National Seminar


Rural Women Entrepreneurship: Its Potentiality and Challenges

Date: 4-5 October 2016


Bodoland University

Deborgoan , BTAD, Assam

Organized by

Centre for Women Studies


Developing Rural and Women Entrepreneurship is a path to reduce poverty. Through women entrepreneurship women get the benefit of economic power which leads one step forward towards empowerment. In India, still 70 percent of the total population lives in rural areas. Majority of them are directly or indirectly associated with agriculture and allied activities and it still remains the major source of livelihood for more than 50 percent of the population. Therefore, the economic development of India will largely depend on the development of rural areas and the standard of living of its rural mass. Rural entrepreneur is one of the most important inputs in the economic development of a country and of regions within the country. Rural entrepreneur uses the scarce resources in the most efficient manner thereby increasing profits and decreasing costs. Promotion of rural entrepreneurship is a key to develop rural areas and backward towns.

But the rural entrepreneurs are coupled with multiple problems for their proper growth and nourishment. Most of the rural entrepreneurs face similar problems like; illiteracy, fear of risk, lack of training and experience, limited purchasing power and competition from urban entrepreneurs. Among others, unavailability of finance and shortage of raw materials are main problems face by rural entrepreneurs.

Therefore the seminar aims to bring together the academicians, researchers and experts from all over the country to come together, interact and exchange views on promoting rural women entrepreneurship and supporting their entrepreneurial activities and empower the women.


It will examine the challenges observed for entrepreneurial activities in rural regions in developing countries such as that of India. This seminar will help in identification of various problems associated with rural entrepreneurship, problems faced by the rural entrepreneurs for setting up of an enterprise in rural areas as well as its sustainability thereafter. Clearer visions may be concluded so that these problems may be carefully identified and rectified so as the resources available there are exploited which will also lower the migration of people from rural regions to urban cities in search employment facilities.


  1. Women empowerment through rural entrepreneurship
  2. Women entrepreneurship and livelihood activities
  3. Women entrepreneurs; challenges and opportunities
  4. Women entrepreneurs and global environment for growth
  5. Entrepreneurship and regional development
  6. Entrepreneurship and government support
  7. Entrepreneurial action, innovation and appropriability.


Abstract should be in a single-spaced format using a 12-pt Times New Roman font saved as a Microsoft Word file. It should not exceed 250 words. Abstract should be accompanied with a title, authors’ name and affiliation and keywords (not more than 6).

Submit at:


Host Organizing Committee:

Patron: Vice Chancellor, Bodoland University

Organizing Chairman: Director, Centre for Women Studies, Bodoland University

Contract no: 9854086373

Important dates:

20/9/2016: Last date of Abstract Submission

28/9/216: Last date of final/ full paper submission

Registration Procedure

Registration will be on 4/9/1016 in the university from 9 am onwards.

Registration fee is Rs 500.00 with paper and Rs 300.00 without paper.
