Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 66-3056/2000,



Article 1

This Act regulates the preparation, organisation and conducting the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Slovenia in 2002 (hereinafter: the Census), defines the bodies responsible for conducting the Census, regulates the rights and obligations of the Census participants, protection of personal data collected by the Census, publishing the Census results and Census financing.

Article 2

The Census in the Republic of Slovenia shall be carried out in the period from 1st to 15th April 2002.

Immediately after the Census has been finished, statistical control of the coverage and quality of the data collected by the Census shall be done in sample census districts.

The reference date of the Census and statistical control of the coverage and quality of the data collected by the Census is 31st March 2002 at midnight.


The following are covered by the Census:

  1. persons

-citizens of the Republic of Slovenia with permanent or temporary residence in the Republic of Slovenia, regardless whether they are present in the Republic of Slovenia at the critical moment or not;

-foreigners with permits for permanent or temporary residence in Slovenia and persons with a temporary refuge in the Republic of Slovenia, regardless whether they are present in the Republic of Slovenia at the critical moment or not;

-other persons who are present in the territory of the Republic of Slovenia during the Census;

  1. households of persons from paragraph 1 of this Article;
  2. dwellings and other inhabited premises in the Republic of Slovenia;
  3. buildings in the Republic of Slovenia where dwellings or other inhabited premises are located.

Article 4

Personnel at foreign diplomatic missions and consulates and representatives of international organisations and bodies in the Republic of Slovenia, their family members and dwellings owned by foreign countries in the Republic of Slovenia are not covered by the Census.

Article 5

Identification is allocated to buildings and dwellings for the needs of the Register of Buildings and Dwellings implementation.

Article 6

The following data about a person are collected by the census of persons:

-surname and name,

-personal identification number or date of birth,


-address of the residence,

-address of the dwelling,

-number of the dwelling,

-presence / absence at the critical moment,

-place of residence one year prior to the Census,

-place of birth,

-place of residence at birth,





-mother tongue,

-language that is used in the household (family),

-marital status,

-number of live-born children,



-activity status,

-employment status,


-usual working time

-place of work / education,

-travelling to work / school,

-main source of livelihood,

-dependency relationship,

-housing situation of the person,

-other dwellings owned by the person (owner or co-owner of a dwelling).

Article 7

The following data are collected by the census of households:

-type of household,

-number of household members,

-household reference person,

-relationship to the private household reference person,

-number of families in the private household,

-person's family status,

-legal or other basis according to which the household resides in the dwelling,

-member of the private household who is the owner, co-owner or tenant of the dwelling,

-ownership or rent of the garage,

-production of food for own needs or for sale.

Article 8

The following data are collected by the census of dwellings:

-type and use of the dwelling,

-ownership of the dwelling,

-floor space of the dwelling, number of rooms and number of rooms for carrying out activities,

-whether the dwelling is equipped with a kitchen and its floor space, bathroom and toilet,

-other premises within the dwelling,

-number of persons in the dwelling,

-number of households in the dwelling,

-year of the last renovation,


-type and source of heating,

-location of the dwelling in the building,

-dwelling number in the building.

Article 9

The following data are collected by the census of buildings:

-type of building,

-number of floors in the building,

-bearing construction material,

-year when the building was constructed,

-type of roof covering and the year when it was last replaced,


-type and source of heating,

-number of dwellings in the building.

Article 10

Respondents are obliged to give complete and correct answers to all the questions in the Census questionnaire free of charge.

Data on absent household members shall be provided by the member who knows the data the best, and data on children up to 15 years old shall be provided by one of the parents, adopter or a guardian. For absent household members who on the census day completed 14 years of age, the data on religion and nationality shall be provided by presenting their written consent that these data can be disclosed for the purpose of the Census and their written statement about their nationality and religion.

Respondents are not obliged to answer the question about nationality and there shall be a legal remedy included in the questionnaire.

The interviewer is obliged to enter the data as given by the respondent into the Census questionnaire.

Article 11

Data with identifications for a person, household, dwelling and building, which are needed for the Census, can be collected or obtained from all the existing official and other administrative records from public and private sector.

Article 12

Database managers, who are authorised for their maintenance and keeping, are obliged to communicate the necessary data from these registers to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Office) free of charge and within the period of time and in the way as defined by the Office.

Article 13

Ministry for Health and public institutions which are engaged in social security as well as other managers of social security databases shall provide the Office the data on people, they keep databases for.

Ministry of the Interior shall provide the Office the data on people official registers are kept for.

Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning and Government Office for Local Self-Government shall provide the Office the data on buildings and dwellings.

Ministry of Justice shall provide the Office the data on prisoners.

Ministry of Education and Sport shall provide the Office the data on people living at secondary school boarding houses and student hostels.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall provide the Office the data on people at diplomatic missions and consulates, as well as on citizens of the Republic of Slovenia who work abroad and people who live with them abroad.

Employment Service of Slovenia shall provide the Office the data on unemployed people.

The Institute for Pension and Disability Insurance shall provide the Office the data on recipients of pensions or any other financial assistance from pension and disability insurance.

The Health Insurance Institute shall provide the Office the data on persons covered by health insurance in the Republic of Slovenia.


Article 14

The Census is prepared and organised by the Office in co-operation with performers as stipulated by this Act.

The Office is responsible for co-ordination and reconciliation.

Article 15

The Office shall be responsible for the following tasks:

  1. keeping, organisation, reconciliation and control of the preparation and carrying out the Census,
  2. preparation of the Census methodological bases,
  3. providing translations of the Census questionnaires and instructions into the languages of ethnic communities,
  4. definition of the technology for data entry and processing and archives of the data collected by the Census,
  5. complete and timely informing about the Census,
  6. giving instruction to the authorised Census performers,
  7. organisation and carrying out professional-methodological training for state instructors,
  8. providing expert methodological support for professional-methodological training for district census boards, instructors and interviewers, and preparation, organisation and carrying out interviewing,
  9. preparation of methodological bases and statistical quality control of the data collected by the Census,
  10. providing suitable premises for the Census material storage,
  11. providing the Census material archiving,
  12. preparing the Census material for processing and its processing,
  13. defining control for error correction in the Census material and error correction itself,
  14. publication and archiving of the collected data,
  15. disseminating the Census data to users.

Article 16

District census board is responsible for the organisation and conducting the Census in census districts.

District census board consists of the president and at least three members appointed by the Head of the Office.

Article 17

Public administration personnel, services and technical equipment are used economically to support the district census boards to perform their tasks.

Article 18

The Office shall select and appoint district instructors, interviewers and controllers on the basis of lists prepared by district census boards in co-operation with public administration.

District census board shall monitor the work of persons defined in the first paragraph in the area for which it is responsible for conducting the Census.

Article 19

Interviewing and other fieldwork shall be done by interviewers, district census instructors, census controllers, members of district census boards and state census instructors, who scrupulously follow the provisions of the Census methodological bases and organisational instructions, which have been prepared for the Census.

Article 20

State instructors shall be appointed by the Head of the Office.

State instructor tasks shall be defined in the Census methodological bases.

Article 21

In the area of municipalities where there are members of Italian or Hungarian ethnic communities living, an appropriate number of district census board members, district instructors and interviewers shall be appointed also from among the representatives of self-governing ethnic communities, proposed by the ethnic community and who speak Italian or Hungarian.

An appropriate number of questionnaires in Italian or Hungarian shall be provided for interviewing in municipalities with Italian or Hungarian ethnic communities.

Article 22

Persons referred to in Article 19 of this Act shall have a written authorisation for their work, which is issued by the Head of the Office. They are obliged to show this authorisation to the respondent without being asked to do that.

Authorisation issuer shall keep a register of the issued and returned authorisations.

When an authorisation expires, it shall be returned to the issuer, which means when the work has been done or not later than on the day following the expiry.


Article 23

The data collected by the Census shall be used for statistical purposes only, except for the data that shall be used by the body, competent for the implementation of the Register of Buildings and Dwellings, and the Register of Households.

The data which shall be used for setting up the Register referred to in the previous paragraph are:

-building identification and dwelling identification,

-address of the dwelling,

-personal identification number, surname and name, and the address of the residence of the dwelling owner, eventual co-owner and tenant – provided the latter also resides in the dwelling,

-personal identification number, surname and name, and the address of the residence of other persons in the dwelling,

-household reference person,

-relationship to the private household reference person,

-ownership of the dwelling,

-legal or other basis according to which the household resides in the dwelling,

-type and use of the dwelling,

-floor space of the dwelling

-number of rooms in the dwelling,

-kitchen, bathroom, toilet and other premises within the dwelling,

-year of the last renovation,

-installations in the dwelling,

-location of the dwelling in the building,

-number of the dwelling in the building,

-type of building,

-number of floors in the building,

-bearing construction material,

-the year the building was constructed.

The data which are used for the implementation of the Registers referred to in the first paragraph of this Article, shall bear the mark R on the Census questionnaires.

The data referred to in the second paragraph of this Article for the implementation of the Registers referred to in the first paragraph of this Article shall not be used for the period longer than two years after the Census has been finished.

Article 24

The Office and other performers who are collecting, processing, storing and providing data, which refer to a particular or definable individual, shall adopt and provide organisational and logical technical procedures and precautions for data protection in accordance with the Act regulating personal data protection.

Article 25

Protection of the data collected by the Census, which refer to a particular or definable individual, is provided in accordance with the Act regulating the personal data protection.

Article 26

People who take part in the Census and know the contents of the data collected by the Census, which refer to a particular or definable individual, shall protect it as an official secret.

Article 27

There shall be a clear mark on the questionnaires that all the data in the questionnaires are an official secret.

Article 28

When the data collected by the Census have been processed, the Office designs the Census database.

The Office shall design, keep and maintain the Census database with linking data from the Census database with the data from administrative and other databases.


Article 29

It is not allowed to publish or bring to public the data, collected by the Census, which refer to a particular or definable individual.

Article 30

Census statistical data can be published only in aggregates and all users shall have the same access to them.

Within one year after this Act comes into force the Head of the Office shall define the programme of data dissemination to the Census data users.

Article 31

The Census results shall be published by the Office not later than:

  1. the first results within 60 days after the Census has been finished,
  2. basic data one year after the Census has been finished,
  3. complete and detailed Census results two years after the Census has been finished.

Article 32

Financial resources for the preparation, organisation and conducting the Census are provided for the Office within the state budget for 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004.

Total financial resources amount to 3,335,302,000 Slovenian tolars and shall be allocated by individual year in the following amounts:

1. for 2001: 326. 202.000 tolars,

2. for 2002: 2.606.218.300 tolars,

3. for 2003: 252.781.700 tolars,

4. for 2004: 150.000.000 tolars.

Financial resources from the previous paragraph shall be revalued in accordance with the growth of consumer prices in the Republic of Slovenia.

Article 33

Financial resources for the preparation, organisation and conducting the Census shall be used to pay material costs, payment to the Census performers and purchase of the necessary equipment.


Article 34

A legal person which does not provide the data required by the Census, or does not provide them in due time (Article 12) shall be liable to pay a fine in the amount from 500,000 to 1,000,000 Slovenian tolars for the offence.

A person responsible at the legal person, who commits an offence referred to in the previous paragraph of this Article, shall be liable to pay a fine in the amount from 50,000 to 100,000 Slovenian tolars.

Article 35

A fine in the amount from 50,000 to 100,000 Slovenian tolars shall be paid for the offence committed by:

-an individual who does not provide the data required by the Census, or gives incorrect data (Article 10, the first paragraph),

-an interviewer who forces the respondent against his or her will to declare nationality (Article 10, the third paragraph),

-an interviewer who does not enter the data given by the respondent into the Census questionnaire, or enters wrong data (Article 10, the fourth paragraph).


Article 36

Head of the Office shall prescribe the contents of the Census questionnaires and methodological bases as well as all organisational instructions necessary for conducting the Census.

Article 37

It is not allowed to change street, settlement and town names or house numbers in the period from 1st January 2002 to 30th June 2002.

Article 38

Upon the proposal made by the Office, the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia shall revise the existing census districts, the size of which should enable the interviewer to finish interviewing within 15 days. This revision shall be completed when the preparation of cartographic documentation is commenced.

Article 39

The Office shall report to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and general public about the tasks completed and about the financial resources which have been spent on the Census preparation, organisation and conducting every year not later than on 31st March for the previous year.

The Office shall submit the final report and final account of the spent resources to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and general public not later than on 31st December 2004.

Article 40

This Act comes into force on the fifteenth day after the publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia.

Act Amending the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Slovenia in 2001 Act (ZPPG01-A) (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 26-1584/2001),

published on 12 April 2001 and valid from 27 April 2001 on, stipulates also:

Article 1

In the title of the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings in the Republic of Slovenia in 2001 Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 66/00) and in Article 1 of this Act the year 2001 shall be changed into 2002.