Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

Performance Evaluation of Single Path (AODV) Routing Protocol Versus Multi path (AOMDV) Routing Protocol By Using NS-2

Hussein Ataya Lafta

En, Iraq, University of Babylon.

Fadhil Mohammad Salman

University of Babylon-College of Sciences


Wireless mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) technology was defined as a group of wireless mobile hosts forming a temporary network without aid any infrastructure or centralized administration. Mobile Ad-hoc networks are self-organizing and self-configuring, multihop wireless networks where the structure of a network changes dynamically, this is mainly due to the mobility of the nodes. Since, there is no centralized administration each mobile host must act as a router to forward packets. Due to the mobility of the nodes and a destination node might be out of range for source node that transmitting packets, the efficient route is needs to exchange information between different nodes, it's done by using different routing protocols. So, efficient routing procedures are always needed to find a path between nodes, in order to obtain appropriate transfer to the packets between source node and the destination node. This paper focuses on the implemented two routing protocols (AODV as a single-path and AOMDV as a multi-path) by used the network simulator version 2 (NS-2), with various number of node, in order to study and evaluate the performance of ad-hoc routing protocols, based on the sex performance metrics: the throughput, the dropped packets, average end-to-end delay, normalizes routing load, packet delivery fraction, and average jitter.

Key words: MANET, Routing Protocols, AODV, AOMDV, NS-2.


تقنية الشبكات الخاصة ألنقالة أللاسلكية عرفت كمجموعة من العقد المستقبلة المتحركة اللاسلكية التي تشكل شبكة مؤقتة ألهيئة بدون مساعدة أي بنى تحتية أو أدارة مركزية. ألشبكات الخاصة النقالة تتميز بلتنظيم الذاتي و التشكيل الذاتي, وبأنها شبكات لاسلكية متعددة القفزات حيث أن هيكلية الشبكة تتغير بصورة مستمرة, وهذا بسبب حركة العقد المستمرة. بما أن لايوجد أدارة مركزية فأن كل عقدة مستقبلة تمثلمسير لأرسال رزم البيانات. وبسبب حركة العقد وعقدة الهدف قد تكون خارج مدى عقدة المصدر التي ترسل رزم البيانات, فأن المسار الفعال نحتاجه دائما لتحويل البيانات بين مختلف العقد, هذا يتم بواسطة أستخدام أنظمة التوجيه. لذلك أنظمة التوجيه الفعالة دائما نحتاجها لأيجاد المسار بين العقد, لأجل الحصول على تحويل مناسب لرزم البيانات بين عقدة المصدر وعقدة الهدف. هذه الورقة تركز على تنفيذ نظامي تسير ( AODVكنظام تسير وحيد المسار و AOMDV كنظام تسير متعدد المسارات) بواسطة استخدام محاكي الشيكات 2, مع تنويع عدد العقد, لأجل دراسة وتقيم أداء أنظمة التسير في الشبكات الخاصة, بلأعتماد على ستة مقايس أداء: الأنتاجية, رزم البيانات المفقودة, زمن التأخير من نهاية الى أخرى, نسبة الحمل على المسارات, نسبة رزم البيانات المنقولة من عقدة المصدر الى عقدة الهدف, زمن التأخير الكلي للمحاكاة.

الكلمات المفتاحية:توجيه اتفاقيات رئيسية ,aodv,aomdv,ns-2



Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) consist of a collection of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically exchange data among themselves without the reliance on a fixed base station or a wired backbone network. Due to the limitedtransmission range of wireless network nodes, multiple hops are usually needed for a node to exchange information with any other node in the network. Due to the dynamic nature of the network topology and the resource constraints, routing in MANETs is a challenging task [Kui Wu, et al, 2001], Every node in such network should organize itself automatically, and take the responsibility to help other nodes pairs deliver data packets if they are not within the communication range [Tahir S, 2010], since there is no fixed infrastructure in a network, each mobile node operates not only as a node but also as a router to find out the optimal path to forward a packet, forwarding packets from one node for other mobile nodes in the network that may not be within direct wireless transmission range of each other, as wireless ad hoc network does not have any fixed infrastructure and so also called as infrastructure-less network because nodes establish communication among themselves “on the fly” by adapting the dynamically changing network environment. Dynamic and infrastructure-less, wireless ad-hoc networks implies that any computation on the network needs to be carried out in a decentralized manner. Also, many important problems in ad-hoc networking needs to be formulated as problems in distributed computing system, [Rajeshwar S, et al, 2011]. In order to facilitate multi-hop communication, nodes must provide routing functionality and support the discovery and maintenance of destination routes. An ad-hoc routing protocol must be distributed as each node should be involvedin route discovery making the routing information and link costs more reliable [S. R. Biradar, et al, 2010].In mobile ad-hoc networks where there is no infrastructure support and a destination node might be out of the range of a source node that transmitting packets, therefore, routing procedure is always needed to find a path so as to forward the packets appropriately between the source and the destination, [Anurag M, et al,2011]. Ad hoc (MANET) face some challengers, Some of the key challenges in MANET include [AmandeepM ,et al , 2011]:-

  1. Finding the efficient and Stable routing (optimal path).
  2. Efficient routing protocol.
  3. The dynamic networktopology.
  4. Network Scalability.
  5. Network packets overhead (congestion and energy consuming) .
  6. Quality of Service (packets delivery).
  7. Power Management (energy consuming).
  8. Networks security.

Organization of the paper: Section I provides introduction to wireless ad hoc network (MANET). Section II provides overview about some related work. Section III provides overview about AODV& AOMDV routing protocols. In section IV define the proposed system and simulation which used NS-2 with the results. Section V provides the conclusion. Section VI future works.

II. Related Works


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

1.The performance of the four routing protocols (DSR, AODV, AOMDV andDSDV) was evaluated by Jaya Jacob and et al. at 2011 using NS-2 based on several metrics like packet delivery ratio, energy, the throughput, andend-to-end delay. From the results, they concluded that AOMDV wasbetter than DSR, DSDV, and AODV in all performance metrics [JayaJ,et al 2011].

2. Er. Deepinder Singh Wadhwa and et al. at 2011 used NS-2 (version 34) tocompare DSDV, AOMDV, and AODV in terms of throughput, jitter, andpacket deliveryfraction. The results showed that AOMDV could beremarkable packet delivery fraction and same throughput. AODV wasprovided better jitter than other two routing protocols [Er. Deepinder, et al, 2011]

3. RamprasadKumawat and et al. at 2011 evaluated the performance of AODV,AOMDV, and DSR in states of the throughput, normalized routing load,packet delivery fraction, and end-to-end delay using NS-2. They concludedthat DSR was provided best results in end-to-end delay, they alsoconcluded that AODV has low load than AOMDV, but AOMDV waspresented good results for large pause time except in case of end-to-enddelay [Ramprasad K,et al. 2011].

4. B. sreedevi and et al. at 2011 used NS-2 to compare AODV and AOMDV inMANET. They considered three metrics: end-to-end delay, packet deliveryfraction, and the throughput. The results showed that AOMDV wassuitable routing protocol for all these performance metrics [B.sreedevi,etal. 2011].


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

III. Routing Protocols

  1. Ad-hoc On Demand DistanceVector (AODV) Routing Protocol

In AODV the source node initiates a Route Request (RREQ) message that is flooded through the network to reach the destination node. The intermediate nodes in the route record the RREQ message. A Route Reply (RREP) unicast message is sent back to the source node as the acknowledgement following the reverse routes established by the received RREQ message. The intermediate nodes in the route also record the RREP message in their routing table for future use. Each node keeps the most recently used route information in its cache [Neha G, et al, 2012]. Therefore, AODV is representing a simple protocol because it does not require excessive resources on the nodes, but the routing information available in the nodes is limited, and the route discovery process may take too much time. The initial RREQ is sent with TTL=1 (Time To Life) and if no RREP is received within certain time, the TTL is incremented and a new RREQ is sent. Thus, if the destination node is not close enough, the network is flooded several times during the RREQ process before a route is found or an error is notified. DSR is similar to AODV where RREQ and RREP messages are also used for discovering the route to the destination. The main difference is that in this case, these messages also include the entire path information (i.e. addresses of the intermediate nodes)[ Jose C, et al, 2006]. AODV routing protocol has two mechanisms, route discovery and route maintenance [Tony L, et al, 1998]:-

  1. Route Discovery

The source node starts a route discovery when it is sending data packet to the destination but have no routing information to set up a route, the source node floods RREQs message with a distinctive request ID. When the destination node receives this request message or the medium nodes which has destination route information then it transmits RREP message back to the source with route information.

  1. Route Maintenance

When any node in the selected route detects that a route to adjacent nodes is valid, it will sent The RERR (Route Error) packet to the source node, when the nodes receive a REER message, it remove any route entry (from their route cache) which uses the out of order link, then this nodes will triggered a new RREQ message to the neighbors in order to arise a new route discovery stage that using active route. For this purpose AODV uses an active neighbor list to keep track of the neighbors that are using a particular route. The nodes that receive a REERs message will repeat this procedure


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

  1. Ad-hoc On Demand MultipathDistance Vector(AOMDV)Routing Protocol

The AOMDV routing protocol is expanded to AODV protocol with an additional feature of multipath route discovery, it is based on demand concept to find the route to the destination. It is multipath routing protocol, where the source node keeps several different routes from broadcast multiple RREPs during route discovery process, and then selected the static route [Ducksoo S, et al, 2009]. When the AOMDV keep track about multiple routes, the routing entries in intermediate nodes contain a list of information like this in AODV protocol such as the next hop nodes that reach to destination node, and the corresponding hop-counts. Additional information is required to ensure loop freedom and to compute node disjoint and link disjoint paths, where only disjoint nodes are considered in all the paths (in particular, the maintenance of last-hop information for each route in addition to next-hop information)[Marco Di, 2008]. The AOMDV used several approaches in order to maintain the freedom concept of the paths, like keeps the route only for the highest know destination sequencenumber and with the same destination sequence number, neither advertise a route shortest than one already advertised nor accept a route longer than one already advertised [Mahesh K, et al, 2006]. The AOMDV routing protocol has two mechanisms, route discovery and route maintenance.

  1. Route Discovery

The route discovery process is similar to which used in AODV. It is started by RREQ when source node have some data for sending to the specific destination node.It depends on forward RREQ with much information added to the informationused in AODV. The additional information is [YuHua,et al, 2005] [Georgios P, et al, 2006]:-

• Advertised hop count: uses to maintain multi-paths for the same sequencenumber

• Next hop, last hop, hop count, and the timeout: are used to check thedisjointprinciple of alternative paths.

  1. Route Maintenance

When a link is broken due to the change of the network topology, intermediate nodes inform the route valid, by sending a RERR packet to the source node, as in the AODV protocol. In this case, it uses alternative paths that stored in the node at which the fail link occur instead of begin the route discovery process from the source node to reach destination node. Additionally, each node sends hello messages periodically in order to check the validity of the route [Mahesh K, et al, 2006].


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

IV. The Proposed System and Simulation


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

The protocol evaluations are based on the simulation using ns2 [Eitan A, et al, 2003], [Jae C, et al, 2002], and the graphs are generated using X-graph. NS2 is a discrete event simulator developed by the University of California at Berkeley and the VINT project. NS2 supports two languages, system programming language C++ for detail implementation and scripting language TCL for configuring and experimenting with the different parameters quickly.Figure (1) explain the main stages of simulation used in this work, that implemented by using NS-2, where the code was written in a Tcl language and the outputs of the NS-2 are trace file and NAM file. The trace that used in this work is old trace file because it contains all the fields that required in the computation of the performance metrics.


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

The previous figure (1)are explain in the following steps:-

Step1 :-Start.

Step2 :-Set S=0 (S represent the number of scenario file (movement file)).

Step3 :- Build the traffic generation file "CBR file" that generated by "cbrgen.tcl" file that supported by NS-2. this script found in(ns-allinone-2.34/ns-2.34/ind_util/cmu_scen_gen/).

Step4 :- Set I=0 (I represent the number of routing protocols that used in this work).

Step5 :- Build MANET's scenario (movement file) using support of NS-2 by the "setdest" script.

Step6 :-Build "tcl" script that represent simulation environment ofMANET with mobility model for one routing protocols.

Step7 :-Select suitable parameters that input to this "tcl" file in the NS-2 in order to perform the simulation, and the outputs are "NAM" fileor display and trace file contain all the simulation event to analysis.

Step8 :- Analysis the trace file and compute The Performance Metrics for

the network (throughput, drop packet, end to end delay, jitter, packets delivery and normalize routing load).

Step9 :-Increment I by 1.

Step10 :-If (I=1) then go to step6 ( to implemented anotherrouting Protocol ), and save the new results in metrics file, Otherwise, S=S+1.

Step11 :-If (S<10) then go to step5

(S is the number of MANET scenarios). Otherwise, go to the step12.

Step12 :-Split the resulted file in to two files (each one contains the results of one routing protocol).

Step13 :-Compute the average of the performance criterion for eachrouting protocols file and puts it in final file.

Step14 :- possibility draw the results with the suitable parameter by using Xgraph this script is support by NS-2.

Step15 :-End.


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

The following table (1) shows that the importantparameters chosen for the NS2simulation:-

Table (1): Simulation Parameters

Parameter / Value
MAC Type / MAC 802.11
Propagation Model / Two Ray Ground
Simulation Time / 75s
Traffic Generator / CBR
Antenna / Omni Antenna
Packets Size / 512 bytes/packet
Transition Rate / 2.0 packets/second
Mobility Model / Random Waypoint Model
Pause time type / Uniform
Speed type / Uniform

Table (2) Shows the suggested parameters used to build simulation scenario that input to "Tcl" script, as follows :-

Table (2): Parameters Used During Create Scenario.

Parameter / Value
Node Number / 10 , 20 , 30
Pause Time / 8.00s
Max Node Speed / 20.00 m/s
Area / 1000m*1000m


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

  1. Performance matrices

There are several performance metrics that can be used to analysis the performance of mobile ad hoc network or the protocols in order to understand it performance as following:-

  1. The Throughput

It is the amount of digital data transmitted per unit time from the source node to the destination node. It is usually measured in bits per sec [Mamoun H, 2011].

  1. Packet Delivery Fraction (PDF)

It is the ratio between the number of packets originated by the “application layer” CBR sources and the number of packets received by the CBR sink at the final destination [Mamoun H, 2011].

  1. Dropped Packets

It is the number of packets that sent by the source node and unsuccessful to reach to the destination node [Aliff U, et al, 2006].

  1. Normalize Routing Load (NRL)

Is the total number of control packets (include RREQ, RREP, RERR and REP_ACK packets) divided by number of transmitted data packet in the network [Taqwa O, et al, 2011].

  1. Average End-To-End Delay

Is the average time taken by data packets when released by sources until reach to their destinations [Taqwa O, et al, 2011].

  1. Average Jitter

It is the absolute value of the difference between the end-to-end delays of two sequential packets, The average jitter is obtained by summing the jitter of all received packets divided by the total number of the received packets [Er. Deepinder, et al, 2011].


Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences/ No.(9)/ Vol.(22): 2014

  1. Simulation Results

The simulation results for AODV routing protocol with (10,20,30) nodes shown in the following tables:-

Table (3): AODV Results with 10 Nodes.

NO.S / Thro / Drop / Delay / PDF / NRL / Jitter
S1 / 2474.28976 / 291 / 1.13046664 / 53.95570 / 0.75073314 / 0.34250760
S2 / 1893.24001 / 368 / 1.08043992 / 41.49444 / 0.90421456 / 0.24728173
S3 / 1072.49574 / 479 / 0.85688155 / 23.60447 / 0.77702703 / 0.06691923
S4 / 2905.06178 / 216 / 2.29965050 / 64.99190 / 1.07730673 / 0.95298260
S5 / 3274.42639 / 172 / 1.03040425 / 72.43590 / 0.73893805 / 0.46577841
S6 / 2260.42349 / 312 / 3.43033037 / 50.00000 / 0.43269231 / 0.77478929
S7 / 1557.39484 / 413 / 3.03321740 / 34.23567 / 1.11162791 / 0.87161099
S8 / 2470.37369 / 289 / 2.18559640 / 54.12698 / 0.58651026 / 0.80864219
S9 / 3103.86315 / 201 / 2.12042741 / 68.04452 / 0.40420561 / 0.57129066
S10 / 1130.34137 / 468 / 0.49227805 / 25.00000 / 1.00641026 / 0.11395937
Average / 2214.19102 / 320.90000 / 1.76596925 / 48.78896 / 0.77896659 / 0.52157621

Table (4): AODV Results with 20 Nodes.

NO.S / Thro / Drop / Delay / PDF / NRL / Jitter
S1 / 5272.86960 / 140 / 0.50150784 / 83.68298 / 1.40389972 / 0.29108416
S2 / 3622.11167 / 354 / 0.43605259 / 58.20543 / 1.76267748 / 0.17793262
S3 / 4929.41711 / 189 / 0.27556246 / 78.02326 / 1.65424739 / 0.16167594
S4 / 5346.66602 / 129 / 0.11160218 / 84.94749 / 1.50549451 / 0.07316700
S5 / 5831.22342 / 72 / 0.32500089 / 91.68591 / 1.44080605 / 0.32390389
S6 / 4486.99360 / 241 / 0.22077466 / 71.71362 / 2.66939444 / 0.20461715
S7 / 4319.12349 / 261 / 0.75663164 / 69.25795 / 2.42346939 / 0.45558661
S8 / 4428.24409 / 257 / 0.30341535 / 70.11628 / 0.81592040 / 0.13442349
S9 / 5449.01677 / 121 / 0.25245224 / 85.97914 / 1.04177898 / 0.15486694
S10 / 5074.33325 / 175 / 0.32222905 / 79.76879 / 2.00579710 / 0.17957017
Average / 4875.99990 / 193.90000 / 0.35052289 / 77.33809 / 1.67234855 / 0.21568280

Table (5): AODV Results with 30 Nodes.

NO.S / Thro / Drop / Delay / PDF / NRL / Jitter
S1 / 7020.56608 / 178 / 0.41523118 / 84.30335 / 2.42468619 / 0.35629816
S2 / 7784.30967 / 82 / 0.08415735 / 92.81961 / 2.21509434 / 0.07154294
S3 / 7563.99902 / 82 / 0.19937012 / 92.62590 / 2.03398058 / 0.06798092
S4 / 6830.82555 / 179 / 0.10427440 / 83.84477 / 2.66738428 / 0.06840218
S5 / 6528.82794 / 223 / 0.39948894 / 79.94604 / 3.93700787 / 0.29941732
S6 / 7872.43394 / 47 / 0.04297773 / 95.79982 / 2.02052239 / 0.04285321
S7 / 7534.97354 / 98 / 0.11645017 / 91.28114 / 1.97563353 / 0.08151119
S8 / 6954.47289 / 166 / 0.36782746 / 85.08535 / 2.57972545 / 0.31078465
S9 / 6124.63610 / 270 / 0.33148166 / 75.54348 / 4.91966427 / 0.25118999
S10 / 7865.09025 / 64 / 0.09597202 / 94.36123 / 2.08123249 / 0.09580992
Average / 7208.01350 / 138.900 / 0.21572310 / 87.56107 / 2.68549314 / 0.16457905

Table (6): AOMDV Results with 10 Nodes.

NO.S / Thro / Drop / Delay / PDF / NRL / Jitter
S1 / 2304.05324 / 295 / 0.12240097 / 51.87602 / 3.17295597 / 0.08290426
S2 / 1514.04311 / 409 / 0.20966359 / 33.81877 / 4.64114833 / 0.09642251
S3 / 1202.79304 / 444 / 0.15344097 / 27.21311 / 6.40963855 / 0.06431043
S4 / 2107.91580 / 334 / 0.19140957 / 46.56000 / 4.29553265 / 0.13564837
S5 / 2761.47518 / 244 / 0.13678264 / 60.96000 / 2.67979003 / 0.07302878
S6 / 2035.50267 / 336 / 0.28102166 / 45.54295 / 2.94661922 / 0.16273296
S7 / 1427.49547 / 434 / 0.25544609 / 31.22029 / 4.86294416 / 0.13008752
S8 / 1943.83152 / 346 / 0.12333181 / 43.64821 / 2.98134328 / 0.06662621
S9 / 2354.20150 / 292 / 0.05178619 / 52.67423 / 3.26769231 / 0.02542442
S10 / 1137.61840 / 464 / 0.12990222 / 25.28180 / 6.75159236 / 0.06196947
Average / 1878.89299 / 359.80000 / 0.16551857 / 41.87954 / 4.20092569 / 0.08991549

Table (7): AOMDV Results with 20 Nodes.

NO.S / Thro / Drop / Delay / PDF / NRL / Jitter
S1 / 4332.77614 / 265 / 0.06226568 / 69.00585 / 3.48983051 / 0.04016073
S2 / 3275.28501 / 412 / 0.05160791 / 51.98135 / 5.98654709 / 0.04582562
S3 / 3885.38321 / 321 / 0.13353961 / 62.23529 / 4.20793951 / 0.08727318
S4 / 3937.11577 / 322 / 0.02351729 / 62.47086 / 4.14179104 / 0.02089553
S5 / 4721.99162 / 226 / 0.04728548 / 73.99310 / 2.94401244 / 0.02494797
S6 / 3372.40260 / 403 / 0.02127622 / 53.24826 / 5.11546841 / 0.02060249
S7 / 3737.93738 / 355 / 0.18804945 / 58.91204 / 3.88212181 / 0.12939167
S8 / 3392.78403 / 403 / 0.16571041 / 53.41040 / 5.61471861 / 0.13621832
S9 / 4171.21500 / 285 / 0.09504682 / 66.58851 / 3.36091549 / 0.06607969
S10 / 4400.21174 / 261 / 0.01410663 / 69.65116 / 2.59599332 / 0.00914677
Average / 3922.71025 / 325.30000 / 0.08024055 / 62.14968 / 4.13393382 / 0.05805420

Table (8): AOMDV Results with 30 Nodes.

NO.S / Thro / Drop / Delay / PDF / NRL / Jitter
S1 / 4942.30227 / 461 / 0.05344385 / 59.34744 / 5.20356612 / 0.03940938
S2 / 5537.14103 / 379 / 0.03002654 / 66.54898 / 4.57692308 / 0.02765905
S3 / 5764.79537 / 347 / 0.03467235 / 69.34629 / 4.01528662 / 0.02689250
S4 / 5294.85897 / 407 / 0.02369648 / 63.91844 / 5.58807212 / 0.01764302
S5 / 4883.55277 / 470 / 0.07686193 / 58.59031 / 5.94135338 / 0.06396896
S6 / 5838.23226 / 337 / 0.02103130 / 70.22968 / 3.88553459 / 0.01781607
S7 / 5839.71137 / 334 / 0.02475520 / 70.41630 / 4.57232704 / 0.02054561
S8 / 5169.95661 / 410 / 0.04347329 / 63.19569 / 5.36079545 / 0.04793977
S9 / 4112.46549 / 566 / 0.16075859 / 49.73357 / 7.15357143 / 0.11883726
S10 / 5449.01677 / 389 / 0.04672059 / 65.60566 / 4.46091644 / 0.03899750
Average / 5283.20329 / 410.000 / 0.05154401 / 63.69324 / 5.07583463 / 0.04197091

The simulation results shown in the following figures, depended on Xgraph script

which supported by NS-2 simulator:-