Board Call July 16, 2014
T.E.A.C.H. Updates:
- Office space at the Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce has been settled into.
- Database has been up and running since early June and processing of applications began immediately.
- We have received 36 applications from 11 counties
- We have approved 27 recipients; 2 of these recipients will get reimbursements for the summer semester (current enrollment in degree program was required)
- We have 2 applicants who have been approved but placed on hold for a future semester, due to personal or employer reasons.
- We have 1 applicant who, per eligibility guidelines has been determined to be ineligible (under the 30 hr. per week minimum.)
- We have 6 applications that are currently in-process (submitted with incomplete information)
- A Scoring Tool with criteria approved by the T.E.A.C.H Advisory Committee meeting has been used on all applications to determine their priority. With 31 scholarships to award, the scoring tool has not impacted the awarding of scholarships. This tool will be most useful in determining wait-list positions once the 31 scholarships have been awarded.
- Bethany is continuing to reach out to state partners in the field to promote the program and build waitlist. Shifting our outreach strategy to group presentations.
QUIP Update:
- July is the final month of our grant year with Henderson, and August wraps up our CDD grant year. We have met or exceeded all outcomes we articulated in our grant applications. New Henderson grant is due August 1, and Melissa is working with Sonja to articulate deliverables for this new grant cycle. We intend to increase our focus on ensuring the quality of our mentors through both training and regular supervision.
- We have 11 active mentors working with 53 programs in all 12 AHS regions.
- Support includes: Accreditation, STARS, IPDPs, Career Ladder, ERS score improvement, and other quality improvement assistance.
Conference Update:
- Finalizing the brochure this month with anticipated publication and launch of the registration site the first week of August.
- Instituted a formal presenter agreement this year which has helped clarify presentation needs and payment amounts.
- Scholarship form will be revised and also posted when registration opens. Robin has agreed to be the scholarship grand puba again this year.
- Theresa has made initial contact with potential vendors
- Bethany provided support for researching and updating our raffle prize donation list. Request letters go out this month
- Coming up in August: Registration opens/publicity, Scholarships processed, Awards, Mix and Mingle finalizing, PD system requirements, Publications order and VAEYC display re-vamp….