6 JULY 2011






1.1  To seek agreement from Members, following the recent period of formal pre-submission public participation, on the form and content of the Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD), together with its amended Proposals Map and accompanying Sustainability Appraisal, in advance of it being submitted to the Secretary of State.


2.1 That Members recommend to Full Council the form and content of the Site Specific Allocations and Development Management Policies DPD which will subsequently be submitted to the Secretary of State.


3.1 The Site Specific Allocations & Development Management Policies Development Plan Document (DPD) forms part of a set of documents that comprises the Local Development Framework for Poole. The purpose of the document is to build upon the overarching policy framework set out in the Poole Core Strategy (adopted in February 2009),by identifying where and how future development requirements for the town will be delivered. It will include a suite of new Development Management Policies that will replace the majority of ‘saved’ policies contained in the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (Adopted March 2004) and Site Specific Allocations that will contribute towards meeting Poole’s future development needs. All stages in the Site Specific Allocations & Development Management Policies DPD process have been subject to Sustainability Appraisal (SA), including Health and Equalities Impact Assessment, and a document detailing how SA has informed stages of the process will accompany the Submission document.

3.2 Previous consultation stages of the Site Specific Allocations & Development Management Policies DPD comprise:-

·  Issues and Options: Undertaken between 30th July 2007 and 10th September 2007;

·  Continued Consultation: Consultation on Sites - Autumn 2008;

·  Preferred Options for sites with the potential to contribute towards the delivery of key elements of Poole’s spatial planning requirements: Undertaken between 26th August and 6th October 2009; and

·  Consultation on three separate documents undertaken between 9th August and 8th October 2010. The documents consisted of:-

1. Consultation on Issues and Options and Preferred Approach for Development Management Policies.

2. Consultation on Preferred Options for Additional Sites.

3. Consultation on Proposed and revised Policy Areas.

Pre-submission Consultation

3.3 The most recent consultation, undertaken over an eight week period between 4th April and 27th May 2011, sought representations in relation to the pre-submission document and amended Proposals Map, together with its accompanying Sustainability Appraisal, in respect to the tests of soundness set out in Planning Policy Statement 12: Local Spatial Planning. In order to meet the tests of soundness, a DPD should be JUSTIFIED, EFFECTIVE and CONSISTENT with NATIONAL POLICY.

3.4 In total 267 comments were received from 52 respondents in relation to the pre-submission document and amended Proposals Map.

3.5 An appraisal of the responses received has identified those that address issues relating to the soundness of the DPD, and those that make comment on the content of the documents.

3.6 The key comments received can be summarised as follows:-

·  Soundness Issues and General Comments


Content and wording of this document and the previous SSA & DM policy document has changed. The document needs an executive summary of the new policies and changes in policies to focus the attention on the key elements.

The document must include a table showing the Council’s planned use for each site, the area, residential units, employment, retail space, leisure/community and hotel details. There should be individual Site Design Statements put out for consultation for each development site.

The majority of the sites are unlikely to impact upon the Strategic Road Network however this should be a key consideration in all development.

Need to incorporate a policy for reserve employment land at North Poole.

There are no policies in the document referring to the new Marina at Hamworthy.

Welcome the focus on the Town Centre as a main area for change over the plan period. Welcome a commitment to sensitive management of historic streets, spaces and places.

Defining the regeneration sites as a distinct area does not make sense as they will be developed over time.

North Poole

Need for a policy for reserve employment land at North Poole that provides detail as to how and when this land might be needed for development.

Inappropriate to refer to Core Strategy policy PCS30 in respect of safeguarded land as this is a green belt policy.

New policy should include ‘trigger’ mechanism for the release of safeguarded land for employment use.

·  Proposals Map


Outstanding issues with Flood Risk areas.

Extend Hamworthy Power station site area to include land occupied by Electricity Switching Station – consistency with Core strategy.

·  Policy DM 1: Design


Lower High Street should be identified as an area to be the subject of a Local Area Design Statement.

Should include ‘sign-post’ to the Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity policy.

Policy is unnecessary as it repeats elements of Core Strategy policies.

Reference to protected trees to restrictive.

·  Policy DM 2: Heritage Assets


Policy unnecessary as it repeats policy guidance in PPS5 and does not give enough weight to the aim of PPS5 to set out a positive and proactive strategy.

English Heritage strongly support content and wording of this policy.

·  Policy DM 3: Shopping


Specific floorspace figures for local centres, edge of centres and out of centre locations is not justified – no explanation given of supporting evidence.

The text to this policy concerns town centre uses but the title of the policy refers to retail only.

Arts and cultural facilities are usually located in town centres but there is barely any guidance as to their enhancement and development.

There should be cheap, realistically priced short term parking for visitors.

·  Policy DM 4: Coastal Zone


The policy takes account of character, appearance and amenity but does not refer specifically to the flood risk management measures for the next 100 years identified within Poole’s FRMS and SFRA.

·  Policy SSA 1: Ashley Cross Local Centre


The night-time culture that has developed in the area needs to be carefully monitored.

·  Policy SSA 2: Bournemouth & Poole College Playing Field, North Road


Policy widely supported.

·  Policy DM 5: Tourism and the Evening Economy


Excessive numbers of bars will deter families from enjoying the area.

Loss of hotels for redevelopment to other uses should be allowed where they are no longer financially viable.

Full public consultation should take place before any tourist attractions or commercial developments are considered on public open space.

Tourism can have a negative effect on communities and wildlife and the text should identify the potential environment cost and suggest appropriate safeguards.

·  Policy SSA 3: Fleets Corner and Sopers Lane


The Core Strategy allocates Sopers Lane for a broad range of employment generating uses but the site specific policy in the DPD does not accurately reflect the requirements or range of uses envisaged in the Core Strategy for Sopers Lane.

Fleets corner could offer opportunities for job creation in other employment generating sectors for appropriate sui generis uses which are comparable to traditional B class employment uses.

·  Policy SSA 4: Crown Closures Ltd; Lake Road


Loss of an established employment site.

Redevelopment will lead to increased car usage.

·  Policy SSA 5: Land at Sembcorp Bournemouth Water, Francis Avenue


Not located in a sustainable location.

Health/medical use not justified.

Site should be brought forward for recreational use.

Amendments suggested to site description etc.

Criteria ii relating to protection character and residential amenity of Francis Avenue should be deleted.

Site should be considered for allocation as Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace.

Support for development proposals that deliver employment opportunities which could include a health/medical facility.

·  Policy SSA 6: Sterte Avenue West


No consideration of on-site biodiversity and the need for pedestrian routes.

·  Policy SSA 7: The Regeneration Area – Urban Design


Need to emphasise environmental context for development in the regeneration area.

Unnecessary design detail already covered by Core Strategy and SPG for Central Area.

Additional criteria proposed in relation to public realm and interface with buildings.

·  Policy SSA 8: The Regeneration Area – Infrastructure


Reference should be made to potential contribution of Barclays House to regenerating the town centre.

Needs to be an emphasis on improvements to the highways and streetscape to remove barrier that proposed dual carriageway will create.

Reference to funding the strategic road network may need to be included.

No justification for stating that economic viability should not be taken into account in determining level of affordable housing. PCS6 already makes adequate provision for determining affordable housing. Such an approach goes against Government’s growth ambitions, contrary to PPS3 and the Council cannot ignore the role of viability in delivering development.

Contributions for Dorset Heaths should not be a requirement of development in the regeneration area.

Additional criteria proposed to include community and social infrastructure and improvements to the public realm.

·  Policy SSA 9: The Regeneration Area – Land between Poole Bridge and Twin Sails Bridge


No justification for gateway building.

Housing should be for locals and appropriate controls applied.

No evidence to justify policy. Development may need to go above 6 storeys to achieve level of development required and policy should not restrict the ability to deliver growth. Design should not aim to duplicate or replicate the past rather be sympathetic to the historic character.

·  Policy SSA 10: The Regeneration Area – Land on the Hamworthy Side of the Back Water Channel


Policy should be amended to include criteria relating to layout and design and social regeneration.

·  Policy SSA 11: Lagland Street


Policy should be extended to cover the whole of the Lower High Street and Old Town and Lower High Street Conservation Areas and should not consider Lagland Street in isolation.

·  Policy SSA 12: The Goods Yard


Policy should explicitly mandate a new pedestrian/cyclist bridge over the railway to Sterte.

Support for Goods Yard forming larger area to be the subject of a Local Area Design Statement.

Should specify the proportions of site ownership.

Policy should provide greater flexibility on the range of commercial uses permitted.

·  Policy SSA 13: Land at Lifeboat Quay


Policy generally supported.

·  Policy SSA 14: Former East Quay Depot and Quay Thistle Hotel


Option for a landmark public building should be included in the policy.

Reference needed for S.106 contributions towards a community use and the introduction of some public open space within the scheme.

Amended policy wording needed.

Any A3 use should be limited in size.

·  Policy DM 6: Accommodation for an Ageing Population.


Policy places undue prominence to the HAPPI report and should be considered as one of several options and approaches available.

Policy wording is too restrictive.

Need to ensure adequate parking provision.

·  Policy DM 7: Talbot Village – Houses in Multiple Occupation


Provision of proposed student accommodation as part of Talbot Village site (Policy SSA 19), will address need for such accommodation therefore policy not required.

·  Policy SSA 15: Land at Park Lake Road


Policy should explicitly mention retention of the existing pedestrian/cycle link.

·  Policy SSA 16: Bournemouth & Poole College Site, Constitution Hill Road


Policy supported.

·  Policy SSA 17: St. Mary’s Maternity Hospital, St. Mary’s Road


Policy supported.

·  Policy SSA 18: Bourne House, Langside Avenue


Policy supported.

·  Policy SSA 19: Land south of Wallisdown Road, Talbot Village


Site is not suitable for standard residential development and should come forward as Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace.

Policy is contrary to advice of Natural England and in the face of significant local opposition. Alternative uses proposed in the policy have not been explored in any meaningful way.

·  Policy DM 8: Accessibility and Safety


Infrastructure section of policy needs to be amended to make it consistent with national policy in that the tests for contributions set out in S.122 of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regs. 2010 should be included.

Needs updating to reflect content of LTP3 where necessary.

Should include reference to Public Rights of Way.

·  Policy DM 9: Demand Management


Need to update references to LTP3.

Policy needs to be amended to recognise that in some circumstances development, such as tourism, can be limited in opportunities for access by sustainable modes of transport.

Policy should contain ‘triggers’ at which point a ‘Travel Plan’ will be required.

·  Policy SSA 20: Park & Ride Facilities


Creekmoor P&R site should reference flood risk and the remaining site should be developed in accordance with PCS 34.

Mannings Heath P&R - point ii is not considered adequate and needs to be reworded.

Mannings Heath P&R - policy should not reference relocation of Bus Maintenance Depot.

·  Policy SSA 21: Local Centres – Priorities for Investment


Lower High Street and Lagland street areas should be added to the list as it is considered that there is a critical need for upgrading these areas.

·  Policy SSA 22: Hamworthy – Redevelopment Site


Policy supported.

·  Policy SSA 23: Ashley Road Local Centre


Policy supported.

·  Policy DM 10: Green Infrastructure and Biodiversity


Policy should include reference to the ‘expansion’ of priority UK BAP habitats.

Section relating to ‘Local Sites of Biodiversity’ should provide explicit protection to Ancient Woodlands and Trees.

Para. 8.15 should be reworded to improve clarity by separating habitats.