Dispatches From The Aerodrome…October 2007Page 1



Dispatches From The Aerodrome…October 2007Page 1



The next club meeting will be held on Thursday, October 11, at 7:00 p.m.in the banquet room ofSoulman's Bar-B-Que, 691 E Interstate 30, Rockwall.

Minutes of the September Meeting

The September meeting of the club’s general membership was held on September 13, 2007 at :00 PM at Soulman's Bar-B-Que,691 E Interstate 30, Rockwall. PresidentBill Lenkcalled the meeting to order at 7PM with 15 regular members present.

Minutes of the August meeting: The minutes of the Auguist meeting were accepted as written.

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Larry Wells reported a balance of $2510.23 in the club’s treasury. Larry projects an end of year balance of approximately $93.03.

Expenses for July were some lawnmower maintenance items for the old mower, and fuel for the mowers ($108.04), the purchase of the new riding mower ($1406.17), and the usual monthly expenses for the bathroom facilities ($76.80).

A motion to accept the Treasurers report was made by Bill Vasallo, seconded by Mike Troje and was approved by the membership.

Safety Committee Report: Safety officer Bill Vassallowas present and had no safety violations or topics to report.

Field Marshal Report: With the sad loss of fellow pilot Doyle Evans we did not have a Field Marshals report. Since our last meeting the following tasks have been completed by several club members:

  • The gazebo has been painted
  • The doors of the storage areas have been completed
  • The new mower has been purchased

Flying Proficiency Committee: Committee chairman Ed Vallswas present and only had one item to report with respect to the FPC. Ed recommended all current instructor certificates be rescinded at the end of September and Bill Vasallo followed that suggestion up with a motion stating the same. Bob Leserve seconded themotion and it passed unanimously. Any pilots wishing to qualify as an instructor under the new FPC requirements are encouraged to contact Ed, Howie, or Ronnie to schedule some time to complete the newly revised requirements for instructor status.

Old Business

Charging Station at the Field

Several of our pilots have expressed an interest and have the resources to build a battery charging station at the field. The system being discussed would consist of 2 100Ah batteries that would trickle charge via a solar panel on the roof of the gazebo. The 2 large batteries would feed a panel of banana jacks so that pilots could plug in their own DC chargers and charge batteries for electric aircraft, radios, or starters at the field.

Note: This idea was brought forward at the July meeting. At the August meeting a motion was made by Ronnie Stine to allocate $200 dollars towards this project. Ed Vals seconded the motion and was passed by the membership.

Follow Up: The usage of two batteries and a solar array for a charging station is not really a feasible solution. This method would provide very limited electrical power and the recharge rate would be slower than the needs of the club. A better solution would be to use a portable generator which is similar in cost and would provide 110V AC which could prove useful for other club projects and field maintenance. The purchase of a generator for club purchase was deferred until 2008.

Fall Fun Fly

The club will have its annual fall fun fly on October 27th. More details to be decided at the October meeting.

Runway Repairs from Spring Rains

It had been suggested to pull the runway up at the north and replace any dirt that had been washed out with from the excessive spring and summer rains. It was agreed by all present that pulling up the petromat in large sections could possible damage the material and we would be better served to defer any repairs until the damage to the runway foundation can no longer be tolerated.

New Business

Ramp to the Gazebo Storage Area

Now that we have the new mower and the closed in section of the gazebo has been completed we need some ramps to get the mower from the raised gazebo floor to the ground. Chris Brown volunteered to construct some steel ramps for this purpose.

Future Flying Site

A motion was made by Bob Leserve that the club begin the process of looking for a future flying site in the event the City if Rockwall chooses to not renew our lease agreement of the current flying site on Dowell Road. The motion was seconded by Bill Lenk and passed unanimously.

Guests and Flying Privileges

There was some limited discussion about guests at our field and the clubs ability to control guests flying privileges. The topic was tabled until the October meeting.

Other Items of Interest

Have a Suggestion or Idea?

If you have a suggestion or an idea that would be an improvement to the field please bring it forward.

Officers for 2008

Officer elections are right around the corner. If you’re interested in being a club officer for 2008 please talk it up with your fellow pilots so we know your interest in helping manage the club

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16PM.

Dispatches From The Aerodrome…October 2007Page 1
