Biography Sheet

The information on this form will be used to write your letter of recommendation so it needs to be accurate and thorough. Give your recommender at least two weeks notice to prepare your letter of recommendation. Complete this on a computer and save it as a file so you can print it when needed.

Personal Information


College Information

List the colleges you intend on applying to

California State Universities:______


University of California:______


Private & Out of State Colleges:______


Class Information

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Period 1:______

Period 2:______

Period 3:______

Period 4:______

Period 5:______

Period 6:______


Spring Schedule

Period 1:______

Period 2:______

Period 3:______

Period 4:______

Period 5:______

Period 6:______


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Total # of AP Classes Taken in HS ______Total # of Honors Classes Taken in HS ______

Grade Information

Overall GPA ______UC/CSU GPA ______Class Rank ______

Test Score Information


Date______Critical Reading______Math______Writing______

Date______Critical Reading______Math______Writing______


Date______English ______Math ______Reading ______Science ______Composite Score______

Date______English ______Math ______Reading ______Science ______Composite Score______

Family/Background Information

(Used for determining financial need)

Highest level of education completed:


Number of people in the household?______How many are children?______

Total Family Income: $______

Extracurricular Activities

(Please provide as much detail as possible)

List the activities (at school and in the community), events, programs, workshops, etc. that you have been involved with during each year of high school. You need to specify your title, if you possessed one, and the duties you performed, and responsibilities. Examples include, athletics, college programs, academic workshops, school clubs/organizations, & school event planning.


Job, Internship, & Community Service Information

Please complete the information below if you have held a job and/or internship, or completed community service hours during your time in high school, including summers. Attach an additional sheet if needed.

Company:______Job Title:______Salary:______

Dates Worked: From______To______Average hours per week:______



Company:______Job Title:______Salary:______

Dates Worked: From______To______Average hours per week:______




Company:______Job Title:______Salary:______

Dates Worked: From______To______Average hours per week:______



Company:______Job Title:______Salary:______

Dates Worked: From______To______Average hours per week:______



Awards & Recognition

Please list awards received (academic & non-academic) or formal recognition given.

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Short Response Questions

What are your educational and career goals:______


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How have you exhibited leadership (Be specific):______


What obstacles have you faced in your pursuit of academic excellence, and how did you overcome those obstacles:______


What are your strengths:______

What are you trying to improve about yourself:______

Please list your hobbies:______

Please use the additional lines to continuing answering any of the above questions, or to give information about yourself that is not presented anywhere else that is relevant:


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