Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Syllabus: Fall 2014

Mrs. Gaven

Contact Information


Class Website:

September 4th– January 22nd

This course is designed for those wishing to enhance their knowledge of the Holocaust and other genocides that have occurred in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The areas of human rights violations and genocide will be the over-all theme of the course. We will examine a centuries worth of prejudice, genocide and anti-Semitism.

Classroom Expectations

  • Be on Time:

“On Time” means that when the bell rings you are SEATED in YOUR assigned seat ready to start learning. If you are not in your seat by the time the bell rings I will mark you late.

  • Be Prepared for Class:

You are expected to bring a pen or pencil and a 3-hole punch binder to EVERY CLASS.

  • Be Punctual with Assignments:


  • Any assignments must be submitted to me by the beginning of class on the assigned due date.
  • You can email it to me or GoogleDoc it (), or put it in the Homework Basket on my desk.
  • It is your responsibility to make sure I receive it.
  • No Name = No Credit
  • I grade and read every single answer and every single assignment so please make sure you put 100% into every assignment.
  • I accept late homework only the day after it was originally assigned with a 50% off penalty.
  • Projects and essays are deducted one letter grade for each day that it is late. Therefore, if you hand in a B paper and it is 2 days late you will receive a D. I will always give you ample time to complete these projects therefore lateness is inexcusable.

Makeup Assignments:

  • Absent on the day of a test: You have up to ONE WEEK to make up the test. After that the test grade will become a zero.
  • Absent on the day homework is due: You are expected to hand your homework in by the next day you are present to class for full credit.
  • Absent on the day a project or essay is due: Projects and essays will be considered a day late regardless of whether you are absent or not unless you have a note from a doctor or parent. If you do not have a note it will still be a day late even if you are absent from school. If you do have a note it is due the next day you are present in school for full credit.
  • Making up notes and class work: You are responsible for making up any materials you missed while absent. You need to copy the notes from a fellow classmate and come to me to catch up on any in class assignments that were completed during your absence.
  • Be Respectful of the Class:

Respect Me and Respect Your Classmates.

I enjoy and encourage open discussion in our class. In order to maintain a fun and safe learning environment please follow the following rules for class discussion:

  • Raise your hand when you have a point you would like to share.
  • Do not talk while someone else is talking.
  • Do not criticize someone else’s opinion. You may disagree with it but voice your disagreement in a manner that supports your own argument instead of putting your fellow classmates down.
  • Disrespectful students will face a call home and/or points deducted from their class participation grade.


  • The use of cell phones, IPods, laptops, and other electronic devices is not permitted in class unless you receive permission
  • If I see them I will take it and hold it the rest of the day! If it happens a second time it will be taken and given to the office!
  • Be Honest:

Cheating and plagiarism will equal an automatic F on the assignment and can result in further disciplinary action according to the school handbook.

  • Be Ready and Excited to Learn:

Bathroom Use

  • You may ONLY use the bathroom four times a month.
  • Raise your hand and ask for my permission.
  • You are to sign out on the “Bathroom Sign Out” Sheet on the door.
  • If there is an emergency and you need to go beyond your two passes I will write you a pass to the nurse and expect her to sign off that this was in fact an emergency.
  • Grading:

Participation/Journal: 10 %

Homework/Classwork: 10%

Tests: 40 %

Essays/Projects: 40 %

This should be an interesting and meaningful two semesters. If you ever need to contact me about any questions or problems email me; I check it often even on weekends.

Class Schedule: Fall Semester-2014

*** Due Dates are Subject to Change***

Dates / Class Topics / Projects / Tests
Week One:
Sept 4- Sept 5 / Introduction to Holocaust and Genocide Studies
Week Two:
Sept 8- Sept 12 / Race, Prejudice, Genocide
Week Three:
Sept 15- Sept 19 / Race, Prejudice, Genocide / Race Essay
Due Wed Sept 17
Week Four:
Sept 22- Sept 26 / Race, Prejudice, Genocide / 8 Stage Presentations
Sep 23 & 24 / Race and Prejudice Test Sep 26
Week Five:
Sep 29-Oct 3 / Armenian Genocide
Week Six:
Oct 6- Oct 10 / Armenia/Rise of Hitler
Week Seven:
Oct 14-Oct 18 / Rise of Hitler/Nazism
Week Eight:
Oct 20-Oct 24 / Rise of Hitler/Nazism / Rise of Hitler Essay
Due Oct 22 / Armenia/Hitler/Nazism Test Oct 24
Week Nine:
Oct 27-Oct 31 / Holocaust
Week Ten:
Nov 3-Nov 5
(End of MP 1) / Holocaust
Week Eleven:
Nov 10- Nov 14 / Holocaust
Week Twelve:
Nov 17-Nov 21 / Holocaust / Jewish Partisan Essay
Nov 21
Week Thirteen:
Nov 25-Nov 29 / Holocaust
Week Fourteen:
Dec 1- Dec 5 / Holocaust / Perpetrator Debate
Dec 2 / Holocaust Test
Dec 4
Week Fifteen:
Dec 8-Dec 12 / Rape of Nanking/Cambodia
Week Sixteen:
Dec 15- Dec 19 / Bosnian/Rwandan Genocides
Week Seventeen and Winter Break!!
Dec 24-Jan 2 / Rwanda/Darfur / Happy Holidays!
Have a Fun and SAFE Break!!! 
Week Eighteen:
Jan 5- Jan 9 / Darfur/American-International Responsibility? / American memory of genocide
Scored Discussion
Thurs Jan 8th
Week Nineteen:
Jan 12-Jan 16 / International Responsibility? / War Crimes Trial: Due January 15th / Genocide Test
January 16th
Week Twenty:
Jan 19-Jan 22 / Last Class/ Midterms / Good Luck on Midterms!! / Good Luck on Midterms!!

MLA Paper Format

Your Name

Mrs. Gaven

Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Date (4 September 2014)



Body (Bulk of Paper)


All Papers should follow this format or you will have points deducted.


If paper is late it is a letter grade lower for each day!

If paper is not required length points will be deducted as well!

Essay Rubric


10-98-76-54-321 0

Content /
  • Answers all components of the essay question correctly.
  • Supports answer with accurate information.
  • Demonstrates complete understanding of the subject matter.
  • Answers most components of the essay question.
  • Supports most of the answer with accurate information.
  • Leaving out only one or two points.
  • Demonstrates complete understanding of the subject matter.
  • Answers some components of essay question.
  • Supports most of the answer with accurate information.
  • Leaves out some points.
  • Demonstrates partial understanding of the subject matter.
  • Answers some components of the essay question.
  • Supports some of the answer with accurate information.
  • Leaves out half of the information necessary.
  • Demonstrates partial understanding of the subject matter.
  • Answers few components of the essay question.
  • Does not support answer with accurate information.
  • Demonstrates little understanding of the subject matter.
  • Attempts the essay and properly addresses one part of the questions.
  • Does not support any part of the answer.
  • Does not demonstrate understanding of the subject matter.
  • Does not answer the essay or any components of the essay.
  • You decided that this assignment was not worth your time. 

MLA / Correct MLA Format / MLA Heading out of order. / MLA Heading and margins incorrect. / No MLA Format / No MLA Format / No MLA Format / No MLA Format
Length / Correct length required for assignment. / 5 lines missing from paper. / 10 lines missing from paper. / Over 10 lines missing from paper. / Over 10 lines missing from paper. / Over 10 lines missing from paper. / Over 10 lines missing from paper.


Mrs. Gaven

Holocaust/Genocide Studies Semester 2014

Race/Prejudice Essay

Due: September 17, 2014


Race is a myth, but people act as if it were real…

While we understand that race is a social classification and not a biological one, it is still a very meaningful concept to most people in America. I would like for you to discuss your own race/ethnic identity in this essay. Be sure to incorporate the concepts from class:stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice. Answer some of these questions within your essay.

  • What is your racial/ethnic identity? When and how did you become aware of this identity? What role has it played in your life?How does it affect you in your social activities? How does it affect you in our school? How does it affect you in your community? In what ways do you benefit from this identity? In what ways do you suffer or miss out because of this identity?
  • Length: 1 ½ pages minimum

Mrs. Gaven

Holocaust/Genocide Studies Semester 2014

Eight Stages of Genocide Presentation

Due: September 23, 2014


With a partner or two you will be assigned a stage of Genocide and create an “Animoto” poster using

Your video must include:

  • Stage # and Stage
  • Summarize what identifies/defines YOUR stage with at least two examples from the Armenian Genocide- you only have 30 seconds so be sure to use your time wisely

Presenting the video:

  • Introduce yourself and your video. Let your classmates know how your research contributed to your video
  • Be prepared to answer questions. Make sure that you are familiar with your stage and be able to provide examples from the genocides we have discussed.

Animoto: / Points Possible / Points Earned
Met all requirements of the video / 20 points
Photos accurately depict stage / 5 points
Clear and Organized Presentation
  • Able to answer questions
  • Make eye contact and spoke clearly
/ 10 points
Time Requirement Met (30 seconds) / 5 points.

Mrs. Gaven

Holocaust/Genocide Studies 2014

Rise of Hitler Essay

Due: October 22, 2014


  • In a period of twelve years, Germany went from an emerging democracy to a dictatorship that eventually committed genocide. What factors contributed to this transition? Which factors were most significant?
  • Length: 1½ page minimum

Mrs. Gaven

Holocaust/Genocide Studies 2014

Why Should We Learn About the Jewish Partisans?

Due: November 21, 2014


The movie Defiance (2009) depicts the incredible but true story of the Bielski brothers, Tuvia, Zus, Asael, and Aron (played by Daniel Craig, Liev Schreiber, Jamie Bell, and George MacKay) who, against all odds during World War II, survived in the forest, fought the Germans, and saved almost 1,200 Jewish lives.

Most believe that Jews went “like sheep to the slaughter”. They perceive the Holocaust as a piece of Jewish history only about victimization and the loss of hope. The experience of thousands of Jewish partisans who stood up to tyranny and oppression, fought successfully against the Nazis, and saved countless lives is an important part of Jewish history that few students are aware of. Viewing “Defiance” has the power to transform people's perception of the Jewish experience during the Holocaust, providing a clearer picture of Jewish heroism and character. The story of the Jewish partisans depicted in “Defiance” is empowering, and demonstrates how young people can make a positive difference in the world.

Choose ONE of the following questions to answer in your essay, you may combine questions

  • Length: 1 ½ pages minimum
  1. What do you understand about the relationship between the Bielski partisans and the Soviet partisan command? Between the Bielski and the Polish partisans? What evidence do you have from the film to support your understanding?
  1. The Bielski partisan unit was unique in that it readily accepted large numbers of non-fighters into its units. Do you think this enhanced or threatened their chances for survival or both? Explain.
  1. The Bielski partisans took severe measures against informants and collaborators. Often the collaborator and his entire family would be killed, and their home burned to the ground. Holocaust scholar, Nechama Tec quotes Tuvia, explaining, “We could neither forgive nor forget. If we do not take revenge upon such collaborators, what would become of us? Every farmer would be free to inform.” Do you agree with Tuvia's argument? Why or why not?
  1. As commander of the unit, Tuvia insisted that all Jews be accepted and integrated into the camp. His brothers argued against this, fearing that large numbers of unarmed people would bring disaster to all. Do you agree with Tuvia’s position? Why or why not? What is the argument for Tuvia's position? How would you counter the argument and press for his brothers’ concept of their mission?
  1. In order to feed such large numbers of people, armed partisans were required to raid neighboring farms and villages. Tuvia describes the situation, “The peasants were poor, yet we had to do it. We were in a predicament… sometimes we would take their last cow, their last horse.” Is it permissible to put others’ lives in jeopardy to save one's own?

Mrs. Gaven

Holocaust/Genocide Studies Semester 2014

American memory of genocide

Scored Discussion

Date: January 8, 2015

Essential Question: How should Americans remember genocide?

Follow-up questions:

●What does it mean to remember?

●How does memory impact the future?

●How does America remember historical events that are directly related to American history?

●How does America remember non-American events?

●Is there a responsibility of Americans to remember events that are not directly related to their history, but are significant to world history?

●Whose responsibility is it to remember an infamous event?

●Are there appropriate and inappropriate ways to remember?

●How does one memorialize a delicate topic? Does it change the process.

●How do different cultures remember?


●Individual notes-should include: (I expect these to be quite extensive)

○Answers to each of the above questions-can be bulleted-including the essential question

○A formal works cited and internal citations in notes

●Use of IMC and class time is used effectively and efficiently-you will turn in work at the end of each day.

●Be sure to provide specific examples and details for each one of the above questions.

●At least 4-5 bulleted answers for each question are required.

●See rubric for discussion criteria


●Facts of File-World News Digest

●ABC-CLIO-World Geography

●Historical New York Times

●Amnesty International

●Human Rights Watch

●Facts on File Modern World History

Criteria for Scored Discussion:

Criteria / Excellent / Good / Fair / Poor / Inadequate
Quality of Comments
(10) / Remarks are extremely insightful, demonstrates a vast knowledge of subject, no yes/no responses, no agrees, adds new ideas and builds on conversation
(10) / Remarks are very insightful, demonstrates a good knowledge of subject, few yes/no responses, few agrees, adds some new ideas and builds on conversation
(8.5) / Remarks are insightful, demonstrates a knowledge of subject, some yes/no responses, some agrees, adds few new ideas and builds on conversation
(7.5) / Remarks are not insightful, demonstrates a little knowledge of subject, many yes/no responses, many agrees, adds very little new ideas and doesn’t build on conversation
(6.9) / Remarks are not insightful, demonstrate no knowledge of subject, a lot yes/no responses, a lot agrees, adds no new ideas
Quantity of quality remarks (10) / 6 +
(10) / 5-4
(8.5) / 3-2
(7.5) / 2-1
(6.9) / 1
Article knowledge
/ Detailed, specific notes written in your own words (20) / Specific notes -written in your own words
(17) / Notes –written in your own words
(15) / Few notes written in your own words
(13) / Minimal notes copied, not in own words
/ Quotes, references to research and outside resources specifically used to support comments
(10) / Quotes, references to research and outside resources used to support comments
(8.5) / Quotes, references to research and outside resources used sporadically to support comments (7.5) / Quotes, references to research and outside resources used sparsely to support comments (6.9) / Quotes, references to research and outside resources lacking
Overall performance
(10) / Demonstration of respect when responding to others, doesn’t dominate, no interruptions, kind and considerate to others comments
(10) / Demonstration of respect when responding to others, doesn’t dominate, few interruptions, considerate to others comments
(8.5) / Demonstration of respect when responding to others, little domination, many interruptions, considerate to others comments (7.5) / Demonstration of little respect when responding to others, does dominate, a lot interruptions, lacking consideration
(6.9) / Very little respect is demonstrated, full domination of the conversation, interruptions are constant, no consideration

Failure to speak, turn in notes and/or use references will result in a 0, not “inadequate” point values.

War Crime Tribunal Project

Due: January 15, 2015


You will be conducting research and then completing a written assignment that analyzes a war crime trial.

First Step

Select a war crime trial from one of the following genocides:

  1. Nuremberg Trials-post-war trials of the Nazi party
  2. Japan (Rape of Nanking)-post-war trials of the Japanese government during WWII
  3. Cambodia- recent tribunals of Khmer Rouge
  4. Serbia (Bosnia/Kosovo)-trials of leaders of Serbia (former Yugoslavia) for atrocities committed in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia during the 1990’s
  5. Rwanda-trials of Hutu leaders for the genocide of the Tutsis in 1994 conducted by the United Nations International Tribunal

Second Step

Research and then complete the following:

You are a journalist charged with reporting the trial proceedings. Write a three-part column/story, record/write aradio broadcast or videotape a newscast (this option you can work in partners) covering the war crime trial of your choice. Be sure to include an introduction and conclusion in whatever option you choose. Make sure you answer the following questions within your report.