


''''''''''''^ INSERT ^''''''''''''

'''''''''''^ xMACROBUNDLE ^'''''''''''

''''''''''''^ TOOLBAR ^''''''''''''


''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (c) R. de Levie

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' v 5.5, May 1, 2005


' This subroutine places an extra toolbar in the Excel

' spreadsheet in order to facilitate access to the custom

' extended precision macros in the xMacroBundle. These

' macros will only run if xnumbers.dll has been installed

' in Windows and is referenced in Excel, see below under

' installation of Xnumbers.dll. For a tutorial on the use

' of Xnumbers.dll see Xnumbers_DLL_Ref, or my web site at



' You will need to have an unzip routine handy, because the

' download is a zip file, and an Adobe Acrobat reader,

' as the documentation comes as a pdf (portable document

' format) file. Both of these can be freely downloaded from

' the web, and should already be on your desktop as stan-

' dard tools.

' Here is how you can install the dynamic link library. (A

' specific location is selected here for your convenience,

' but you can of course place it somewhere else, in which

' case you should make the corresponding changes in what

' follows.) Go to the website

' foxes, select Downloads, and download the xnumberdll.zip

' to your desktop. Unzip the file, and store its three com-

' ponents, readme, xnumbers.dll, and Xnumbers_DLL_Ref, on

' the desktop. The readme file contains nothing important:

' read it and either discard or store somewhere. The refe-

' rence file, Xnumbers_DLL_Ref, is very worthwhile and has

' many useful details. You may want to print it out, but

' please do that later, because it is a 115-page tome. For

' now we will focus on xnumber.dll.

' On your desktop, click on My Computer ð Local Disk (C:)

' > Program Files > Microsoft Office > Office ð Library.

' Then press File > New > Folder, and change the name of

' the so generated folder from New Folder to Xnumbers, then

' open that file (which, as a new file, should be empty).

' If necessary, reduce the space taken up by this folder

' and/or move it, so that you can find xnumbers.dll on the

' desktop. Click on xnumbers.dll, copy or drag it into the

' open folder, and close the folder. Now, xnumbers.dll is

' stored safely, and presumably in good company, next to

' Solver.

' In order to make sure that Excel can find it, open Excel,

' go to the Visual Basic Editor with Tools > Macro > Visual

' Basic Editor or, faster, with Alt+F11 (on the Mac: Opt+

' F11), and then, in the VBEditor menu bar, select Tools >

' References. This will display the dialog box for the VBA

' Project. Click on Browse, select Files of type: Type

' Libraries (*.olb;*.tlb;*.dll), in the Add Reference

' dialog box go to My Computer > Local Disk (C:) > Program

' Files > Microsoft Office > Office > Library > Xnumbers,

' open the file, and in the File name window type its name,

' xnumbers.dll. Click Open it, which will bring you back to

' the References - VBA Project dialog box. Now use the

' Priority Up button to ease the corresponding label,

' Multiprecision Arithmetic Library, up the list so that it

' is contiguous with the other tick-marked items. Click OK.

' From now on, Excel will know where to find xnumbers.dll.


' The xMacroBundle includes copies of all the subroutines

' used by these xmacros: xTranspose, xMultiply, xVMultiply,

' and xInvert.


' This toolbar will work by itself, or in combination with

' the regular (double-precision) MacroBundle toolbar. The

' two sets of macros don't interact, but be careful to keep

' them apart in your mind, because their names differ only

' by the prefix x for extended precision.

' This toolbar works in Excel 97 and in more recent ver-

' sions of Excel. It will not work in Excel 95 or earlier

' versions of Excel because these handled toolbars diffe-

' rently. Of course, the extended precision macros require

' the installation of xnumbers.dll, which will only run

' under Windows NT, 2000, XP or a more recent version of

' Windows.

Sub InsertxMBToolbar()

On Error GoTo Handler

Dim a

a = 1

Dim MP As New Xnumbers

a = MP.xAdd(a, a)

Set MP = Nothing

Dim TBar As CommandBar

Dim Button2 As CommandBarPopup

Dim Button20 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button21 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button3 As CommandBarPopup

Dim Button30 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button31 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button6 As CommandBarPopup

Dim Button60 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button61 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button7 As CommandBarPopup

Dim Button70 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button71 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button10 As CommandBarPopup

Dim Button100 As CommandBarButton

Dim Button101 As CommandBarButton

' Delete earlier version of MacroBundle,

' if existing, to prevent conflicts

On Error Resume Next


' Create a commandbar

Set TBar = CommandBars.Add

With TBar

.Name = "xMacroBundle"

.Position = msoBarTop

.Visible = True

End With

' Create Button2 for &xLS

Set Button2 = CommandBars("xMacroBundle").Controls _


With Button2

.Caption = "&x&LS"

.TooltipText = "Highlight array" & Chr(13) & _

"before pressing" & Chr(13) & "xLS0 or xLS1"

.BeginGroup = True

End With

' Create submenus for xLS&0 and xLS&1 respectively

Set Button20 = Button2.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

With Button20

.Caption = "&xLS&0"

.Style = msoButtonCaption

.OnAction = "xLS0"

End With

Set Button21 = Button2.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

With Button21

.Caption = "&xLS&1"

.Style = msoButtonCaption

.OnAction = "xLS1"

End With

' Create Button3 for xWLS

Set Button3 = CommandBars("xMacroBundle").Controls _


Button3.Caption = "x&WLS"

Button3.TooltipText = "Highlight array" & Chr(13) & _

"before pressing" & Chr(13) & "xWLS0 or xWLS1"

' Create submenus for xWLS&0 and xWLS&1 respectively

Set Button30 = Button3.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

Button30.Caption = "xWLS&0"

Button30.OnAction = "xWLS0"

Set Button31 = Button3.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

Button31.Caption = "xWLS&1"

Button31.OnAction = "xWLS1"

' Create Button6 for xLSPol&y

Set Button6 = CommandBars("xMacroBundle").Controls _


Button6.Caption = "xLSPol&y"

Button6.TooltipText = "Highlight array" & Chr(13) & _

"before pressing" & Chr(13) & "xLSPoly0 or xLSPoly1"

' Create submenus for xLSPoly&0 and xLSPoly&1 respectively

Set Button60 = Button6.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

Button60.Caption = "xLSPoly&0"

Button60.OnAction = "xLSPoly0"

Set Button61 = Button6.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

Button61.Caption = "xLSPoly&1"

Button61.OnAction = "xLSPoly1"

' Create Button7 for x&Ortho

Set Button7 = CommandBars("xMacroBundle").Controls _


Button7.Caption = "&xOrtho"

Button7.BeginGroup = True

Button7.TooltipText = "Highlight array" & Chr(13) & _

"before pressing" & Chr(13) & "xOrtho0 or xOrtho1"

' Create submenus for xOrtho&0 and xOrtho&1 respectively

Set Button70 = Button7.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

Button70.Caption = "xOrtho&0"

Button70.OnAction = "xOrtho0"

Set Button71 = Button7.Controls.Add(Type:=msoControlButton)

Button71.Caption = "xOrtho&1"

Button71.OnAction = "xOrtho1"

' Create Button10 for x&FT

Set Button10 = CommandBars("xMacroBundle").Controls _


With Button10

.Caption = "x&FT"

.BeginGroup = True

.TooltipText = "Highlight array" & Chr(13) & _

"before pressing" & Chr(13) & "xForwardFT or" & _

Chr(13) & "xInverseFT"

End With

' Create submenus for &ForwardFT

' and &InverseFT respectively

Set Button100 = Button10.Controls _


With Button100

.Caption = "x&ForwardFT"

.Style = msoButtonCaption

.OnAction = "xForwardFT"

End With

Set Button101 = Button10.Controls _


With Button101

.Caption = "x&InverseFT"

.Style = msoButtonCaption

.OnAction = "xInverseFT"

End With

Exit Sub


MsgBox "The xnumbers.dll is not operative"

End Sub


Sub RemovexMBToolbar()

On Error Resume Next


End Sub




'''''''''''''''''^ ^'''''''''''''''

''''''''''''''''^ xLEAST SQUARES ^''''''''''''''

'''''''''''''''''^ ^'''''''''''''''


''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' (c) R. de Levie

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' v 5.5, May 1, 2005

' This is the extended-precision version of LS. If there

' are three or more input columns, it assumes that a power

' series in x is used, and it computes this internally. If

' that is inappropriate, comment out the seven lines of

' code in the paragraph labeled INTERNAL SERIES CALCULATION

Sub xLS0() ' for an unweighted least squares fit

' through the origin at extended precision

Dim p

p = 0

Call xLeastSquares(p)

End Sub




Sub xLS1() ' for a general unweighted least

' squares fit at extended precision

Dim p

p = 1

Call xLeastSquares(p)

End Sub

Sub xLeastSquares(p)

Dim MP As New Xnumbers

Dim cMax As Integer, Delta As Integer, denom As Integer

Dim j As Integer, jj As Integer, m As Integer

Dim n As Integer, q As Integer, s As Integer

Dim i As Long

Dim aa, AC, Answer, hAnswer, jAnswer, NumPrecision

Dim Ratio, rMax, Root, SSR, StDevF, u, varY

Dim myRange As Range

Dim bArray, btArray, btqArray, DataArray, lccArray

Dim outputArray, vArray, v0Array, pArray, piArray

Dim qArray, XArray, xtArray, YArray, ytArray, ytyArray

Dim DgtMax

s = 0

' Select the desired numerical precision. The default

' value is 30, which yields quadruple precision. If

' you don't want any other precision, and want to avoid

' having to respond to an input box every time you use

' this macro, simply comment out the instructions

' between this and the next comment line.


NumPrecision = InputBox("Enter the desired numerical " & _

"precision," & vbCr & "in number of decimals, " & _

"up to 200." & vbCr & vbCr & "Click OK for the " & _

"default value, 30," & vbCr & "i.e., for quadruple " & _

"precision.", "Numerical precision", 30)

If Val(NumPrecision) > 200 Then

MsgBox "The precision can be no larger than 200. Try again"

GoTo TryAgain

End If

DgtMax = Val(NumPrecision)

Delta = 2 - DgtMax

' Determination of the array size:

With MP

.DigitsMax = DgtMax


rMax = Selection.Rows.count

cMax = Selection.Columns.count

u = 1

' If area was not highlighted

If rMax = 1 And cMax = 1 Then

hAnswer = MsgBox("You forgot to highlight" _

& Chr(13) & "the block of input data." _

& Chr(13) & "Do you want to do so now?" _

, vbYesNo, "Least Squares Fit")

If hAnswer = vbNo Then End

If hAnswer = vbYes Then

Set myRange = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _

"The input data are located in:", Type:=8)


End If

GoTo Begin

End If

' Check that the number of columns is at least 2:

If cMax < 2 Then

MsgBox "There must be at least two columns," & _

Chr(13) & "one for Y, and one or more for X.", _

, "Least Squares Fit"


End If

' Check that there are more data than coefficients :

If rMax - cMax - p + 1 <= 0 Then

MsgBox "With " & rMax & " data, LS" & p & " can only deter-" & _

Chr(13) & "mine " & rMax - 1 & " least squares coefficients." & _

Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "Add more data, or reduce the re-" & _

Chr(13) & "quested number of coefficients."


End If

' Dimension the arrays:

ReDim YArray(1 To rMax, 1 To 1)

ReDim XArray(1 To rMax, 1 To cMax)

ReDim ytArray(1 To 1, 1 To rMax)

ReDim ytyArray(1 To 1, 1 To 1)

ReDim xtArray(1 To cMax, 1 To rMax)

ReDim pArray(1 To cMax, 1 To cMax)

ReDim piArray(1 To cMax, 1 To cMax)

ReDim qArray(1 To cMax, 1 To 1)

ReDim bArray(1 To cMax, 1 To 1)

ReDim btArray(1 To 1, 1 To cMax)

ReDim btqArray(1 To 1, 1 To 1)

ReDim vArray(1 To cMax, 1 To cMax)

ReDim v0Array(1 To cMax - 1 + p, 1 To cMax - 1 + p)

ReDim lccArray(1 To cMax, 1 To cMax)

' Read the dataArray, then fill yArray and xArray.

DataArray = Selection.Value

For i = 1 To rMax

YArray(i, 1) = DataArray(i, 1)

Next i

For i = 1 To rMax

If IsEmpty(DataArray(i, 1)) Then

MsgBox "Y-value(s) missing", , "Least Squares Fit"


End If

Next i

For j = 2 To cMax

For i = 1 To rMax

If IsEmpty(DataArray(i, j)) Then

MsgBox "X-value(s) missing", , "Least Squares Fit"


End If

Next i

Next j

' Fill the first column of xArray with zeroes (for p = 0)

' or ones (for p = 1), the rest with the data in the

' x-column(s)

For i = 1 To rMax

XArray(i, 1) = CDbl(p)

Next i

For j = 2 To cMax

For i = 1 To rMax

XArray(i, j) = DataArray(i, j)

Next i

Next j

' Select whether you want to replace the input data beyond

' the first two columns by a power series in x, or use the

' existing input data. If you select Yes, the columns

' beyond the second will be filled with x^3, x^4, etc. for

' as many columns as there are on the spreadsheet. The

' advantage is that these powers will be computed with

' extended precision. The disadvantage is that incorrect

' results will be obtained when the input data are multi-

' variate, or form anything other than a regular power

' series in x.

If cMax > 5 Then

sAnswer = _

MsgBox(" Do you want to compute the data in the" & _

vbCr & "input beyond the second column as a regular" & _

vbCr & "power series in x, with extended precision?" & _

vbCr & " If so, press Yes." & vbCr & _

vbCr & " If the data in the various x-columns" & _

vbCr & " do not follow a regular power series," & _

vbCr & " or are multivariate, press No.", _

vbYesNo, "Compute power series?")

If sAnswer = vbYes Then

s = 1

For j = 3 To cMax

For i = 1 To rMax

XArray(i, j) = .xPow(DataArray(i, 2), j - 1)

Next i

Next j

End If

End If

' Compute b = (X' X)" X' Y , where ' or t denote

' transposition, and " or i indicate inversion

' The various arrays and their dimensions (rows,

' columns) are:

' Y = yArray ( rmax, 1)

' X = xArray ( rmax, cmax)

' X' = xtArray ( cmax, rmax)

' X' X = pArray ( cmax, cmax)

' (X' X)" = piArray ( cmax, cmax)

' X' Y = qArray ( cmax, 1)

' b = bArray ( cmax, 1)

Call xTranspose(XArray, rMax, cMax, xtArray, DgtMax)

Call xMultiply(xtArray, cMax, rMax, XArray, cMax, pArray, _


Call xInvert(pArray, cMax, piArray, DgtMax)

Call xMultiply(xtArray, cMax, rMax, YArray, 1, qArray, _


Call xMultiply(piArray, cMax, cMax, qArray, 1, bArray, _


' Check against overwriting spreadsheet data

m = 0

If (p = 0 And cMax = 2) Then

For i = 1 To 3

Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select

outputArray = Selection.Value

For j = 1 To cMax

If IsEmpty(outputArray(rMax, j)) Then

m = m


m = m + 1

End If

Next j

Next i

Selection.Offset(-3, 0).Select

If m > 0 Then Answer = MsgBox("There are data in the " _

& "three lines below the" & Chr(13) & _

"input data array. " & "Can they be overwritten?", _

vbYesNo, "Overwrite?")

If Answer = vbNo Then End


For i = 1 To 2 + p + cMax

Selection.Offset(1, 0).Select

outputArray = Selection.Value

For j = 1 To cMax

If IsEmpty(outputArray(rMax, j)) Then

m = m


m = m + 1

End If

Next j

Next i

Selection.Offset(-2 - p - cMax, 0).Select

If m > 0 Then Answer = MsgBox("There are data in the " _

& 2 + p + cMax & " lines below the" & Chr(13) & _

"input data array. " & "Can they be overwritten?", _

vbYesNo, "Overwrite?")

If Answer = vbNo Then End

End If

' The additional arrays and their dimensions (rows,

' columns) are:

' Y' = ytArray ( 1, rmax)

' Y' Y = ytyArray ( 1, 1)

' b' = btArray ( 1, cmax)

' b' X' Y = btqArray ( 1, 1)

Call xTranspose(YArray, rMax, 1, ytArray, DgtMax)

Call xTranspose(bArray, cMax, 1, btArray, DgtMax)

Call xMultiply(ytArray, 1, rMax, YArray, 1, ytyArray, DgtMax)

Call xMultiply(btArray, 1, cMax, qArray, 1, btqArray, DgtMax)

' Calculate SSR = Y'Y - b'X'Y; then the variance

' of y as varY = SSR/(rMax-cMax-p+1); and vArray,

' the covariance matrix, as V = (X'X)" times varY.

SSR = .xSub(ytyArray(1, 1), btqArray(1, 1))

denom = rMax - cMax - p + 1

varY = .xDiv(SSR, denom)

StDevF = .xSqr(.xAbs(varY))

For i = 1 To cMax

For j = 1 To cMax

vArray(i, j) = .xMult(varY, piArray(i, j))

Next j

Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

ActiveCell.Offset(rMax, 0).Select

' Prepare the output format

For j = 1 To cMax

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True

ActiveCell.Font.Italic = True

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 1

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

Next j

ActiveCell.Offset(1, -cMax).Select

If (p = 0 And cMax = 2) Then

For i = 1 To 2

For j = 1 To cMax

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = False

ActiveCell.Font.Italic = True

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 1

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

Next j

ActiveCell.Offset(1, -cMax).Select

Next i

ActiveCell.Offset(-3, 0).Select


For i = 1 To 1 + p + cMax

For j = 1 To cMax

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = False

ActiveCell.Font.Italic = True

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 1

ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "General"

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

Next j

ActiveCell.Offset(1, -cMax).Select

Next i

ActiveCell.Offset(-2 - p - cMax, 0).Select

End If

' Prepare the output labels, suppressing them when space

' for them is unavailable or data will be overwritten

aa = ActiveCell.Address

AC = Mid(aa, 2, 1)

If (AC = "A" And p = 1) Then GoTo NoLabel

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -p).Select

If p = 1 Then

If (IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Or ActiveCell.Value = "Coeff:") _


GoTo Step1


ActiveCell.Offset(0, p).Select

GoTo NoLabel

End If

End If


With ActiveCell

.Value = "Coeff:"

.Font.Bold = True

.Font.Italic = True

.Font.ColorIndex = 1

.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight

End With

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

If p = 1 Then

If (IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Or ActiveCell.Value = "StDev:") _


GoTo Step2


ActiveCell.Offset(-1, p).Select

GoTo NoLabel

End If

End If


With ActiveCell

.Value = "StDev:"

.Font.Bold = True

.Font.Italic = True

.Font.ColorIndex = 1

.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight

End With

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

If p = 1 Then

If (IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Or ActiveCell.Value = "Sf:") _


GoTo Step3


ActiveCell.Offset(-1, p).Select

GoTo NoLabel

End If

End If


With ActiveCell

.Value = "Sf:"

.Font.Bold = False

.Font.Italic = True

.Font.ColorIndex = 1

.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight

End With

ActiveCell.Offset(-1, p).Select

If p = 0 And cMax = 2 Then

ActiveCell.Offset(-1, p).Select

GoTo NoLabel

End If

ActiveCell.Offset(3, -p).Select

If p = 1 Then

If (IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Or ActiveCell.Value = "CM:") Then

GoTo Step4


ActiveCell.Offset(-3, p).Select

GoTo NoLabel

End If

End If


ActiveCell.Offset(-1, 0).Select

With ActiveCell

.Value = "CM:"

.Font.Bold = True

.Font.Italic = True

.Font.ColorIndex = 5

.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight

End With

ActiveCell.Offset(-3, p).Select


ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1 - p).Select

For j = 2 - p To cMax

ActiveCell.Value = bArray(j, 1)

ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "General"

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

Next j

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1 - p - cMax).Select

q = 0

For j = 2 - p To cMax

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 3

ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "General"

If .xComp(vArray(j, j), 0) < 0 Then

ActiveCell.Value = "var < 0"

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True

q = q + 1


ActiveCell.Value = .xSqr(vArray(j, j))

Ratio = .xDiv(.xAbs(bArray(j, 1)), .xSqr(vArray(j, j)))

If .xComp(Ratio, 1) = 1 Then _

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 16

If .xComp(Ratio, 5) = 1 Then _

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 10

End If

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

Next j

' Write the standard deviation of the fit to the function

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1 - p - cMax).Select

ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "General"

Selection.Value = StDevF

' Identify the macro used

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select

ActiveCell.Value = ""

ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select

If p = 0 And cMax = 2 Then ActiveCell.Offset(1, -1).Select

ActiveCell.Value = "xLS" & p

ActiveCell.Font.Bold = True

ActiveCell.Font.Italic = False

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 5

ActiveCell.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter

ActiveCell.Interior.ColorIndex = 34



ActiveCell.Comment.Visible = False

If s = 0 Then ActiveCell.Comment.Text Text:= _

"macro = xLS" & p & Chr(10) & _

"numerical precision = " & DgtMax & Chr(10) & _

"x used as shown on" & Chr(10) & _

" spreadsheet" & Chr(10) & _

Date & ", " & Time

If s = 1 Then ActiveCell.Comment.Text Text:= _

"macro = xLS" & p & Chr(10) & _

"numerical precision = " & DgtMax & Chr(10) & _

"x power series computed" & Chr(10) & _

"date = " & Date & Chr(10) & "time = " & Time

If p = 0 And cMax = 2 Then ActiveCell.Offset(1, -1).Select

ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Select

' Write the covariance matrix

If p = 0 And cMax = 2 Then GoTo LastLine

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select

For i = 2 - p To cMax

For j = 2 - p To cMax

ActiveCell.Value = vArray(i, j)

ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 5

ActiveCell.NumberFormat = "General"

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select

Next j

ActiveCell.Offset(1, 1 - p - cMax).Select

Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

' Provide as optional output the array of linear

' correlation coefficients. The user specifies

' the cell block in which to write this array

If p = 0 And cMax = 2 Then GoTo LastLine

jAnswer = MsgBox("Do you want to see the " _