.

b.  Pure substances are made of only one type of atom.

c.  At least two types of atoms are required to make a compound.

d.  Mixtures can be made of two elements, two components and an element & compound.

4.  In a sugar molecule (C6H12O6):

a.  How many types of atoms are present?

b.  How many atoms are present?

5.  In granite, there are two components (KAlSi3O3 & K3Si3O10) present. Are those two elements or compounds? Are they the same? Explain.

Part B: Chemical and Physical Properties

Classify each of properties listed below as PP (Physical Property), PC (Physical Change), CP (Chemical Property), CC (Chemical Change)

1. Color ______10. reactivity ______

2. Combustibility ______11. Unreactive ______

3. Hardness ______12. Odor ______

4. Density______13. stability ______

5. Mass ______14. Malleability ______

6. Melting point ______15. Tendency to corrode ______

7. Ductility______16. reacts with water ______

8. Volume______17. Weight ______

9. rusting ______18. solubility ______

Go back to the list above (1-18) and indicate whether Intensive (I) or Extensive (E)

Some of the measured properties of a given substance are listed below. Write the general name describing each property. Select the names from the following properties: chemical, malleability, density, volume, hardness, melting point, ductility, mass, odor, weight, combustibility.

19. 15 dm3 ______

20. Can easily be hammered into sheets ______

21. 2.8 g/cm3 ______

22. Burns when heated in the presence of O2. ______

23. Stinks when heated ______

24. 500 oC ______

25. Can easily be drawn into a wire ______

Classify the following properties as extensive or intensive.

26. mass ______27. ductility ______28. melting point ______

29. color ______30. length ______31. conductivity ______

Chemical and Physical Changes

1. Classify each of the following as chemical or physical changes:

a. growth of a plant / ______
b. fading of dye in cloth / ______
c. melting of ice / ______
d. digestion of food / ______
e. formation of / ______
f. heating of a wood / ______
g. making a rock candy by evaporating water from sugar solution / ______
h. production of light by an electric arc / ______
i. burning of a coal / ______
j. tearing of a piece of paper / ______
k. kicking of a football / ______
l. excavating of a soli / ______
m. exploding of a firecracker / ______

2. Which of the following involve a change in state of a substance?

a. grinding beef into hamburgers ______

b. soldering wires on a computer circuit board by melting solder ______

c. pouring milk into a glass ______

d. allowing soup to cool in a bowl ______

3. Classify the following properties as chemical or physical.

a. heat conductivity ______e. length ______

b. combustible ______f. brittleness ______

c. acid resistant ______

d. displaces hydrogen from water ______