Burnbrae Primary School



A Curriculum for Excellence

The strategies suggested in this booklet support the followingLiteracy and English outcomes and experiences from A Curriculum for Excellence.

This is a progressive program of work and the suggested learning intentions for each stage correspond directly to The Jolly Grammar Handbooks (1-4).


Early / First / Second
Tools for writing – using knowledge of technical aspects to help my writing communicate effectively within and beyond my place of learning / I explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read or write. ENG 0-12a / LIT 0-13a / LIT 0-21a
As I play and learn, I enjoy exploring interesting materials for writing and different ways of recording my experiences and feelings, ideas and information.
LIT 0-21b / I can write independently, use appropriate punctuation and order and link my sentences in a way that makes sense. LIT 1-22a
Throughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense. LIT 1-23a / In both short and extended texts, I can use appropriate punctuation, vary my sentence structures and divide my work into paragraphs in a way that makes sense to my reader. LIT 2-22a
Throughout the writing process, I can check that my writing makes sense and meets its purpose. LIT 2-23a


Jolly Grammar Approach

The teaching of grammar should be multisensory and active. It places emphasis on consolidating the children’s learning and helping them to apply their skills.

The most dramatic improvements to result in using Jolly Grammar will be found in the children’s writing. The children will spell and punctuate more accurately, use a wider vocabulary and have a clearer understanding of how language works.

Jolly Grammar provides teaching ideas for developing writing skills. The children become more aware that they are writing for a purpose: that their words are intended to be read and understood. They learn that writing is easier to understand if it is grammatically correct, accurately spelt, well punctuated and neatly written – and if the words used are interesting too, their writing can give real pleasure.

Definitions of grammatical terminology can be found in the introduction section of the Jolly Grammar textbooks. This is also where supporting resources can be accessed.


Burnbrae Primary School


Class- Primary 1

Early Stage - Learning outcomes

Introduced (I)/ practised (P) / Evaluation/next steps
Recognise and write capital letters
(Rainbow capitals p26)
Develop knowledge of alphabet
(Rainbow capitals p26)
Develop understanding of a sentence.
(Sentence sticking p30)
Develop understanding of a sentence.
(Sentence sticking p34)
Recognise capital and lower case forms of letters.
(Capital letters p38)
Identify things that are special and are called Proper Nouns.
(Proper Nouns p42)
Identify objects which are common nouns.
(Common nouns p46)
Develop knowledge of alphabet
(Rainbow capitals p50)
Develop awareness of personal pronouns
(Pronouns p62)

Burnbrae Primary School


Class- Primary 2

First StageLearning Outcomes –

The pupils will: / Introduced/practised / Evaluation/next steps
Recognise when to use an instead of a.
(a or an p 54)
Read and write words with initial consonant blends.
Initial blends p66/70)
Develop children’s knowledge of the alphabet.
(alphabetical order p74)
Develop the children’s knowledge of verbs.
(verbs p78)
Develop the children’s knowledge of verbs.
(verbs p82)
Recognise verbs in the past tense.
(past tense p86)
Recognise when to apply doubling rule
(doubling rule p90)
Identify verbs in the future.
(future p94)
Develop children’s knowledge of the alphabet.
(alphabetical order p98)
Identify nouns in sentences
(nouns p 102)
Develop awareness of adjectives
(adjectives p106)
Identify adjectives in sentences
(adjectives p110)
Recognise final blends
Recognise compound words
(compound words p118)
Develop children’s knowledge of the alphabet.
(alphabetical order P122)
Identify verbs in a sentence.
(verbs p 126)
Develop children’s understanding of singular and plural.
Develop children’s ability to use a dictionary and word books.
Develop children’s understanding of synonyms
Develop children’s understanding of when to use question marks.
Develop children’s understanding of when to use question marks.


Burnbrae Primary School


Primary 3

First Stage Learning Outcomes –

The pupils will: / Introduced/ practised / Evaluation/next steps
Develop children’s understanding of adverbs.
(p130) Book 1
Develop children’s understanding of adverbs.
(p134)Book 1
Identify the opposites of words (antonyms)
(p142) Book 1
Revise alphabetical order
Develop understanding of sentence structure (p34)
Develop children’s ability to use speech marks.
Develop children’s understanding of when to use question marks.
Develop children’s knowledge of commas in lists. (p46)
Develop children’s knowledge of when to use exclamation marks. (p50)
Put words in alphabetical order. (p54)
Develop children’s understanding of proper nouns (p58)
Use adjectives to write description. (p62)
Develop children’s understanding of plurals (p68)
Develop children’s understanding of possessive adjectives (p72)
Identify correct homophone (p76)
Order words alphabetically (p80)
Include a verb in a sentence (p84)
Revise adverbs (p88)
Understand present tense of the verb ‘to be’ (p90)
Add the correct past tense ending. (p94)
Identify irregular past tenses. (p100)
Use a dictionary correctly (p104)
Develop ability to proofread text (p108)
Understand the past tense of the verb ‘to be’ (p112)
Up levelling sentences (p116)
Use a conjunction to join together two sentences. (p120)
Write the plurals for words (p124)
Use a thesaurus to find alternative words. (p128)
Develop children’s ability to proofread a text. (p132)
Add prefixes to words (p136)
Use an apostrophe to show possession (p140)
Use an apostrophe for contractions (p144)
Develop children’s understanding of prepositions (p148)
Find the meaning of words in a dictionary (p152)
Develop the children’s understanding of suffixes (p156)
Develop the children’s understanding of suffixes (p160)
Develop children’s ability to use interesting words in sentences. (p164)
Develop the children’s understanding of commas in speech. (p168)
Revise the parts of speech learnt so far (p172)

Primary 4

It is agreed that in primary 4, teachers consolidate and revise selected first level learning outcomes based on coverage and previous teacher evaluations. This is agreed in order to give pupils the optimum opportunity to become secure at applying their skills.

Burnbrae Primary School


Primary 5

Second Stage Learning Outcomes –

The pupils will: / Introduced/ practised / Evaluation/next steps
Revise alphabetical order (p 28)
Revise parts of speech (p32)
Revise past, present and future tense. (p36)
Revise past, present and future tense. (p40)
Revise past, present and future tense. (p44)
Develop children’s understanding of syllables (p48)
Revise children’s knowledge of the suffix. (p52)
Develop the children’s understanding of the simple and continuous tenses (p60)
Develop the children’s ability to identify place names as proper nouns (p64)
Refine the children’s knowledge of adjectives (p68)
Develop the children’s ability to separate words into syllables. (p72)
Develop the children’s understanding of paragraphs (p76)
Develop the children’s understanding of paragraphs (p80)
Develop the children’s understanding of speech marks. (p84)
Develop the children’s understanding of speech marks. (p88)
Develop children’s understanding of future continuous tenses. (p92)
Revise knowledge of suffixes (p96)
Using contractions in writing (p100)
Reinforce adjectives (p104)
Change adjectives to adverbs (p108)
Develop children’s awareness that nouns can act as adjective in sentences. (p112)
Develop children’s awareness that nouns can act as adjective in sentences. (p116)
Identify irregular plural words (p120)
Identify the subject in a sentence. (p124)
Identify the subject and object in a sentence. (p124)
Identify how a pronoun changes if it is the object or subject of the sentence. (p132)
Introduce possessive pronouns. (p136)
Revise homophones (p140)
Revise homophones (p144)
Revise question and exclamation marks (p148)
Revise prefixes (p152)
Introduce collective nouns (p156)
Distinguish between a sentence and a phrase. (p160)
Identify the object and subject in a sentence. (p164)
Revise verb tenses. (p168)

Burnbrae Primary School


Primary 6

Second Stage Learning Outcomes –

The pupils will: / Introduced/ practised / Evaluation/next steps
Revise verb tenses (p34)
Identify verb tenses (p38)
Identify the subject and object of a sentence (p42)
Revise homophones (p46)
Develop children’s understanding of antonyms (p50)
Introduce grammatical agreement (p54)
Use synonyms in their writing. (p58)
Introduce the term ‘concrete noun’ (p62)
Introduce the concept of abstract nouns (p66)
Revise possessive nouns (p70)
Revise the present participle as an adjective (p74)
Develop children’s knowledge of comparative and superlative adjectives. (p78)
Changing verb tenses. (p82)
Identify correct homophone. (p86)
Grammatical agreement continued (p90)
Introduce tricky comparative and superlative adjectives, e.g. good/ bad. (p94)
Revise and use homophones (p98)
Revise and use homophones (p102)
Revise suffixes (p106)
Identify a plural possessive and plural noun. (p110)
Identify the root word, prefix and suffix in a word.
Introduce first, second and third person. (p118)
Changing person- first, second and third. (p122)
Introduce the term parsing verbs. (p126)
Identify the differences between a statement and question. (p 130)
Changing a statement into a question. (p134)
Identify the differences between simple and compound sentences. (p138)
Revise and use homophones in the correct context. (p142)
Introduce the term ‘noun’ phrase. (p146)
Introduce the idea of ‘clauses.’(p150)
Recognise the infinitive in a sentence. (p154)
Introduce ‘onomatopoeia’ (p158)
Develop children’s ability to use a hyphen. (p162)
Revise children’s understanding of antonyms and synonyms. (p166)
Identify the correct use of homophones. (p170)
Rewrite a sentence in another tense. (p174)

Primary 7

Teaching staff agreed that in primary 7, teachers would consolidate and revise selected first level learning outcomes based on coverage and previous teacher evaluations. This was agreed in order to give pupils the optimum opportunity to become secure at applying their skills.