Policy 1439 – Annual Organizational Meeting
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The Board shall hold its Annual Organizational Meeting at any time during the first fifteen (15) days of July on a date set at the convenience of the Board no later than the month of June. The Board Clerk or Clerk Pro Temshall serve as temporary chairperson, who shall open the meeting and conduct the election of the President. In the absence of the Board Clerkand Clerk Pro Tem, the immediate past President or immediate past Vice President may act as temporary chairperson until a President is elected. The President shall assume office immediately and shall conduct the remainder of the Board's business.
- Appoint a Clerk Pro Tem, who shall act as temporary chairperson until a President is elected (in the absence of the Clerk Pro Tem, the immediate past President or immediate past Vice President shall act as temporary chairperson until a President is elected)
- Administration of oath of office for newly elected or re-elected Board members
- Roll call of Board members and recording in minutes of those members present
- Election of Officers
- President
- Vice President
- Administration of oath to elected officers and Clerk Pro Tem
- Appointments
- Clerk
- Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer/Treasurer Pro Tem
- Claims Auditor/Deputy Claims Auditors
- Auditors – Internal and Independent
- Purchasing Agent/Assistant Purchasing Agents
- Attorneys – General Counsel, Labor Counsel, and Bond Counsel
- Official Physicians
- Public Relations Firm
- Payroll Certification Officer/Alternate Payroll Certification Officers
- Records Access Officer
- Records Management Officer
- Asbestos Compliance Officer
- Chemical Hygiene Officer
- Title IX, §504, ADA, Medicaid, and Dignity Act Compliance Officers
- Dignity Act Coordinators
- Audit Committee
- Liaison for Homeless Children and Youth
- Administration of oaths of office to appointed officers who are present; oaths to others to be administered prior to initiating dates.
- Setting of Bonds
- Designations
- Official bank depositories
- Official bank signatories
- Official newspapers- for the agency and for the Cooperative Bidding Program
- Designated Educational Official
- School Pesticide Representative
- Dates and locations of regular Board meetings
- Date and location of Board Budget Review Meeting
- Date and location of Annual Meeting
- Date and location of Administrative Budget and election of Board members
- Shared Decision Making Committee to annually review Code of Conduct andresponses to violations to Code of Conduct
- Establishments
- Mileage reimbursement rates
- Petty Cash Funds
- Rates for per diem employees
- Casual employee job descriptions and pay rates
- Authorizations
- Make transfers within program appropriations
- Employment of non-probationary, temporary personnel
- Attendance at conferences, workshops, seminars, and other business meetings
- Signing ofPurchase Orders
- Investment of funds
- Signing of checks
- Execution ofcontractsand leases
- Execution of agreements for Federal, State, and County grants
- Execution ofcontracts and agreements for goods and/orservices
- Use of rubber stamp by Board President
- Acceptance of subpoenas and other service of process
- Payment of claims for postage prior to audit
- Payment of Association membership dues
- Issuance and sale of revenue anticipation notes
- Readoption of all previously adopted policies
- Approval of Resolutions
- Board member attendance at dinner/luncheon meetings on Long Island
- Staff member attendance at dinner/luncheon meetings on Long Island
- Chief Operating Officer to make changes in position titles within policies
- Acceptance of report of agency credit cards assigned to individuals/vehicles
- NYS Public Officers Law Article 7
First Adopted: 7/1/03
Readopted: 7/11/07
Readopted: 6/27/12