
***Please use an official University letter and send it as a pdf-file (with signature/s) and as a word-file, and submit your application (letter plus enclosure) by the end of October, 2014.



University of …

Name and title/function of official representative …







Prof. Dr. Susanne Prediger,


Prof. Dr. Viviane Durand-Guerrier, President of ERME,

Subject: Application letter for hosting CERME10 (2017)

Dear board members of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME)

Herewith, the University of xy, Department of xy, applies to host the next Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10) in our country. In the attachment (same file), we include all necessary information about the hosting University and the local organization.

We are looking forward to getting the decision of the ERME board by February, 2015.

Best wishes


(Official representative of University) (Chair of prospected Local Organizing Team)


1. General conditions

The university is willing to host CERME 10 and YERME day in February 2017 and accepts the aims and vision of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME, see

Our application refers to the following general conditions:

  • Time: February 2017
  • Place: The Local Organizer (LO) offers a place with good and cheap/convenient flight connections and with good working facilities at the conference venue.
  • Accommodation: It has a good standard with inexpensive options and is close to conference place. It includes not expensive Internet connection.
  • Duration: five days (including the night between Saturday and Sunday).
  • Participants: up to 550 or 600. All researchers in math education are welcome, no exclusion of people with regard to age, gender, minority, race, etc.; participants can apply for financial support after consideration of funding conditions and engagement in the conference.
  • Programme: It is decided by an International Programme Committee (IPC). The programme includes in particular plenary activities (lectures, eventually a panel) and up to 24 parallel thematic working groups (in max. 30 rooms)
  • Budget: The LO submits a calculation in which all costs are listed (expected incomes and expected expenses).
  • Organization: The Local Organizer forms a Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and suggests a Chair of the LOC. The preparation of the conference includes setting up a web site in coordination with the ERME web site, with all information about the scientific programme, the venue and the accommodation, as well as on line submission and registration.
  • Conference fees: Major subject of negotiation between hosts and ERME will be the limits of conference fees because ERME intends to keep a high accessibility of the conference for young researchers and non-affluent countries. A limit of conference fees is set to 370 €

2. The Hosting University and the Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

Please insert here

a) a short description (about 15 lines) of the Hosting University including its contribution to mathematics education (please indicate also the web site).

b) a short description (about 15 lines) of the LOC (chair, members) and the responsibility that each member will take.

3. Time and place

Please insert here information about

a) the suggested days in February and comment on their advantages and disadvantages, particularly possible overlapping with other events.

b) the suggested place (including distance to airports, flight connections with fares, transport to the venue, and other information that might be useful) and comment on its advantages and disadvantages (the possibility of providing rooms for all activities, the equipment of the rooms, and the general conditions including the web connection)

c) the accommodation and meals (all-inclusive full board, possibility of vegetarian food)

d) the facilities at the venue (plenary room, working rooms, technology, computer- and internet access, …)

e) the possibility of social events.

f) the possibility of eventually having a larger number of participants; indicate the absolute upper limit of participants.

g) the climate.

h) the opportunity to have a visibility of research in mathematics education and possibility of reaching local educators and educational institutions.

4. Budget

There is to be two different budgets, one for CERME and the other for the YERME day. The budget should include


Fees from participants (including accommodation, registration and ERME membership)

Support from institution and companies


Hotel and meals


Social event


Rooms and equipment

Support to participants from non-affluent countries

ERME membership (to be paid to ERME)

Invitations (2 persons)

Reduced fees for PhD students and people from non-affluent countries

5. Further time table

Please comment on the following time plan:


January / February – Pre-announcement

March / April – First Announcement

July / August – Second Announcement

1 AugustPre-registration form available on-line

15 SeptemberDeadline for:
Paper and poster submissions
Request for financial support

1 NovemberReturn paper review forms to group leaders.

5 DecemberResolutions to papers, posters and financial support sent.

20 DecemberReduced fee registration deadline


10 JanuaryModification for presentation must take place between 25th November 2016 and 10th January 2017

20 JanuaryPapers for presentation at the congress should be placed on the congress website

31 JanuaryIncreased fee registration deadline.



Some further comments that should be taken into consideration in the application:

Basic requirements for the conference venue (=must have):

- 1 auditorium (seating capacity for about 550-600 people)

-30-35 seminar rooms (seating capacity 25-30 people each), all equipped with a data projector and overhead projector.

- Computer access for the participants, most preferably wireless lan.

- Working space for participants, especially if the hotel is not very close.

- meeting rooms for the ERME board, the IPC and the LOC.

- Cafeteria and/or vending machines available.

Additional requirements (=good to have):

- Second auditorium.

- 2-3 additional seminar rooms.

- 1-2 additional portable data projectors (just in case).

- Laptops for the seminar rooms.

Suggestions to LOC and IPC:

- The conference venue should preferably be close to the hotels and to the place where participants have lunch and dinner. An ideal conference location (including accommodation, conference venue and meals) would be situated with good facilities in the same location within a short (max. 10 minutes) walking distance from a lively town with, for example, shopping possibilities.

- The IPC and the thematic working group leaders should let the LOC know WELL IN ADVANCE their needs regarding seminar rooms and the equipment in the rooms.

-Certificates and receipts: These should be given to all participants. It is advisable to prepare the receipt of the registration fee for all participants in advance.

- The applicant should compare the advantages of self-organising with those coming from using the facilities of a professional agency and explain the reasons of their choice.