DATE:June 21, 2016 LOCATION:Wings, Vernon

ATTENDEES:(present) (absent)


Pres. / Sean Russell /  / WRA President / Michelle Toulouse /  / Chair of AA / Melissa Mallam /  / D of Officials / vacant
V.Pres. / Toni Pickrell /  / KRA President / Lesley Driscoll /  / Statistician / Sheldon Bank /  / D of Coaches / vacant
Sec. / Linda Meraw /  / GVRA President / Paige Powls /  / Schedular / vacant
Treas. / Jen Van Every /  / SRA President / Tobiah Riley /  / Registrar / vacant

Guests: Warren Carter (VRA) Quorum present: yes

Agenda Item / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
1. Call Meeting to Order / Meeting called to order at 647pm
2. Additions to Agenda Agenda Approval / Motionby Toni P, seconded by Lesley D, “That the Board of Directors General Meeting Agenda for, June 21,2016 be approved and adopted as presented."
3. Adoption of Previous Minutes / Motionby Michelle T, seconded byPaige P, “That the Board of Directors General Meeting Minutes ofMay 24, 2016,be approved and adopted as presented."
4. Business arising from the minutes: / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
5. Executive Reports / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
5.1 President
Sean Russell / 5.1.1:went toBCRA meeting last weekend: There are certain dates and things BC ringette wants to introduce next year.
- helping assn with member's that are 'bullies' and need to be managed (during games, protocols, etc).
- parent code of conduct.
- Society Act was a topic: how to define a member.
- critical date calendar (available online)… Aug 31: must have Operating Policies and league rules into the office.
- push the travel grant for all Open players in province to $10 (extra onto regn fees) for travel expenses for TORL and the North since LMRL always hosts.
- CI training will happen before Labour Day.
.2:coaching application is on TORL website
5.2 Vice President
Toni Pickrell / No report
5.3 Treasurer
Jen Van Every / 5.3.1: Current balance is 3935.94
.2: still needing scholarship winners to give out cheques. (VRA's is ready)
.3:Still waiting for invoice for a BCRA membership fee for $75
.4: still need an invoice for the TORL cup banners
.5: post office box costs $163 per year, and fee is due.
Linda Meraw / No report
6. Association Reports / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
6.1 WRA
Michelle Toulouse / 6.1.1:WRA went into Summerland parade.
.2:two CTRs coming end Aug and early Sept.
6.2 KRA
Lesley Driscoll / 6.2.1:30 kids at CTR in May. 5 regns resulted. Two more events coming.
.2:KRA disagrees with new release policy.
.3:Aug 29-Sept 2summer camp full for U12. Space left for 2 more goalies.
6.3 GVRA
Paige Powls / 6.3.1: Nov 4-6 tourn planned for U14 and U16… but it is same weekend as the Prince George Tourn, so may have trouble with sanctioning.Critical date calendar shows twoweekends for the PG tourn, and also the Burnaby tourn. Sean will check those dates.
6.4 SRA
Tobiah Riley / absent
6. Directors Reports / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
6.1 AA Programs Chair
Melissa Mallam / Absent
6.2 Statistician
Sheldon Bank / absent
6.4Schedule Liaison
7. BCRA Committee Reports / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
7.1 / 7.1.1:All committees are active as of July 1.
8. New Business / Key Points of Discussion / Action/Motion
Double carding / 8.1.1:North would like to extend double carding for older ages. Then they could field a U19A team and a U19AA team. RBC is introducing a one year trial.
- feedback fromTORL: really the pick-up policy is what needs to be looked at. Players can then get together to attend AA tourns, and can pick up for prov'ls as long as the players are not going to Westerns.
*This topic should go to committee.
Release policy / 8.2.1:will be handled case by case by assns, league, and RBC committee. - policy needs to be in place before tryouts. Release committee begins to meet Sept 1.
Social media policy / 8.3.1:we need a social media policy. We can borrow RBC model, or Ringette Canada's model.
9. Next Meeting / Next Meeting: Wed July 27 630pm location tba.
10. Adjournment / Hearing no objection the meeting was adjourned at 923 pm.