Andrew Bailey Msc. GIS

20, Chichester Court, Mob: 07708 218200

Chessington Road, Ewell Home: 0208 3930798

Surrey KT17 1TP


·  GIS Expertise

·  Software design

·  Financial experience

·  Project management

·  Marketing experience

·  Team management

·  Confident communicator

·  Calm & amiable manner

·  Logically minded

·  Creative & innovative

·  Motivated learner

·  Security Cleared (SC level)


·  Conducted research into automated assessments of pipeline conditions using UAV craft for potential use in the Oil & Gas industry.

·  Provided geospatial expertise to government bodies including DEFRA, the Welsh Assembly, the Rural Payments Agency and Transport for London.

·  Provided consultancy for Intergraph (UK) Ltd, a leading GIS vendor, on UK E-Government initiatives.

·  Project management experience for central government, local authorities & defence customers. All projects delivered on time and within budget.

·  Handled SLAs with third party data & mapping providers.

·  Generated marketing material for QinetiQ’s Technology Solutions division.

·  Worked with the Maasai tribe of Kenya in developing a wildlife information system for the Maasai Mara to monitor wildlife, human-wildlife conflicts and to reduce poaching.

·  Maintained monthly 9% increase in sales since initialisation for Windows 7 software.

·  Financial duties for limited company for four years.

·  Kept abreast of GIS technologies: data standards, data sources, analytical methods, technical considerations including OGC WMS, CityGML and the Sensor Web.

·  Conducted research into 3D urban modelling for military mission planning purposes (CityGML, CAD, BIM).

·  Designed navigation software for Zephyr, an Unmanned Air Vehicle. It holds the official endurance record for an UAV for its flight from 9 July to 23 July 2010 lasting 336 hours and 22 minutes.

·  Compiled architectural design documents for the Zephyr embedded C Avionics system in compliance with the D0128B Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification.

·  Developed several unique geospatial applications in leisure time: a global DTM from Open Data sources, a geospatial alert system, a multimedia GPS-enabled capture tool and a 3D global currency fluctuation model for Google Earth.

·  Responsible for a live tracking system for the Team QinetiQ South Pole Challenge.

·  Managed several GIS teams with a combined staff of 30 GIS technicians.

·  Data warehousing and metadata management experience.


·  GIS: / ArcGIS 9.3, ArcGIS Server, Manifold 8.0, MapInfo 7, AutoCAD, GeoMedia 4, Proj4
·  Internet GIS: / OpenLayers, Google Map API v3, OS OpenData API, Geoserver, MapServer, ArcIMS 4
·  Project/Office: / MS Project, MS Office, OpenOffice
·  Languages: / C# [6yrs], VB.Net [7yrs], ASP [7yrs], JavaScript [6yrs], SQL [7yrs], VBA, PHP, Perl
·  Markup Languages: / XML, HTML, CSS, KML, CityGML, RSS, GeoRSS
·  Standards: / Web Map Services, Web Feature Services, Sensor Web Enablement
·  Protocols: / HTTP, FTP, SMTP
·  Databases: / SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, ArcSDE
·  Development: / Visual Studio 2010, Eclipse 3.6
·  Requirements: / IBM Rational Doors
·  Design: / Sparx Systems Enterprise Architecture
·  Revision Control:
·  Cartography/Illustration: / IBM Rational ClearCase, Borland Starteam, Apache Subversion
Adobe Photoshop & Photoshop Elements, CorelDraw, PaintShopPro, Adobe Illustrator
·  Operating Systems: / Windows 7, XP, Linux, OS X


[Detailed experience below.]

August 2011/To Present Contract: GIS/Web Developer GIS Web System Design Ordnance Survey

February 2011/May 2011 Contract: GIS/Web Developer GIS Web System Design, Extrium Ltd Client User Requirements.

December 2010/Jan. 2011 Contract: GIS/Web Developer System Design, MMCC Ltd. Web Map System Development.

Sept. 2007/November 2010 Position: Snr. GIS/Web Developer System Design, QinetiQ GIS / System Development.

April 2006/July 2007 Contract: GIS Consultant IT Migration strategy,

London Borough of Hackney Training & Support

January 2006/April 2006 Volunteer: GIS Specialist System Design,

Durrell Institute (Kenya) GIS / System Development

January 2005/August 2005 Contract: Project Manager Team Management, GIS Analysis,

Rural Payments Agency Training & Support

February 2004/October 2004 Contract: Team Leader: Deployment Deployment, GIS Analysis, System

Transport for London Development,Training and Support

March 2003/February 2004 Contract: GIS Consultant GIS / System Development

London Borough of Hackney

March 2002/March 2003 Position: Internet GIS Development System Design,

Royal Borough. Kensington & Chelsea GIS / System Development

September/November 2001 Secondment: GIS Consultant E-Government strategies

Client: Intergraph UK

January 1999/January 2002 Position: GIS Development System Design & Delivery,

London Borough of Hackney Data Provider SLAs.

Sept.1996/January 1999 Contract: Land Surveyor Land survey,

Acre Surveys, East Molesey, Surrey. Cartography

May 1996/July 1996 Contract: Asst. Photogrammetrist Terrestrial photogrammetry,

Mason Land Surveys, Faygate. Stereo & rectified photography.

December 1994/April 1996 Contract: Land Surveyor Land survey, GPS Control Networks,

Symonds Group, East Grinstead. DTM Analysis


09/1997 - 06/1998 University College London MSc. Geographic Information Systems

09/1992 - 06/1994 University of Newcastle upon Tyne BSc.Hons. Surveying and Mapping Science

09/1991 - 06/1992 University of Newcastle upon Tyne BSc.Jnt.Hons. Surveying & Computing 1st Year

09/1990 - 06/1991 University of Northumbria BSc.Hons. Psychology 1st Year

09/1988 - 06/1990 Collyer’s 6th Form College A-Levels: Maths B, Physics C, English D

05/1999 London Research Centre Course: Census data manipulation

05/2000 Intergraph UK Ltd. Course: Geomedia Internet Mapping

07/2002 ESRI UK Ltd. Course: ArcIMS Internet Mapping

06/2008 QinetiQ Course: UML

09/2008 Learning Tree Course: C#.Net

10/2008 ESRI UK Ltd. Course: ArcObjects 9.2


Professional Bodies: Student AGI Membership

Student RICS Membership

Positions Held: Student/Staff committee member 93/94

Board of Study student representative 93/94

Interests: Map-based apps, badly played piano, biographies,

Cycling, squash, cooking, media streaming devices

Other: Valid British Driving Licence

Referees: Available upon request.


August 2011/To Present Position: Contract: GIS/Web Developer Client: Ordnance Survey

·  Project: Inspire for Defra

Technologies: Geoserver, OpenLayers, GeoExt, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).

I’m currently assisting the Ordnance Survey in the delivery of a toolset to DEFRA & the Cabinet Office as part of their INSPIRE fulfilment. My duties include development of the client-side toolset and design and performance tuning of the Web Mapping Services held by Amazon EC2 servers running Geoserver and Tomcat6.

February 2011/May 2011 Position: Contract: GIS Advisor Client: Extrium Ltd

·  Project: Noise Action Plan Projects for Defra and Welsh Assembly

Technologies: Geoserver, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, OpenLayers, Google Maps, Streetview.

I’m assisted Extrium Ltd in the project management of their Noise Action Plan toolset to both the Welsh Assembly and to DEFRA. Under EU regulations Noise Action Plans are generated for a series of sites where noise has been identified as a potential problem to residents. My duties include project planning, requirements capture, design documentation and liaison with the development sub-contractor.

December 2010/Jan. 2011 Position: Contract: GIS Advisor Client: MMCC Ltd

·  Project: Web Mapping Project

Technologies: Geoserver, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, OpenLayers, OpenStreetMap.

The client requested an online mapping system that would display live data from sensors onboard some roaming vehicles. Data would be displayed on a street level and also be viewed in an aggregated form. The client requested the facility to filter data spatially and temporally. Geoserver’s SQL Views were used to create this functionality. The client was left with a product that exactly met their design specification.

Sept. 2007/November 2010 Position: Snr. GIS/Web App. Designer Client: QinetiQ

·  Project: UAV Ground Station Software

Technologies: C#, ESRI ArcObjects SDK, telemetry handling, SQL Server.

I developed software for QinetiQ’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Zephyr programme. Zephyr holds the record for the longest sustained flight of over fourteen days. It is an extremely light solar aircraft and flies at over seventy thousand feet. The navigation software generates predictive flight models based upon received telemetry and metrological data. I also developed the data logger which records all received telemetry from the craft.

·  Project: Report on 3D Urban Models for Military Applications

Technologies: CityGML, Autodesk LandXplorer suite, CityEngine, SQL Server, 3D data formats.

I conducted research into urban 3D models for a defence client. The research looked at the potential of 3D analysis for defence purposes and the manner by which 3D models should be stored and disseminated.

·  Project: Live Tracking of Antarctic Race Team

Technologies: GeoServer, KML, Perl, Proj4

Team QinetiQ was a sponsored three man team that competed in the Amundsen Omega 3 South Pole challenge in January 2009. I contributed to an automated live tracking system that would update an interactive map of Antarctica with team positions & ETA calculations.

·  Project: Environmental Monitoring Programme

Technologies: Sensor Web Enablement, Java Server Pages, PostgreSQL, OpenLayers, GeoServer

A prototype monitoring project, funded by DEFRA and South West Water, was developed by QinietQ. I was responsible for the security model, alert system and map display. The system would allow users to remotely monitor sensors, adjust sensor configurations and set up alert mechanisms based upon sensor parameters.

April 2006/July 2007 Contract: GIS Consultant Client: London Borough of Hackney

·  Project: Property Information System

Technologies: MapInfo, Google Earth, Propman, MS Access.

The Property Services department at the London Borough of Hackney purchased a Property application to replace their existing setup. I was tasked with forming a migration strategy, designing the interface to the corporate finance system as well as providing training and support within the migration. I also took the role of Land Registry Liaison & digitized all available land ownership information within the borough. This was then integrated into the new property system.

January 2006/April 2006 Volunteer: GIS Specialist Client: Durrell Institute (Kenya)

·  Project: Human-Wildlife Conflict Monitoring System

Technologies: VB.Net, MS Access 2003, ESRI ArcView 3.2

DICE (Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology) Friends of Conservation work together in Kenya to monitor wildlife in the Maasai Mara. They’ve implemented a scout programme with the Maasai communities to reduce human-wildlife conflicts & to reduce poaching in the Greater Mara Ecosystem. I was responsible for the development of a distributed GIS system and a data synchronization tool that would gather & distribute data between the various remote FoC offices in the Greater Mara.

January 2005/August 2005 Contract: Project Manager Client: Rural Payment Agency

·  Project: Rural Land Register

Technologies: MS Access, CadCorp, VB, SQL Server

The Rural Land Register is a mapping system which holds the farming land parcels of England & Wales for the RPA’s single payment scheme. I managed 30 staff members who, with GIS training, were responsible for correcting poor digitisation by sub-contractors. I also design and implemented an audit trail system to control the processing of all single payment scheme submissions. The RLR was the largest GIS project in the UK that year. I also provided fraud detection using remote sensing data against claimed crop sizes.

February 2004/October2004 Contract: Team Leader: Deployment Client: Transport for London

·  Project: Deployment of Street Repairs System

Technologies: MS Access, MapInfo, Visual Basic, MapBasic, SQL Server

I was responsible for the deployment of a mapping system to be used by London’s local authorities. This involved customised installations and user training. I also developed some network analysis software which reduced the manual quality assurance work by 90%.

March 2003/ February 2004 Contract: GIS Consultant Client: London Borough of Hackney

·  Project: GIS/Property database integration

Technologies: MS Access, MapInfo, MapBasic

The Property & Valuers department at the London Borough of Hackney tasked me to integrate their property database with a spatial component. This involved data cleaning, geo-coding and the provision of a report generation tool.

March 2002/March 2003 Position: Internet GIS Development Client: RB. Kensington & Chelsea

·  Project: Delivery of Internet Mapping System

Technologies: ArcIMS 4, ArcSDE, SQL Server, ASP, MS Access

I was responsible for user requirements capture, software design, development and delivery. A primary feature was the design of a security model allowing the delivery of sensitive data to discreet user groups. I also developed a data custodian system to maintain the lifecycle of the council’s spatial data collection.

September/November 2001 Contract: GIS Consultant Client: Intergraph (UK) Ltd.

·  Project: Report on Local Authority E-Government Initiatives

Technologies: Internet Mapping Technologies

During my time at London Borough of Hackney, Intergraph (UK) Ltd approached me to undertake a study of E-government initiatives, strategies and use of internet mapping technologies within the London boroughs. My report was used as input into their local authority marketing strategy.

January 1999/January 2002 Position: GIS Development Client: London Borough of Hackney

·  Project: Delivery of Internet Mapping System

Technologies: GeoMedia WebMap, SQL Server

I was responsible for user requirements capture, software design and delivery. The security model handled both public data for E-Government functionality and sensitive data for council employee access. The system was designed to cater for common geospatial requests. A search engine allowed searches across the council’s geospatial data collection. Users could also create thematic spatial queries such as deprivation & regeneration statistics.

·  Project: Negotiation of Ordnance Survey SLA

I handled the service level agreements between Ordnance Survey and LB Hackney. As far as I know this was the first case of Ordnance Survey landline data delivery through the internet. Imbedded watermarks and slight projection modifications were made to the displayed map data to prevent theft.

·  Project: Delivery of Mobile Mapping System

Technologies: ArcPad, ArcView 3

I provided a customised ArcPad system for a urban tree monitoring project. Data was captured by street officers using a handheld GPS-enabled device and results were then mapped on a local regeneration website.

Sept.1997/January 1999 Contract: Land Surveyor Client: Acre Surveys

·  Project: Large-scale Land Surveys

Technologies: AutoCAD v12, Leica Theodolites

My time as a land surveyor taught me the true nature of professional conduct - to behave with integrity with a well-meaning polite manner while dealing with large livestock.

May 1996/July 1996 Contract: Asst. Photogrammetrist Client: Mason Land Surveys

·  Project: Photogrammetric Survey of Hampton Court Palace

Technologies: AutoCAD, Leica & Hasselblad cameras

I was tasked to assist with a photogrammetric survey of the Kings Hall the Royal Chapel at Hampton Court Palace. I was also allowed to access to the Queen’s Chamber and learnt to operate gigantic precision cameras.

December 1994/April 1996 Contract: Land Surveyor Client: Symonds Group

·  Project: Large-scale Land Surveys

Technologies: AutoCAD v12, Leica Theodolites, GPS Control Networks, DTM analysis

My first employment after graduation. The land survey team at Symonds went on to form Acre Surveys who I later rejoined in Sept. 1997.