Dear Competitor
Weinvite you to submit entries for the 2016SwaleStage Festival to be held at
It is the now a requirement of KCC for all Dance schools taking part to apply for a BOPA from KCC. An application must be made immediately
Fulston Manor School, Brenchley Road, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4EG.
This year’sdates are 24th/25thSept and 1st/2nd October andour Adjudicator will be:
MissAngie Whittle.
It is the now a requirement of KCC for all Dance schools taking part to apply for a BOPA from KCC. An application must be made immediately
As most of you are aware to comply with the Children & Young Persons Act 1963 and Kent County Council, we as a festival are required to obtain a Body of Persons Approval from KCC. A BOPA IS NOT REQUIRED if the child is covered under the 4 day rule i.e.: has not performed for more than 4 days in the previous 6 months.
The application for a BOPA will require schools entering the festival to provide us with certain information to enable us to complete the application. We have a new InformationForm which must be completed in full along with the Entry Form and returned with your entries no later than the closing date shown below.
IMPORTANT: We will not be able to accept any late entries once our application has been sent to KCC.
The new style Entry & Information Forms are attached and should be returned to the address below with a cheque to cover your entry fees made out to “Swale Stage Festival”. Photocopies are acceptable if more entry forms are required.It is the now a requirement of KCC for all Dance schools taking part to apply for a BOPA from KCC. An application must be made immediatelyIt is the now a requirement of KCC for all Dance schools taking part to apply for a BOPA from KCC. An application must be made immediately
Teachers please note that due to increasing costs we can only allow free entry to 2 teachers from each school on any one day. We require a list of all Teachers who might be attending the Festival over the two weekends and would appreciate this being returned with your entries. Anyone whose name is not provided to us in advance may be asked to pay for their admission to the Festival.
The last dayfor the receipt of entries is2ndJuly 2016
**Please note new address for entries**
Best Wishes
Chris Hill
Chris Hill, Entry Secretary
Swale Stage Festival
The Swale Stage Festival is run as a not-for-profit event and we are pleased to have been able to keep our entry costs the same for a further year, but in order to help cover the ever increasing running costs we are always pleased for schools and individuals to sponsor a class, or a morning or afternoon session, or even a whole day.
A sponsorship form is attached but if you would like more information please give us a call on 01634 715301, or visit our website:
We would like to suggest the following minimum donations for sponsors:-
- One Class £20
- Half Day (Morning/Afternoon/Evening) £50
- One Day £100
All sponsorships for Half a day will include a half page advertisement in the programme.
All sponsorships for One day or more will include a full page advertisement in the programme.
Please note that advertisement copy for inclusion in the programme will be required at least 4 weeks prior to the first day of the festival.
If you would like to take an advert in our Official programme please contact the Friends Committee on for further details and prices.
To:Swale Stage Festival c/o Lansdowne House, 24 Hartlip Hill, Hartlip, Kent ME9 7PA
Yes, I would like to help sponsor the 2016 Swale Stage Festival.
Please reserve for me the …………….…………………………………..class (1st choice) or
the …………………………...….class (2nd choice) should my 1st choice be already taken.
The Morning/Afternoon session………………………...……………………………..….. (date)
The Day of…………………………………………………………………..……………..... (date)
I enclose a cheque for the sum of
Please make cheques payable to Swale Stage Festival
Print name……………………………………………………………………………………
Tel No………………………………………………………………………
Name / Age / Date of Birth / Class / Entry FeeTotal Fees Enclosed £…………………..….Please make cheques payable to Swale Stage Festival
Telephone ..……………...... ……………….e-mail …....…...………………………………
I agree to be bound by the rules of the Festival
Swale Stage Festival c/o Lansdowne House, 24 Hartlip Hill, Hartlip, Kent ME9 7PA
Medway (01795) 842116