draft: May 5, 2003

Democratic District 18 Caucus

Minutes - April 27, 2003 Meeting


Ed Abrahams, Abigail Adelman, Alan Banov, Leon Billings, Nat Bottingheimer, Marilyn Bracken, John Cunningham, Charles Duffy, Sheldon Fishman, Sel Freedman, Kevin Gillogly, Susan Heltemes, Steve Hollman, Jane Lawton, Rich Madaleno, Ruffin Maddox, Rich, Mandel, E.E. Bernice Mills, Erwin Rose, Arthur Schatzkin, Dee Schofield, Joyce Schwartz, Bill Sher, Abe Silverman, Marge Stanley, Ann Statland, Sam Statland, Pam Stuckey, John Vincent, and Vic Weissberg.

Meeting called to order at 4 pm at the Leland Community Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland by Alan Banov, Chair.

Alan presented the Chair’s report, including introduction of two new area coordinators (Rich Mandel and John Cunningham), distributing of Caucus’ by-laws, and recommending that the Caucus change annual dues from $5 to $10 and suggesting the new Chair appoint a committee to consider changes in the by-laws, including changing the annual dues.

Treasurer and Secretary reports were presented.

Sel Freedman, Chair of the Nominating Committee, presented and distributed its report. The other four members of the Nominating Committee were: Rich Mandel, Bernice Mills, Bill Sher, and Ann Statland. The Committee voted unanimously to recommend the following:

Chairperson Jane Lawton

Vice Chair Susan Heltemes

Treasurer Matt Nissenoff

Secretary Sheldon Fishman

New Board Members:

Alan Banov and Dee Schofield

Final Term Board Members:

Franklin Gee, Steve Hollman, and Ruffin Maddox

Sel asked for additional nominations. Arthur Schatzkin was nominated for Secretary. There were no other nominations for Chairperson, Vice Chair, Treasurer or Board Member. There was a secret written ballot by members in good standing as validated by Susan Heltemes, Treasurer. Sheldon Fishman was elected Secretary. The other officers were elected by acclamation.

Alan Banov reported on the state of the Caucus.

The newly elected Chair, Jane Lawton assumed responsibility for chairing the meeting.

Senator Sharon Grosfeld and Delegate Rich Madaleno reported on the recently completed session of the General Assembly.

Alan Banov and Susan Heltemes reported on the Democratic Spring Ball ads.

Alan Banov moved that the Caucus commit $75 dollars toward a half page ad in the Ball Program with the remaining $175 to be donated by Alan and others. The motion was seconded and passed.

Vic Weissberg reported on the Central Committee

Alan Banov reported on Dollars for Democrats Drive.

Ann Statland reported on the silent auction items for the Spring Ball.

Next meeting of the Democratic District 18 Caucus is Sunday May 18, 2003, tentatively at 7:30 pm at Leland Community Center in Chevy Chase. (Editor’s note: the location was confirmed as 7:30 at the Leland Community Center)

Submitted by:

Sheldon Fishman, Secretary

Approved on May 18, 2003 by D18 Caucus