Curriculum Committee

Meeting Minutes

April 22, 2014

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Voting: Teresa Minter-Procter, Kailani Knutson, Robert Simpkins, James Thompson, Miles Vega, Bret Davis, Giovanni Ruiz-ASPC student rep, Danny Sciacqua

Advisory: Kim Behrens, Bill Henry

Guest: James Carson, Richard Goode, Cindy Pummill


Voting: Susan Regier, James Entz

Advisory: Muriel Josten, Lorie Barker, Susie Lala-Bell, Erin Cruz, Val Garcia

Call To Order:

The April 22, 2014 was called to order at 2:36 pm.

Approval of Agenda:

Motion: To approve the April 22, 2014 agenda.

M/S/C: Simpkins/Sciacqua

Approval of Minutes:

Motion: To approve the April 8, 2014 minutes.

M/S/C: Knutson/Vega

Consent Items-Deletion:

These courses have been inactivated in Banner but not deleted. They have not been taught in several years. Some of the courses were not included in the CNET upload process.

1.  PHED P104

2.  PHED P113-Not in CNET

3.  PHED P120-

4.  PHED P129-Not in CNET

5.  PHED P133-Not in CNET

6.  PHED P157-

7.  PHED P159-Not in CNET

Motion: To approve course deletions of items 1 through 7 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Minter-Procter

Old Business:

1.  ENGL P130-Table

Need the correct content review attached. The content review is for ENGL P131.

2.  English AA-T -Table

3.  Industrial Technology Skills Award

Change the required grade from a “B” to a “C”.

Motion: To approve Industrial Technology Skills Award (Summer 2014).

M/S/C: Knutson/Sciacqua

4.  MATH P122-Table

The course was resubmitted as a 4 unit 90 hour course. Further discussion needed.

New Business:

1.  AGRI P102-Table

Cal Poly has the CID number referenced in the catalog description. This information is from 2001. It is not the CID number used for Transfer degrees.

2.  AGRI P106-Table

3.  AGRI P132-Table

4.  BIOL P110

Added lab content to the topical outline and prerequisite.

Motion: To approve BIOL P110 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Sciacqua

5.  BSAD P120

CTE two year review and added a prerequisite.

Motion: To approve BSAD P120 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Sciacqua/Ruiz

6.  BSAD P132

CTE two year review and added a prerequisite.

Motion: To approve BSAD P132 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Minter-Procter

7.  ECON P101

Modified the catalog description and added a prerequisite. The prerequisite is required by CID. PC Curriculum review cycle.

Motion: To approve ECON P101 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Simpkins

8.  ECON P102

Modified the catalog description and added a prerequisite. The prerequisite is required by CID. PC Curriculum review cycle.

Motion: To approve ECON P102 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Minter-Procter/Simpkins

9.  HMSV program review-Informational only

10.  INFS P020

James Thompson will upload the correct content review. James Carson will be developing a new Transfer degree. This course will not be part of the Degree. It may be part of a COA.

Motion: To approve INFS P020 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Davis

11.  INFS P030

James Thompson removed minimum quals. This course will not be part of the Degree. It may be part of a COA.

Motion: To approve INFS P030 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Sciacqua

12.  INST P152

A new course developed that focuses on career choices. It will meet the PC GE area requirement for Education. The course is developed as part of the ADT grant curriculum. It will be offered this summer for high school students. But, anyone is able to register for the course. The course will be cross listed with EDUC P102 in the fall when the education course is brought forward for curriculum review.

Motion: To approve INST P152 (Summer 2014).

M/S/C: Knutson/Ruiz

13.  MATH PQ

The course is a new basic skills course that combines MATH P061 and MATH P055. The course will be taught for two semesters and then will then be brought back for curriculum review. Students will be able to take this course and move into MATH P051 the following semester. The students will be able to complete the course in one semester for 6 units instead of 10 units. Instead of making two three unit courses, which the department has not agreed, this is a 6 unit experimental course. Cindy will bring back to statistical data on success rates. James Thompson noted that any faculty can propose a course. Since we do not have Department Chairs the Division Chair reviews the course than it moves forward to curriculum committee.

Motion: To approve MATH PQ (Spring 2015).

M/S/C: Davis/Knutson

14.  POLS P102

Added a course English prerequisite and aligned the course with the CID descriptor and updated textbook. PC Curriculum review cycle.

Motion: To approve POLS P102 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Minter-Procter

15.  POLS P103

Added a course English prerequisite and aligned the course with the CID descriptor and updated textbook. PC Curriculum review cycle.

Motion: To approve POLS P103 (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Knutson/Sciacqua

16.  POLS AA-T

The department regularly gets 4 or 5 students that are transferring as Political Science majors. We do not have to create any additional courses to offer the degree.

Motion: To approve POLS AA-T (Summer 2015).

M/S/C: Ruiz/Minter-Procter


1.  Curriculum Chair report: No report on the CNET upgrade. Discussion regarding changing the time and date of the meeting next year to Friday. Many instructors have teaching assignments that currently serve on the curriculum committee.

2.  Liberal Arts Division discussion in Arts, Social Science and Math: At this time there are no instructors to teach the geography course that is required for the Transfer degree. Robert Simpkins asked what department would the degree reside. The Math department would like to see the Teacher Education AA Transfer degree.

3.  GE-Graduation requirements: Nothing to report.

Next Meeting: May 13, 2014

Adjournment: 4:36 pm

"In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act and SB 751, minutes of the PC Curriculum committee record the votes of all committee members as follows. (1) Members recorded as absent are presumed not to have voted; (2) the names of members voting in the minority or abstaining are recorded; (3) all other members are presumed to have voted in the majority."