S. E. Hinton’s That Was Then, This Is Now2014

Reading GuideName: ______period: ____


Read carefully and annotate novel so that you can participate in class discussions

Identify and explain themes in the novel

Character study: trace the change in Bryon from beginning to end of story

Relate your personal life experiences to similar experiences faced by one of the characters

List basic survival needs of the average teenager; evaluate the presence or lack of these needs in the lives of the main characters and how the characters are thus affected

Connect the fable “Androcles and the Lion” to its reference in the novel

Identify and explain imagery and analogy used by the author

Increase comprehension by learning SAT words and answering study guide questions as you read. Except for the 2 Venn diagrams and the Pre-reading question, all answers must be in complete sentences. You must add to your notes during class discussions. Turn in study guide for grade.

Pre-reading discussion question: What does a teenager need in order to develop into a well-adjusted, mature adult? List 10+ items and explain their importance. Who should provide these things?

ItemProvided byImportance______

Chapter 1

sole (9), profound (12), abruptly (13), tactfully (15), probation (16), taunting (20), wistful (22)

  1. What is Bryon’s problem at the bar, and how is the problem solved?
  1. Where does Mark live, and why?
  1. What ‘talent’ does Mark have, and what happened to him because of it?
  1. How does M&M react when Mark says he wants to jump someone? What does this tell you about the kind of person M&M is?
  1. Describe M&M in both appearance and personality.
  1. Compare and contrast Bryon with his adopted brother, Mark.


Chapter 2

slight (28)lame (28)lanky (29)homely (34)assault (37)inclined (41)

  1. Where was Bryon’s mother, and why were the TV and car sold?
  1. How does Bryon’s attitude toward stealing differ from Mark’s?
  1. In a well-written story, nothing is random. Who is Randy, and what part might he – or the conversation he has with the boys – play a part later in the novel?
  1. Bryon says he has never been able to accept something. What is it? Why does he feel this way? How do you feel about his attitude?
  1. Whom does Bryon’s mother ask him to visit? What does Bryon learn about this person?
  1. Define analogy.
  1. Google Sir Galahad and read briefly about this character. Who was sir Galahad?
  1. Explain the analogy found on page 34: “I was always making like Sir Galahad…”
  1. What is unusual about Mike’s reaction to his attack?
  1. Explain the difference of opinion between Bryon and Mark regarding Mike’s forgiveness.

Chapter 3

minor (43)conceited(47) sassy (55)contorted(56) flounced (56) sarcastically(59)

  1. Charlie said Bryon was honest in most ways, except one. In what area was Bryon dishonest? Why does Bryon “promise” himself he’ll think about it later?
  1. How did Bryon feel about Curtis, and why? What did Mark say the reason was?
  1. Describe M&M’s relationship with his family.
  1. Describe the incident involving Mark, Angela, Ponyboy, and the other guy.
  1. Compare and contrast Cathy and Angela.


Chapters 4 & 5

hub (67), reminiscing(68), rueful (68), slacked (70), vague (71), aforementioned (73-4)

obligingly(77), sauntered (82)drawled(83)smirking (84)

  1. What aspects of gang life does Mark recall with the greatest pleasure? Why do you think he feels this way?
  1. How does Bryon regard the old days as a gang member?
  1. Explain the irony of the incident with the principal’s car.
  1. Find and explain the analogy that is near the beginning of chapter 5. What is the author’s purpose for using this analogy?
  1. Describe, in order, what happened after Bryon & Mark hustled the two Texans.
  1. Contrast the feelings Bryon and Mark had about the event with the Texans and Charlie’s death.
  1. Bryon said Mark was acting strange. What was Mark doing, and what does this tell you about their relationship?

Chapters 6 & 7

hysterical(89)vengeful(89)incredulous (92)vaguely (93)gravely (95) hostility (99) irrationally(105) gulf (107)

  1. What happened to the Texans?
  1. Why did Bryon not feel vengeful about Charlie’s death?
  1. What did kids do along The Ribbon? What did M&M do while they were cruising The Ribbon?
  1. In what ways is Bryon changing? How does Mark react to the changes in Bryon?
  1. If Angela was your friend, and she told you about the situation with her father-in-law, what advice would you give her? Note two pieces of advice you would give Angela.
  1. On page 110, Bryon says that Angela “almost looked like she was behind bars.” Why is this an effective simile?
  1. What happened after Angela passed out?
  1. Specifically, what rational does Mark give for his actions?
  1. Regarding the incident, is Bryon an accomplice, or is he innocent? Explain.
  1. Despite all he has gone through, Mark genuinely believes “nothin’ bad has ever happened to me.” List unfortunate events Mark has experienced, and then explain why you think he feels this way.
  1. Retell the story Mark told about his parents.
  1. A third analogy appears on page 114. Google and read the fable “Androcles and the Lion” and explain the analogy.

Chapters 8 & 9

swollen (128)witticism (128)relapse(132)commune(134)

  1. Where did Bryon and Mark go to look for M&M? Did they find him?
  1. Why do you think Bryon does not consider the people at the commune “free,” as Mark does?
  1. Explain what happens to Bryon when the Shepards confront him and why he assumes responsibility for Angela’s haircut.
  1. Did Bryon want revenge? Explain the moral change he’s going through. What chance encounter earlier in the story helps explain this change?
  1. After Bryon’s confrontation with the Shepards, the gulf between Bryon and Mark is even larger. Explain why.
  1. What did Bryon do at the cemetery, and why do you think he did that?

Chapters 10 & 11

pleading ((148)desperately(148)formalities(153)intent (154) obscure (155)

  1. Mr. Carlson tells Bryon he’s proud of him. Why is that so important to Bryon?
  1. For what reasons does Bryon call the police?
  1. What excuses does Mark give to justify selling drugs?
  1. What realization did Bryon suddenly come to as he listened to Mark?
  1. What mightMrs. Douglas have done to prevent this event?Note at least two things.
  1. What punishment does Mark receive? Why did the judge give him that punishment?
  1. How has M&M’s LSD trip changed him?

Post-reading discussion and questions:

  1. What would you have done if Mark was your friend or brother and you found out he was selling drugs?
  1. What lessons are contained in the story of Mike Chambers?
  1. What incidents develop the author’s idea (tone) that revenge is pointless and wrong?
  1. What does Mark mean when he says at the very end, “Like a friend once said to me, ‘That was then, and this is now.’”?
  1. What theme is implied by this saying?
  1. What other themes are in this novel?