7th Grade Life Science

Course Syllabus

Centreville Middle School

231 Ruthsburg Road

Centerville, MD 21617

Ms. Kimberly Roenigk
410-758-0883 ext. 224

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Welcome to a new year! My name is Kimberly Roenigk. This will be my fifth year teaching at Centreville Middle School. I am delighted to have your child in my Science class and I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging year. It is my goal to provide all students with a unique, fun, and educational classroom that allows your child to learn and achieve at their highest possible potential. I will create a nurturing environment where young scientists will bloom to become confident lifelong learners.

I earned my BA in Biology at Salisbury University and my AA in Veterinary Medicine at The Community College of Baltimore County Essex. Upon completion of my AA, I obtained my national and Maryland state veterinary technician license. I received my post baccalaureate teaching certificate and Master’s Degree from Drexel University. I am grateful for the opportunity to get to know you and your child this year.

I will be assigning various projects throughout the year to be completed in class or at home. I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking with your son/daughter periodically to make sure that his/her work is being done via the CMS agenda book. I am available to help students individually before school, during my planning period, and after school (3:45-4:30 on most days). Please contact me if you would like to set up an individual meeting.

Your help and support will not only make your child more successful in school this year but will create good study habits that will help your child become a lifelong learner. Please know that one of my most important goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 410-758-0883 extension 224 or . I am always happy to discuss any concerns or questions you have. I will respond to any communications (phone messages, email, etc) within 24hrs.

I am looking forward to a very successful year and I know you are too.


Kimberly Thomas-Roenigk

Course Description:

In seventh grade the life sciences will be the main focus. Students will encounter topics in laboratory science, atoms and matter, characteristics, organization, and systems of living organisms, ecology, genetics, and the human body systems. A unit on Family Life is also included in the curriculum at the end of the year.

Course Outcomes/Standards:

Course standards can be found at www.mdk12.org and www.nextgenscience.org

  1. Students will be able to identify the tools, methods, and habits of good scientists.
  2. Students will recognize good laboratory safety practices.
  3. Students will use mathematical calculations to analyze laboratory data.
  4. Students will investigate scientific questions utilizing scientific experimental design.
  5. Students will analyze data, communicate conclusions, and draw inferences from their investigations.
  6. Students will communicate scientific ideas utilizing written and oral communication.
  7. Students will understand how to analyze technical and scientific texts.


First Quarter Second Quarter

Characteristics of Life Reproduction

Cells Cell Processes

Organization of Life Ecosystems

Third Quarter Fourth Quarter

Ecosystems Continued Biological Evolution

Heredity and Genetics Natural Selection

Adaptations Impacts of Humans on the Environment

Family Life


Mastery Assessments 50%-major projects, performances, unit tests, chapter tests, and if applicable, midterm and final exams.

Progress Assessments 50%-classwork, brief progress checks, and quizzes

Formative Assessments: provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes, and thus shall not be graded. These could include, but are not limited to warm-up’s, independent practice on daily assignments, exit tickets, and reflections.

Student grades will be available in PowerSchool no later than one week from submission.

Grading Scale:
A 90 – 100
B 80 – 89
C 70 – 79
D 60 – 69
E 59 and below / Grading expectations/rubrics are provided to the students. Parents are encouraged to regularly utilize Parent Portal to access Power School, which is the electronic grading system for students.

Missing/Make-Up/Revision Assignments:

Students are encouraged to make-up work for a lawful absence. The make-up policy for short term lawful absence shall be:

  1. All missing assignments will be recorded as NTI in the grade book.
  2. Student/Parent/Guardian must request their missed assignments upon or prior to the students return to school.
  3. Students will be given an expected time period prior to the mastery assessment to make-up work that has been missed during a lawful absence.
  4. If students have not mastered a particular skill, they will be given the opportunity to attain mastery within a time window determined by the teacher.

All make-up/missing/revision work will be graded in accordance with the QACPS grading policy and must be completed within the established timeline. Students must request progress assessment revisions via email. There will be no revisions on Mastery Assignments. There shall be no make-up/missing/ or revision work given to students who have been unlawfully absent.

Homework Expectations:

●  Homework will be given at the teacher's discretion to reinforce skills and concepts taught in class. Long-term projects will be assigned as appropriate to the current unit.

●  Students are expected to complete all homework assignments BEFORE class


1.  Parent contact

2.  Parent contact

3.  Student assignments to SRC and/or resource room

4.  After school detention-(NOT TO EXCEED 4:30 PM)

Required Materials:

CMS Planner Three ring binder Pencils- 2 or more Lined Paper

Section dividers

Discovery Education Tech book access (provided by CMS)


●  Be respectful to others – treat others as you would like to be treated. I want students to enjoy my class, but not at the expense of another student or staff member. Please respect the feelings of everyone around you.

●  Raise your hand to speak in class – everyone will receive a chance to contribute to the class. Please respect those who are speaking, whether it is the teacher, an administrator or a classmate.

●  Be prepared for class – being prepared means having your homework completed, class notebook, science journal, and writing implement ready when the bell rings.

●  Respect yourself- “Character is how you act when no one is looking.” Students should arrive to class on time, prepared, and attend to personal needs before class begins.

●  Respect your classroom- Always leave the classroom the same way you found it. Please clean up after yourself and dispose of trash or recycling in the proper waste bins.


Students will be encouraged and rewarded for being good students and good citizens! The class as a whole can also earn class-wide rewards. Rewards may include:

Retriever rewards Class supplies Positive notes

Positive phone calls home Free computer time


●  Discipline Policies- please refer to Centreville Middle School Discipline Hierarchy Form

●  Cell Phones/Smart Phones/Other MLD’s (Mobile Learning Devices) – please refer to the Centreville Middle School student handbook.

●  School Expectations – All school policies will be enforced in the classroom. Please review the school policies outlined in your student planners and handbook.

●  Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism - Submitting any work that is not in your own words is considered plagiarism. Copying homework, cheating on a test, and copying and pasting directly from the internet or a publication are acts that are considered plagiarism as well. Any student who has been found to participate in any capacity in these activities will receive a zero on the assignment in question and a parent phone call. Subsequent offenses will be reported to an administrator and the student’s parent(s)/legal guardian will be contacted.

Student - Parent - Teacher Contract

It is the Teacher's Job to Teach and to Help Students!
It is the Student's Job to Be Ready to Learn and to Help Themselves and Others!

Dear Students and Parents,

Please read carefully and discuss the Course Syllabus, Expectations and Policies. My “door is always open.” Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please complete and sign the form below, then return it to me by no later than Monday, September 5th, 2016.

Student Name (print clearly) / ______
Class Period
Student Agreement:
I have read and understand Mrs. Roenigk’s Course Syllabus, Policies and Expectations. I agree to abide by these expectations and do my best to be successful.
Student Signature / ______
Parent Agreement:
I have read and understand Mrs. Roenigk’s Course Syllabus, Policies and Expectations. I agree to help my child to be successful.
Parent Signature / ______
Parent Contact Information
______Best phone number(s) to call / ______
Best time(s) to call
Parent Email

Please list any other concerns you may have: