Harvest Village Condominium Association

Board of Director’s Meeting

17October 2013


1.Chuck Trudeau, President, called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Board members in attendance were Dolores Cuozzo, Colette Oleson,Maurice Lavoie and Tom Purcell. In attendance from the Ad Hoc Committee was and Sally Nakley. Representing Evergreen Management, Inc. (Management) was Barbara Mastacouris, Association Manager.

2.Unit Owner Open Session/Unit Work Requests: No owners were present.

3.Meeting Minutes:

3.1August 2013. Dolores Cuozzo moved, Colette Oleson secondedto approve the 08August 2013meeting minutes. Motion unanimously approved.

4.Financial Statements:

4.1July 2013Financial Statements. Chuck Trudeaumoved, second by Maurice Lavoieto accept the July 2013 financial statements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

4.2August 2013 Financial Statements. Chuck Trudeau moved, second by Tom Purcell to accept the August 2013 financial statements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

4.3September 2013 Financial Statements. Chuck Trudeau moved, second by Maurice Lavoie to accept the September 2013 financial statements as presented. Motion passed unanimously.

4.4 Maintenance/Repair Chargeback $1924: The Board asked Management to look into the $1,924 in the Maintenance/Repair Chargeback income line item and possibly re-class.

4.5August 2013 and September2013 Treasurer Reports. Dolores Cuozzo provided an update on the Reserve account for the months of August 2013 and September 2013. See attached report. Chuck Trudeau moved, seconded by Colette Oleson to approve the Augustand September 2013 Treasurer Reports as presented. Motion unanimously approved.

4.6Review of Proposed 2014 Budget: The Board reviewed the proposed 2014 budget. Chuck Trudeau motioned, Dolores Cuozzo seconded to provide the budget with the suggested revisions to owners at the Annual meeting. The motion passed unanimously.

5.Management Report:

5.1The next meeting is the Annual Meeting scheduled for November 9, 2013 at 10:00 A.M. in the clubhouse.

5.2The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for 19December 2013, 7:00 P.M. at the clubhouse.

6.Communication Matters: There were no Communication Matters.

7.Old Business:

7.1Update on Units for Sale: Chuck Trudeau advised that Unit 3 is for sale and Unit #42 is vacant.

7.2Collecting Capital Assessment Fees: The Board discussed the collecting of capital assessment fees. Barbara Mastacouris to check with the Evergreen finance team on the process from start to finish.

Harvest Village Condominium Association

Board of Directors Meeting

17October 2013

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7.2Sprinkler System:

7.2.1Billing issue: Evergreen received confirmation that Units7 and 26 were in fact completed by RB Lewis. A payment of $790 will be provided to RB Lewis.

7.2.2Sprinkler Head Replacements/Annual Inspection: Evergreen is obtaining estimates. Chuck Trudeau suggested asking NH Fire.


7.3.1Unit 14 Leaking Gutter: Vendor returned and added flashing.

7.3.2Unit 14 Seeding Leach Field: Country Connections completed. Will be reviewed after clean-up and in the spring.

7.3.3Unit 20 Rain Water in Garage: Completed by Bob Matson.

7.3.4Unit 26 Plum Tree Removal: Management to reach out to Country Connections to remove during final clean-up.

7.3.5Unit 32 Water in Garage: Ciarla Corp. was given approval to proceed at a cost of $93.00.

7.3.6Gutter Cleaning: The Board reconfirmed vote to have work done in the Fall and Spring.

7.3.7Clubhouse - Asphalt Repair: The Board reviewed an estimate fromBedford Sealcoat dated 16 August 2013 in the amount of $1,500 for repair of the clubhouse driveway and sealing cracks throughout HV. Management to inquire exactly what this includes i.e. the roadway, sidewalks, driveways and parking sleeves.

7.3.8Roof Shingle Analysis: Board reconfirmed vote not to initiate any repairs. This was the recommendation of So NH Roofing.

7.3.9Roof Replacements: So NH Roofing is currently replacing roofs on Units 17-19, 20- 22, 46-48.

7.3.10Front Step Replacements: Colette motioned, seconded by Tom Purcell to have William Lamarre Concrete replace the front steps for Units 15, 18, 25, 26, 34, 40, and 50.Stairs will be sealed by Better Way Home Solutions. The motion passed unanimously.

7.3.11Unit Lamppost Replacements: Community Electric lost the lamppost order. Replacements will be scheduled for next year.

7.3.12Additional Street Lamppost: Evergreen Management obtaining estimates.

7.3.13Vinyl Siding Unit 6: Ciarla Corp. is to replace the side of Unit 6 with new vinyl and HV will store the faded vinyl for future repairs. Tom Purcell motioned, Maurice Lavoie seconded to approve the estimate in the amount of $1,485. The motioned passed unanimously.

Harvest Village Association

Board of Directors Meeting

17October 2013

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8.New Business:


8.1.1 Unit 6 Lawn Depression – Country Connections was contacted to fill in and reseed.

8.1.2 Unit 19 Lawn Depression – Country Connections was contacted to fill in and reseed.

8.1.3 Unit 25 Damaged Rug – Evergreen maintenance to review damage from power washing.

8.1.4 Unit 34 Foundation Leaks – Better Way Home Solutions contracted to do repairs.

8.1.5 Dead Bush – Country Connections will be contacted to remove the bush by the fire road.

8.2Unit 38 Umbrella screen: The Board reviewed a request for an umbrella screen for the deck. Management to check with retail store Seasonal Specialty store in Amherst for more information regarding weight, shut down, durability, etc.

8.3Gutter Alignment - The Board asked Evergreen to have Ciarla Corp. look at several rear gutter set-ups. During cleaning, Debris Doctors indicated that the gutters were not correctly pitched.

8.4Unit 44 Generator Request – Owner asked to provide more details. Tabled until information is received.

8.5Roof Replacement: The Board discussed cycle of roof replacements. Chuck Trudeau motioned, Dolores Cuozzo seconded that each year 3 buildings should be replaced until the whole Association is done. The motion passed unanimously.

8.6Retained Earnings. The Board asked how the retained earnings would get transferred into the operating budget if negative situation occurred at the end of a fiscal year. Board also asked if they are able to use the retained earnings or is it against general accounting practice. Barbara Mastacouris will confirm with the finance department.

9.Committee Reports:

9.1Clubhouse Committee. No report provided.

9.2Social Committee. Sally Nakely, Chair provided the following information.

9.2.1A pot luck Social was held on June 28, 2013 and attended by twenty eight (28) residents and guests. $89.00 was collected with $15.00 in expenses. There was a $271 carryover balance going into December. The Social committee will meet to decide on what to do for the December social. No date or food has been selected.

There being no additional business, motion made, seconded and unanimously approved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 10:07 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Mastacouris, Association Manager