



ON Thursday 5th April 2007




RECOMMENDATIONS: That approval be given to the recommendations in thisreport



This report details the proposals and recommendations of the Traffic Management Unit for the introduction of a Community Parking Scheme within the area surrounding Swinton Town Centre.



Capita Symonds Parking and Congestion Study

Report to the Lead Member for Planning dated 10th July 2006

Report to the Lead Member for Planning dated 8th January 2007




SOURCE OF FUNDING:Devolved Capital Section 106 Monies




FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; The scheme will be funded through block 3

COMMUNICATION IMPLICATIONS: Affected parties will be invited to the panel

VALUE FOR MONEY IMPLICATIONS: The scheme will be implemented by Urban

Vision as part of the Block 3 Devolved

Budget works

CLIENT IMPLICATIONS: The scheme is an approved scheme brought forward through the devolved budget process

CLIENT OFFICER: Darren Findley








KEY COUNCIL POLICIES: Environmental Strategy, Transport Strategy



Following the introduction of a pay and display system within the car parks for Swinton Shopping Centre the level of parked vehicles within the surrounding roads to the north of Chorley Road increased, causing disruption and inconvenience to the local community.

Representation was made to the Local Authority by way of a residents petition, and a considerable number of letters were received highlighting the difficulty now experienced by the community due to the lack of on street parking.

There was also an existing record of complaints from the residents surrounding the Civic Centre both to the north and south of Chorley Road due to number of vehicles belonging to City Council workers that were left unattended for the full duration of the working day

Capita Symonds were commissioned by the Local Authority to undertake a parking and congestion study of the area which resulted in a number of recommendations highlighting the residents and business requirement for a Community Parking Scheme in the area surrounding the Civic Centre

An initial set of proposals were devised and submitted to the Lead Member for Planning.

These proposals were approved with a recommendation to consult with the Local Community.

A consultation exercise and a series of residents meetings were conducted to ascertain the views in respect of the proposals, and to ensure that as far as possible the views of the residents and businesses were taken fully into account in determining any future potential measures that could be introduced. As a result of this exercise a number of minor amendments were subsequently incorporated given that parking schemes affect people in different ways. It was also agreed that the most appropriate way forward would be to introduce the scheme via an experimental Traffic Regulation Order for two years. This would allow the scheme to be fully assessed prior to making the order permanent

It is proposed that the experimental order be reviewed at 3 monthly intervals

The basis of the original scheme would have seen parking regulations introduced that in the main only allowed vehicles to be parked during specific times for 1 hour return prohibited in 2 hours with an exemption for permit holders. However during the consultation exercise it became apparent that the residents living to the north of Chorley Road did not want this concession so that only permit holders will be able to park in this area

During the consultation it was agreed that the period of operation of the scheme would be 24/7 within the parking bays situated in area to north of the Chorley Road and Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm in those areas to the south of Chorley Road. Differing times are proposed for Partington Lane due to the category of road and its associated use

Permits will be issued to all residents with vehicles registered within the area on a one for one basis and 1 visitor permit would be given to each household. Businesses will be considered on their requirements but it is envisaged that no more than 4 permits will be given to any single business in the area.

In order to allow parking bays to be introduced on both sides of the road there is a requirement on Clarendon Road and Stafford Road to introduce a one way traffic flow system to ensure vehicle manoeuvrability and highway safety. A similar request was also received for Paddison Street but unfortunately it is too narrow to allow bays on both sides even if it were to revert to one way working.

The proposals also include provision for a disabled parking bay on Clarendon Road adjacent to the Agnes Hopkins Centre and a further disabled bay on Wellington Road

Within the proposed scheme area there are three existing advisory only disabled parking bays which will require removal in order to facilitate the scheme. Reimbursement will need to be arranged for those residents that have paid to have these bays introduced

The specific layout and details of the scheme are as detailed in the recommendations below and attached plans.

In relation to St Anns Street no proposals are to be submitted at this stage due to the requirement to obtain permission from Government Office North West for the signs that would be needed to reflect the residents request of only permitting permit holders only to park without the need for parking bays and yellow lines.


1) Introduction of No Waiting Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.

Pendlebury Road

East Side:

From a point 10m south west of the junction with the southerly kerbline of Sandy Grove in a north easterly direction to a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Sandy Grove

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Milner Street for a distance of 10m in a south westerly direction

Both Sides:

From a point 10 m south west of the junction with the southerly kerbline of Wardley Street to a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street.

Milner Street

South Side

From the junction with the easterly kerbline of Pendlebury Road for a distance of 10m in south easterly direction.

Stafford Road

Both Sides:

from the junction with the southerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 10m in a south westerly direction.

from the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 10m in a north easterly direction.

East Side:

from the junction with the southerly kerbline of Swinton Hall Road for a distance of 10m in a south westerly direction.

West Side:

from the junction with the southerly kerbline of Swinton Hall Road for a distance of 20m in a south westerly direction.

Clarendon Road

Both Sides:

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 10m in a south westerly direction.

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 10m in a north easterly direction.

East Side

From a point 83m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 8m in a north easterly direction.

West Side

From a point 65.5m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street in a north easterly direction for a distance of 29m

Wardley Street

South Side

From the junction with the westerly kerbline of Pendlebury Road to a point 10m north west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Stafford Road.

From a point 10m south east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Clarendon Road to a point 10m north west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Clarendon Road.

North Side

From the junction with the westerly kerbline of Pendlebury Road for a distance of 12m in a north westerly direction

From a point 10m south east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Stafford Road to a point 10m north west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Clarendon Road.

Swinton Hall Road

South Side

From a point 10m south east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Stafford Road to a point 10m north west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Stafford Road.

2) Introduction of No Waiting Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm

Deans Road

North Side

From the junction with the westerly kerbline of Stockton Street for a distance of 10m in a westerly direction

From a point 10m east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Paddison Street to a point 10m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Paddison Street.

From a point 10m east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Bedford Avenue to a point 10m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Bedford Avenue

From a point 10m east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of St Peters Road to a point 10m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of St Peters Road.

From a point 10m east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Deanscourt Avenue to a point 10m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Deansourt Avenue.

South Side

From a point 20m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 19m in a westerly direction

From a point 56m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 11m in a westerly direction

From a point 72m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 10m in a westerly direction.

From a point 99m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 24m in a westerly direction

From a point 138m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 29m in a westerly direction

From a point 200m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 26m in a westerly direction

Stockton Street

East Side

For its entire length

West Side

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 10m in a northerly direction.

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Everton Street for a distance of 10m in a southerly direction.

Paddison Street

East Side

For its entire length

West Side

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 10m in a northerly direction

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Everton Street for a distance of 10m in a southerly direction.

Bedford Avenue

East Side

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 10m in a northerly direction

West Side

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 18m in a northerly direction.

St Peters Road

East Side

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 33 metres in a northerly then north easterly direction.

From a point 57m north of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Everton Street for a distance of 24m in a northerly direction

From a point 124m north of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Everton Street to the junction with the southerly kerbline of Vicarage Road.

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Everton Street for a distance of 9m in a southerly direction.

West Side

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 10m in a northerly direction

From a point 10m south of the junction with the southerly kerbline of Heywood Street to a point 10m north of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Heywood Street

From a point 10m south of the junction with the southerly kerbline of St Anns Street to a point 10m north of the junction with the northerly kerbline of St Anns Street

From a point 39m north of the junction with the northerly kerbline of St Anns Street for a distance of 5m in a northerly direction.

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Everton Street for a distance of 10m in a southerly direction

Both Sides

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Everton Street for a distance of 10m in a northerly direction.

Deanscourt Avenue

East Side

For its entire length.

West Side

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 10m in a northerly direction

From a point 73m north of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Deans Road for a distance of 23m in a northerly direction

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Heywood Street for a distance of 10m in a southerly direction.

Heywood Street

South Side

From the junction with the westerly kerbline of St Peters Road to a point 5m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Deanscourt Avenue.

North Side

From the junction with the westerly kerbline of St Peters Road for a distance of 10m in a westerly direction

Everton Street

South Side

From a point 3m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane to a point 2m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of St Peters Road

North Side

From a point 3m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 19m in a westerly direction

From the junction with the easterly kerbline of St Peters Road for a distance of 10m in a easterly direction.

Vicarage Road

North Side

From a point 10m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 49m in a westerly direction

From a point 110m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Partington Lane in a westerly direction to the junction with Balliol Street

South Side

From the junction with the easterly kerbline of St Peters Road for a distance of 12m in a easterly direction.

Stanwell Road

North Side

From a point 92m east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 207m in an easterly direction

South Side

From a point 15m east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Partington Lane for a distance of 21m in an easterly direction.

From a point 10m west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Shaftesbury Road to a point 10m east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Shaftesbury Road.

From a point 125m west of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Shaftesbury Road for a distance of 13m in an easterly direction

Shaftesbury Road

Both Sides

From the junction with the southerly kerbline of Stanwell Road for a distance of 10m in a southerly direction

3) Introduction of No Waiting at Anytime

Stafford Road

Both Sides

From the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 10m in north easterly direction

Chorley Road

North Side

From a point 10m north west of the junction with the westerly kerbline of Stafford Road to a point 12m south east of the junction with the easterly kerbline of Stafford Road

4) Introduction of No Waiting Monday to Friday 7.30am to 6.30pm

Partington Lane

West Side

From its junction with the southerly kerbline of Everton Street for a distance of 10m in a southerly direction.

5) Introduction of Permit Holders and Limited Waiting 1 hour no return in 2 hours Monday to Sunday

Pendlebury Road

West Side.

From a point 38m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 93m in a north easterly direction.

From a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 55m in a north easterly direction

East Side:

From a point 38m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 38m in a north easterly direction

From a point 105 m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 26m in a north easterly direction

From a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 25m in a north easterly direction.

Stafford Road

East Side:

From a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 5m in a north easterly direction

from a point 35m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 90m in a north easterly direction

from a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 59m in a north easterly direction

from a point 76m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 17m in a north easterly direction

West Side

from a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 19m in a north easterly direction.

From a point 26m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 25m in a north easterly direction

From a point 60m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 55m in a north easterly direction.

From a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 66m in a north easterly direction.

Clarendon Road

West Side

From a point 15m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 48m in a north easterly direction

From a point 68m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 53m in a north easterly direction

From a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 37.5m in a north easterly direction

East Side

From a point 15m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 15m in a north easterly direction.

From a point 37m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 25m in a north easterly direction

From a point 70m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Chorley Road for a distance of 52m in a north easterly direction

From a point 10m north east of the junction with the northerly kerbline of Wardley Street for a distance of 72m in a north easterly direction.