East Anglian
Obstetrical and Gynaecological Society
Founded – 1956 www.eaogs.org.uk
President: Dr. Mahmood Shafi Secretary: Mr. Siya Sharma
Treasurer: Mr. Michael Lumb Trainee Rep: Lynne Cooke
Programme for EAOGS Autumn Meeting 2016
Venue: Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Lecture Hall, COMET
Date: 8/10/16
9-9.30am: Registration and Coffee
9.30-10.25 am: EAOGS Business meeting
10.25-10.30 am: Welcome by Mr Shafi , President EAOGS
Session 1: Chair Ms Akbar
10.30- 10.55am: Recent advances in fertility – Mr Michael Ah-Moye, Director, Herts and Essex Fertility Centre
10.55-11.25am: New approaches in the management of vaginal prolapse– Mr Abdalla Fayyad FRCOG, Consultant Gynaecologist and sub specialist in Urogynaecology, Luton and Dunstable Hospital
11.25- 11.45am: Coffee
Session-2 Chair Ms Mukhopadhaya
11.45am – 12.15pm: Training and teaching the new strategies – Mr Dilip Visvanathan, Chair and TPD, North Central and East London, University College London Partners.
12.15-12.45pm Is there anything new to learn from the UK Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths?- Marion Knight, Professor of Maternal and Child Population Health at the National Perinatal and Epidemiology Unit, Lead for MBBRACE -UK
12.45-13.45pm: Lunch at Chiltern restaurant
Session -3 Chair Mr Gyampoh
13.45- 14.15pm: Management of extremely premature babies – Dr Jogesh Kapadia, Consultant Neonatologist, Luton and Dunstable Hospital
14.15- 14.45pm: ‘Womb to world: The importance of normalising birth’ – Ms Amali Lokugamage, Consultant Obstetrician, Whittington Hospital
14.45-15.15pm: Zika virus – Ms Jacqueline Bamfo, Consultant Obstetrician and subspecialist in fetal medicine, Luton and Dunstable Hospital
15.15-15.30pm- Coffee
Session-4 Chair Ms Maharajan
Trainees’ presentation
Session-5 Chair Mr Griffiths
16.00-16.30pm: Prof Edward Morris (Vice President RCOG) , Topic to be confirmed
16.30-17.00pm: Consanguinity and its impact – Mr Gurucharan Randhawa, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Bedfordshire
“Role of Human Factor Training in delivery suite –our achievements and challenges” – Ms Manjula Samyraju, Consultant Obstetrician, Intrapartum Care Lead, HF Trainer, Lead for Medical Mentorship ( Mentorship programme for all consultants and SAS doctors) Peterborough City Hospital
Meeting ends by 17.30pm
Dinner from 19.30pm onwards at Old Palace Lodge , Dunstable.