Minutes of the Advisory Board Meeting

Wednesday October 21, 2015


Chairwoman Linda Sappington called the meeting to order at 8:00 am


Linda Sappington, Kam Capik, Mary Smiley, Collin Davis, Steven Brough, Clayton Denos, Deborah Reeder

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Kam Capik to approve the minutes of September 16, 2015; motion was seconded by Mary Smiley

Arts Commission Report

There was no Arts Commission Report as the Arts Commission did not meet because the Electric Theater is still not open.

Old Business

Property next door: No updates, Deborah has not seen Bette Arial to discuss getting this on the agenda for City Council.

Home Tour – Most tickets are sold, 28 for Friday which fills both of the buses; 22 sold for Saturday which leaves 6 seats available. WE do not have a CDL certified driver available to drive the large bus so if more tickets are sold we will have to secure additional transportation. Linda Lowe will be put on alert that we may need their passenger van available; or people could follow in additional cars.

Host homes are excited about the tour. Jane Stoughton will not be home for the tour on Friday but will be there on Saturday. Steve Fellows will bring his mother to lunch after the tour. Two homes are in gated communities and the third home is very unique, very different from any home on this tour or previous ones.

Sponsor tickets - Dr. Theurer has tickets for the tour but whether he will attend and which day is not yet known; Kam will follow up with him. Durham Jones Pinegar has also not advised whether they will attend or which day. Linda Sappington will follow up with them. Steven Brough has purchased 6 tickets to give to his customers but we do not know which days they will be used or names of those ticket holders. Clay Denos sold all 6 tickets for Saturday, 2 of those who purchased tickets will not be able to attend. The total cost of their tickets is tax deductible since they will not be used. Terance White has not sold any of his tickets.

Bus hosts for Friday are Mary Smiley and Linda Sappington. Deborah and Mike King will drive the buses. Bus hosts for Saturday are Kam Capik and Melanie Hinton. (Bus drivers for Saturday not stated.) There will be a dry run today at 9:30 with Carol Lakin, Deborah, Kam and Linda Sappington.

Each bus will have a basket of materials for bus hosts to distribute to attendees. The basket includes Evaluation form, Home Tour program, and name tags for attendees. Bus hosts will also have a map and route instructions. Clay suggested that Museum Membership brochures are also distributed to take advantage of the opportunity to promote membership to those who may not be members and have already demonstrated an interest in the Museum and the arts. Deborah will also get water for buses. People who drive their own cars must follow one of the buses and stay on route. In the morning when assembling the tour the first bus will leave as soon as it is full. The second bus will wait for latecomers before leaving. Deborah will not attend the Saturday tour due to a conference out of town but Ashley and Suzanna will both be at the Museum to open doors and check off ticket holders.

2016 National Parks Juried Shows website is set up with Entrythingy and now open for entries.

Art Acquisition from Bloomington Country Club: The building is currently closed and in the process of extensive renovation. They would be willing to loan the two smaller paintings to the Museum but the artwork is not for sale. Sun River purchased the property and is cleaning up and making repairs. Darcy Stewart has some big ideas; some are popular with residents others are not. However residents are happy that the property has been purchased and is being renovated, the alternative was permanent closure. Golf course is open.

New Business

Terance White will resign from the board at the end of his term on December 31st. Linda Sappington is contemplating whether to continue on the board or resign at that time as well. On January 20th the first meeting of 2016 elections will be held to determine new chair and vice-chair.

Planning of the Third Thursday Art Conversation on October 15th was very unusual. It was difficult to get solid information about the speaker in advance; Linda Sappington was finally able to reach her, Paiute Brittani Wero, a few days prior. Then she was late showing up for the event but her presentation was great and enjoyed by 24 people in attendance. She spoke about life on the Reservation and the teachings and art of her grandmother. There was a small article in the paper and it was mentioned in the ad.

Fashion Show set for December 5th needs more publicity. An article has been submitted to the Spectrum, Senior Sampler, Independent and St. George News. All ages are welcome to enter and “wearable art” covers a wide range of options for creativity.

Current show has been well attended but could be better. Clay suggested that exhibit cards be distributed to fabric and quilting stores like Scrap Apple, Hurst, Clover Patch in Santa Clara, Joann Fabrics, and quilting store in shopping center on 400 W and St. George Blvd. There is also one near Croshaw’s. Fashion Show flyer should also be delivered to these places. Clay will take to Hurst, Scrap Apple and Joann’s. Kam and Linda will take to others.

Director’s Report

As stated in the printed Directors Report distributed at the meeting with further discussion on:

The Third Weekend Events have gotten off to a slow start. Publicity was slow to get started and somewhat confusing because the gallery numbers on the map do not match the numbers on the Studio Tour. 19 people visited the Museum on each of the first 2 Art on Main events so far.

Deborah submitted a grant request for RAP tax money in the amount of $24,800 to pay for more publicity for National Parks shows. Deborah shared the ad with the board – currently running in Southwestern Art Magazine and Western Art Collector Magazine; made possible by grant from CVB.

Upcoming Conversations are on November 14 – Saturday with Hal Hickman and on November 19th with Margaret Abramshe. These are being promoted together. December 17th conversation will be with Becky Menlove about the Navajo baskets.

Kam asked if any of the SAQA quilts would be available to keep after the show closes. Deborah said that although many are for sale, we probably would not be able to purchase. $15,000 of our fund is already earmarked for the Purchase prizes for the National Parks juried shows; and the city has to approve purchases; they determine when and how we can spend the money in that fund.

We need to start thinking about what the Museum will do in 2017.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:55. The next general meeting will be at 8:00 on November 18th.

Minutes submitted by: April Cummings

Approved by: [Name]