English 3 Honors
Mr. Horner
Can you answer these theatrical and acting questions for Macbeth?
Act II.
- What is bothering Banquo? What are his cursed thoughts?
- When Banquo says” So I lose none (honor)/ In seeking to augment it, but still keep/ My bosom franchised and allegiance clear,” why might he be suspicious at this point? What do these lines tell you about his character?
- If you were directing a stage production of Macbeth, would you have the dagger physically appear before Macbeth, or would you have him address the empty air?
- What is the significance of the rhyming couplet at the end of scene ii?
- In scene ii is Lady Macbeth drunk? Explain.
- What does the sound effect of the screeching owl mean?
- When Lady Macbeth says, “Had he not resembled/ My Father as he slept, I had don ‘t.” what might here tone be here? Frightened? Irritated? Angry? Shaken?
- When Macbeth says” This is a sorry sight” where should the actor’s attention be directed as he speaks these and the following lines?
- At what point in scene ii does Macbeth again become aware of Lady Macbeth?
- What is Macbeth’s state of mind after the murder?
- What effect does all the knocking on the door have on Macbeth? Lady Macbeth? The audience?
- At what pace should scene ii be played? What clues in the dialogue tell you?
- In what mood should the porter be in scene iii, before Macduff enters?
- What mood is the porter in when he speaks to Macduff?
- How should Macbeth greet and talk to Macduff in this scene?
- “’Twas a rough night.” How should Macbeth say this?
- How should Macduff announce the murder?
- When Macduff says “your royal father’s murdered,” Malcom says “Oh, by whom?” How might Malcolm say this?
- When Macbeth says “Oh , yet I do repent me of my fury/ That I did kill them” Macduff says ” Wherefore did you so?” How should the actor playing Macduff react to this announcement? The actor playing Banquo?
- When Lady Macbeth faints, is she faking? Explain.
- When Banquo says, “Thence/ against the undivulged pretense I fight/ Of treasonous malice” why did Shakespeare give this speech to Banquo rather than to Macduff?
- Why do Malcolm and Donalbain immediately leave rather than look for and fight the assassin? Why do they separate instead of combining forces?
- What is the symbolic meaning of the falcon-owl incident in II,iv, 11-14?
- Macduff announced “Well, I’ll to Fife.” Why might he be suspicious of Macbeth?
- In Act II the king’s murder is not shown. If you were staging this play now, would you show the murder to the audience? Explain your decision.