Computer Tech

Test Review Vocabulary

  1. What does an AUP tell you?
  2. Things you can’t use on the school computers-games, websites, etc...

2.  What type of indent did we use on our works cited pages?

  1. Hanging Indent

3.  What type of chart shows data over time?

  1. Line Chart

4.  What type of chart shows a piece compared to the whole?

  1. Pie Chart

5.  List the size of bytes in order.

  1. Bit, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte

6.  What is slide sorter view in PowerPoint?

  1. A small thumbnail view of each slide in your presentation

7.  What are ethics?

  1. Principals that guide behavior

8.  What are hyperlinks?

  1. Links that get you to different sites

9.  What links 2 or more computers?

  1. Network

10.  What is the difference between Hardware and Software?

  1. Hardware is the physical touchable parts of the computer
  2. Software is the programs that are on the computer that we use.

11.  What is the difference between input and output? Some examples?

  1. Input is how things are put into the computer-Keyboard, mouse, scanner, bar code reader
  2. Output is the results of processed data-Monitor, speaker, printer, headphones

12.  What is a browser?

  1. Allows you to view websites

13.  What are some examples of a search engine?

  1. Google, Yahoo, Bing

14.  What are the different types of alignment?

  1. Left, Right, Center, Justify

15.  What are the different domains and their uses?

  1. .com-commercial
  2. .net-network
  3. .org-non-profit organization
  4. .int-international
  5. .mil-military
  6. .edu-education
  7. .gov-government

16.  What is Spam

  1. Unsolicited email “junk email”

17.  What is an example of a secure site where you could put personal information online?

A job application

Input / A collection of raw data from the outside world that is put into the computer.
Processing / Manipulating data
–  Bold, italicize, underline, double space in a word processor
–  Enter formulas and calculate totals in a spreadsheet
–  Edit a picture
Output / The results of processed data
Data is entered through various forms (input) into a computer, the data is manipulated (processing), and then information is presented to a human (output
Boot Process / The sequence of events that occurs when you turn the computer on and when it becomes ready to process data
Hardware / The physical, touchable parts of the computer.
Software / A term that is used in contrast to hardware; everything in the computer that is not hardware is software.
Operating System Software / The Operating System is the master controller on your computer. Computers cannot function without an operating system.
·  The OS manages the computer's memory, processing, software and hardware.
·  Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
Application / An application (or app) is software designed to help the user perform specific tasks
Peripheral Devices / Any hardware device connected to the computer that expands the computer’s input, output and storage capabilities
Mouse / A hand-operated input device that controls the cursor on the screen as you move it around on a desktop.
Scanner / Scanners are used to convert images or text on paper into a digital image format
Microphone / A microphone is used to input sound. The sound is detected by the microphone and an electronic signal is transmitted to the computer
Graphic Tablet / Graphics tables are used by graphics designers and illustrators to input data. They create accurate drawings on a screen that could not be produced with a mouse or stylus
Monitor / Most commonly used output device. The picture on a monitor is made up of tiny colored dots called pixels
Plotter / A large document printer which is able to draw high quality images on very large pieces of paper (example: 3 feet wide by 10 feet long)
Inkjet Printer / An output device that produces a hard copy by spraying ink on paper
Speakers / Most computers have a small internal speaker that produces beeping sounds when you make an error.
Computers can be fitted with a sound card which enables sound (audio) to be output through external speakers.
Trackball / A pointing device that works like a mouse turned upside down; the ball in on top of the device
Touchpad / An input device used to move the cursor on a laptop computer
Laser Printer / An output device that prints similar to a photo copy machine. It uses powdered ink called ‘toner’ to fuse onto the paper by heat and pressure
Keyboard / The most commonly used input device It is made up of :
–  Alphabetic Keys
–  Numeric Keys
–  Function Keys
–  Command Keys
Connected to the computer through a USB connection or wirelessly
Touch Screen / The only device that serves as both an input and output device.
You view the options available to you on the screen (output) and then use your finger to touch the option you have chosen (input).
Digital Camera / An input device that takes photographs and stores them as digital files on a computer.
Joy Stick / Joysticks are input devices, similar to a mouse, that allow you to move the cursor in any direction.
Web Cam / It is an input device that captures a video or image of the scene in front of it. Some are built into the computer (i.e. Laptop), others are connected via USB cable
Projector / A device which connects to a computer and is used to project the output from the computer onto a wall or screen.
Biometric Device / Uses a body feature of a person seeking access to identify and authorize that person
–  Fingerprint scanner
–  Iris scan
–  Access card (can be scanned like a credit card or contain a radio frequency transmitter used to identify the card holder)
Graphical User Interface / An interface allows you, the user, to communicate with your computer. GUI lets you use a mouse to click on icons, buttons and menus
Multitasking / You can have more than one application open at the same time
Mobile App / Are simple applications that can be downloaded from the Internet cheaply or even for free. Many apps are available for mobile devices and even some TVs.
Icon / An image (graphic) that represents an executable file
Menu / A dropdown list or table of executable options
Desktop PC / A computer that is designed to meet the needs of one individual.
Has a central processing unit housed in a metal case (often called a tower) along with a keyboard, mouse and monitor. Intended for use at one single location
Laptop / A portable computer that integrates a monitor, keyboard, touchpad, pointing stick, and speakers into one single unit
Netbook / Smaller portable computer that is more lightweight and has less processing power than a laptop
Tablet / Mini, flat mobile computer that uses a touch-sensitive screen for input and navigation
Mobile Device / A small, pocket-sized computing device with a touch screen and memory card for data storage
Server / A computer that provides users with access to files and printers on a network
Mainframe / A Large, powerful computer that carries out different tasks for thousands of people at the same time
Super Computer / The fastest and most expensive computers in the world at the time it is created
Wearable Computer / Electronic devices that are integrated into watches, wristbands, belts, glasses, or even clothing.
Embedded Computer / A single chip that contains all of the elements essential for any computer
  Input / Output
Memory / The area in the computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed
RAM / RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is the memory that holds your data as you manipulate (process) it. The data stays in RAM until you save it. RAM is volatile which means ‘temporary memory
ROM / ROM stands for Read Only Memory. ROM contains the instructions the computer uses when it ‘boots up’. Because the data is ‘read only’, it can be read but not changed by the user. The data is not erased when the computer is switched off—the data is stored permanently. This is called ‘non-volatile memory’. Therefore, ROM is “permanent memory”
Binary Code / Binary code is the language that computers use to communicate and process information. It is a coding system using the 0 and 1 to represent a letter, digit, or symbols in a computer or other electronic device
Bit / Each 0 or 1 is called a bit. A bit is the smallest unit of information that a computer handles
Byte / A combination of eight bits is called a byte. One byte (8 bits) represents a single letter, symbol, or digit.
Kilobyte / Approximately one thousand bytes
Megabyte / Approximately one million bytes
Gigabyte / Approximately one billion bytes
Terabyte / Approximately one trillion bytes
Storage / The place in the computer where data is held while it is not needed for processing
Magnetic Storage / A means of recording or saving data onto disks or tape by magnetizing particles
Hard Drive / A mass storage device located inside the computer’s system unit (tower
External Hard Drive / A hard drive that has its own separate case and sit outside of your computer’s system unit
Floppy Disk / The floppy disk, once an icon of the computer age, is becoming obsolete
Magnetic Tape / Used by some businesses to backup and archive large amounts of data.
Optical Storage / Optical storage is the use of low powered lasers to save (burn) and read data from CDs and DVDs.
CD / Compact Disk
Electronic Storage / Electronic storage is the use of a chip to electronically save, erase or reprogram data. Examples of devices that use Electronic Storage:
–  SD (secured digital) Cards, Flash Drives, Solid State Drives
Flash Drive / A portable storage device that uses electronic storage and has an integrated USB port
Memory Card / A memory card is also known as a flash card, SD Card or memory stick
Cloud Computing / Photos and Videos, Services, Music, Documents, Calendar, Apps, Email, Data Storage and Backup
CD-ROM / Permanent, cannot be changed.
CD-R / Can be changed once, after it becomes read only.
CD-RW / Can be changed and rewritten over and over.
Volatile / Temporary Memory, can be deleted
Non-Volatile / Permanent Memory, cannot be changed.
SaaS / Software as a Service. No need to buy software and install it on your computer. SaaS allows you to rent access to software. Software is not installed on your PC—instead it is installed and run on computers operated by a software supplier
Solid State Drive / It means that data is stored to devices via electronic semiconductors that are built from solid materials that have no moving parts
Processing / Processing means manipulating data. Processing takes place in the CPU
•  CPU=Central Processing Unit
CPU / CPU is sometimes just called processor. It is the brains of the computer. It is located on the Motherboard
Motherboard / A circuit board located in the computer’s system unit
Circuit / The paths data follows in the computer
Silicon Chip / Small computer chips that contains millions of transistors and other electronic components that control the flow of electrical current on the motherboard
Data / Data = Raw facts
•  Data has no context; it’s just numbers and text
Information / Processed Data
RAM / Random Access Memory. The memory that stores data as you process it.
Cannot store when the computer is turned off
ROM / Stores the instructions the computer uses when it boots
Volatile / Temporary memory
Non-Volatile / Permanent memory
Hertz / Refers to the speed of the processor (clock-speed)
•  Hertz represents how quickly the CPU can interpret instructions from the operating system and applications.
Megahertz / One million cycles per second
Gigahertz / One billion cycles per second.
Celeron / A low to middle-end computer processor used for basic applications
Pentium / A brand of processors created by the company Intel intended for middle to high-end computers
Multi-core / A single chip that contains two or more independent central processing units called "cores"
Dual Core / 2 Cores
ARPANET / Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
Network / A collection of computers and other hardware components interconnected by communication channels that allow sharing of resources and information.
PAN / Personal Area Network
LAN / Local Area Network- Computer network that is located within a limited geographical area, such as a school or small business
WAN / Interconnected group of computers and peripherals that cover a large geographical area, such as multiple buildings
o  The Davis School District Network
o  The Internet
File Server / A computer connected to a network that distributes resources to other users
Host Computer / Refers to any computer that provides services to network users
Workstation / Refers to a personal computer connected to a network
Client / Refers to the software on a computer that allows the user to access the server
NIC / Network Interface Card- Small circuit board that coverts the digital signals from a computer into signals that can travel over a network