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Meeting Minutes


Cherrington PTA

The meeting was called to order on Thursday, March 04, 2010 at 7:01 pm

In attendance: Mr. Heck, Principal Amy Whalen, President Dana Ratliff, Secretary Michelle Raber, Vice President

Lisa Hamburger, Treasurer Katie Stapleton, Teacher Rep.

General Membership of:


Andy opened the meeting with a warm welcome at 7:01pm and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Secretary’s Report: N/A

Treasurer’s Report:

·  $18,000 in bank and no major expenses, just teacher re-imbursements as well as mural re-imbursements. . .

·  Mosaic will not be a $1,000 check; instead PTA will reimburse receipts as they come in.

·  McDonald’s night was great and we should receive a check in 3-4 weeks.

·  National City changed to PNC and all adjustments have been made.

Principal’s Report:

·  Our Librarian Miss Horn has prepared wacky days for right to read week in the theme of Dr. Seuss.

·  2 Cherrington students will compete in the Spelling Bee. They are: Evie Mason and Sabrina Lonso, both are 4th grade students.

·  February 12 the PTA brought in Valerie Holmes who did a slave re-enactment

·  February 19, 117 spots filled for the lock-in. 25 staff members worked this event and funds raised will bring and author/illustrator to Cherrington.

·  February 26, interim reports

·  February 27, PTA sponsored teacher bowl-a-thon @ the Palace and this event is a fundraiser for the district.

·  March 1-12, Terra Nova grades 2,3,4 and 5

·  March 10 at 7 P.M. is Kindergarten 101 being held at Fouse Elementary.

·  March 11 is D.A.R.E. graduation for our 5th grade student.

·  March 11, Middle School 101 an introduction to middle school will also be held in May.

·  March 17, 4th grade will travel to Otterbein

·  March 18, Kindergarten Registration pickup.

·  March 20, Resale/Tag Sale family garage sale to be held in Gymnasium at Cherrington. Jennifer Eby will promote more information to come.

Committee Reports:

·  Michelle Raber – PTA gives away $500.00 scholarship to a high school senior who attended Cherrington at least 1 year. High School students who are interested should see their guidance counselor.

·  Lisa Hamburger – GEM Award winner announced as CJ McGinty our school secretary. CJ will be awarded by the district on May 15, 2010.

·  Market Day – $226.00 profit

Committee Reports (cont.)

·  Plant Sale – 3/15/10 will be plant sale kick off. Orders due 4/1/10 and delivery with take place 5/14/10. If you purchase gift certificates they will be in PRIOR to Mother’s Day.

·  Box Tops - $480 for Box Tops making the total $900 for the year.

Teacher’s Report:

·  Katie Stapleton reported the following on each grade level:

·  Kindergarten is working on the four basic food groups and capped it off with an exciting field trip to Kroger.

·  1st grade – Working on vocabulary, a book titled The Mitten is being read and students are adding words from the book to a cut out “mitten”.

·  2nd grade – Planting seeds and watching the growth as well as learning about money and making change.

·  3rd grade – Presenting their own update for tonight.

·  4th grade – Also studying seeds and making window gardens.

·  5th grade –Students are creating digital storybooks about Biomes. They are also writing songs on math processes to the tune of The Grinch.

President’s Report:

·  Yearbook extended until 3/5/2010

·  8am book fair arrives Wednesday.

·  3/19 is Family movie night; PTA will be showing Planet 51.

·  3/25 is Restaurant night from 11 A.M. until 8 P.M. at Skyline Chili. Look for a flyer to come home which must be presented. Cherrington PTA will receive 20% of sales. This day is also an Early Release day.

·  3/27 is Half-pint Hullabaloo. Cherrington Elementary will be providing concessions, please send in your baked goods.

·  Multicultural night is coming in April and each classroom will adopt a country and turn their classroom into that country for this event. This is a fun evening for everyone to come in and experience the different countries and cultures. Every 15 minutes there will be a different performance in the gymnasium.

Old Business:

·  March 20, Resale/Tag Sale family garage sale to be held in Gymnasium at Cherrington. Jennifer Eby will promote, 9-10 A.M. will be exclusively for Cherrington families to shop. A bin will be provided for canned food donation to serve in lieu of admission. Look for more information to come.

·  3/23, Spring pictures. Send no money now, a proof of 2 poses will be sent home this day and an envelope with picture package details.

New Business:

·  Andy is working on creating a theme for Cherrington. Currently the idea is Engineering is Elementary and would like to partner with Engineering firms. This theme can tie into each grade level and their standards.

·  Please remember the rules for picking up and dropping off students each day. Please DO NOT pull ahead of buses and DO NOT allow your kids to walk across the parking lot on their own.

Open Floor: N/A

Presentation: 3rd grade presented Math strategies and demonstrated clever ways to solve math problems.

Raffle Drawing: Dana Ratliff received a $25 gift certificate good at the Book Fair.

A Motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 pm. Meeting was adjourned.