Queens’ College Multigym Club


The Multigym is equipped with two stationary cycles, a leg curl/extension machine, a hip flexion machine, a squat machine, two treadmills, two cross trainers and multi-station machine with bench press, pull down, chin-up bar;the gym also has some limited free weights. Wall charts describe the safe use of machines ,as well as other exercises. The gym also has some large mirrors fixed to the walls. Multigym club membership will be limited to a maximum of 250 persons and memberships will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

If you wish to join please complete the questionnaire and return the bottom part of this page in an envelope marked ‘MULTIGYM’ to the Bursarial Assistant with a cheque for £25 made payable to Queens’ College, alternatively,you may indicate that you wish to pay on your College bill. Please DO NOT come to the office unless you have a questionsince it is very busy at this time of year. We collect the membership fee to support purchase of, and care for, the gym equipment, we hope you will think it is a pretty good bargain.

All Applicants must attend a formal training session and be certified as competent before their card can be activated;at the start of the year, these training sessions can take up to a week to schedule, while at other times of the year the delay be may be slightly longer.Applicants will be contacted by the Senior Treasurer of the Multigym for induction sessions. Training will focus on safe and effective use of equipment, and is necessary for all members, no matter how experienced you are.

For those studying or working in Cambridge with a partner or family, your partner or family member may also join the gym, following an induction, subject to a slightly higher fee of £30.Please contact the Senior Treasurer of the Multigym,Dr.Andrew Zurcher (), if you have any questions.

This form is for new gym applicants. Former Queens’ gym members should use the Renewal Form to avoid any processing delays.

Please return your completed form to Lilani in the Bursary, in an envelope marked ‘MULTIGYM’.

I would like to join the multigym club for the year 2014/2015

NAME (BLOCK CAPITALS)……………………………………………………….. Email ………………..

I am an undergraduate/graduate/employee/Fellow

Will you be at Queens’ next academic year? YES/NO

If you will still be at Queens’ would you like to be sent a renewal form when your current card

expires? YES/NO

I enclose £25 (£30for family member) cheque/cash as payment.□


Please add this to my college bill□

The club depends upon its members to take an interest in its success, to participate in communal responsibility for the care of the equipment and to abide by the rules. I have read the attached rules and agree to them. I accept that the college accepts no liability for my use of the multigym.

Signed………………………………...... Date ......

All new applicants will be required to have an Induction session with our nominated Trainer. Induction sessions are regularly held only at the beginning of each term so pleasemake every effort to attend if you wish to join during that term.
