Donna Miller Campo has served the Catoosa District since August 2017 as the Assistant Superintendent. She has 10 years’ experience as a Superintendent at Liberty Public Schools and Shidler. Having been in public education for 34 years, she has an extensive background of experience as a teacher, coach, elementary principal, assistant superintendent and superintendent. She has served in the Prague, Miami, Pawhuska, Shidler, Liberty, and Catoosa communities over her educational career.

She is the daughter of Drs. Noel and Bonnie Miller and attended Okemah Public Schools where she graduated in 1977. She obtained a scholarship for basketball and attended Oklahoma Baptist University for one year and transferred to Central State University where she finished out her college athletic eligibility and obtained her Bachelor of Science. She was named Most Valuable Player at both OBU and CSU.

Mrs. Campo completed her Master of Arts in Educational Leadership at Southern Nazarene University in 2004 with Honors.

In 1982, she married her husband of 34 years, Bobby Campo. She has five children and a grandbaby – Jeremiah, Jennifer, and Katherine (the joy of her life!)who live in Edmond, and Lauren, Jamieson, and Karenna of Beggs. She considers her family as one of her greatest joys and achievements.

A highlight of her professional accomplishments include being inducted into the Distinguished Alumni at the University of Central Oklahoma and being named as the Oklahoma Association of School Administrators District 5 Superintendent of the Year (Tulsa County).

Mrs. Campo currently serves on the Executive Boards of the Oklahoma Technology Association and the Oklahoma Association Serving Impacted Schools. She is also the professional development co-chair for CCOSA (Combined Council of Oklahoma School Administrators).

Her goal is to collaborate with the Board of Education, students, faculty, parents, and community leaders to create and implement a strategic ten-year plan to insure that Catoosa students are college, career, and citizen ready when they graduate. Mrs. Campo believes education is the scaffold from promise to prosperity and is the key to success in life. Above all, she believes that mentoring children and working alongside her colleagues is her calling and that she is abundantly blessed to be chosen as the servant leader of Catoosa Public Schools.