Users Guide

Intended for use by internal clients

What is a NEBS evaluation?

The Common Systems group evaluates equipment from manufacturers to determine the level of compliance with recognized standards for safety and reliable operation. These standards include shock and vibration, fire resistance, temperature and humidity, electrical safety, ESD, electromagnetic compatibility, grounding, DC Power, etc. The Common System SMEs use test reports and other data supplied by the manufacturer to perform their evaluation.

What equipment needs a NEBS evaluation?

An evaluation is required for equipment systems and equipment units that will be installed in network equipment buildings and equipment areas within buildings, electronic equipment enclosures such as controlled environment vaults, outside mounted electronic equipment cabinets, and at customer locations. A less comprehensive evaluation is also required for new hardware added to an existing system, i.e. new frames, shelves or plug-ins. An evaluation is also required for both physical and virtual collocation equipment and Outside Plant test sets.

When should it happen?

The evaluation process should be considered as soon as you know you plan to add new equipment, or add new hardware to existing equipment. Send the request for information (TP76200MP) to the supplier(s) as soon as it is determined an evaluation will be needed. The supplier will typically need more time to prepare the test results (or run the tests) than the NEBS team will need to evaluate them. Anevaluation is required priorto a PAN being issued.

How do you start?

  • Get TP76200MP from:

The Common Systems District’s web page at:


Willard Dewese

3 Bell Plaza, Room 0720.H1

Dallas, TX 75202

Phone: 214.858.1363


  • Determine what kind of NEBS evaluation you will need (see Types of NEBS Evaluations)
  • Send the appropriate request for information and a copy of TP76200MP to the supplier(s)
  • When you receive the requested information from the supplier, fill out a NEBS Product Evaluation Request form from the package, (also available on our web page) and forward it and the suppliers’ responses to Willard Dewese at the above address.

Types of NEBS Evaluations


A Preliminary Evaluation is a review of the manufacturer’s self-report of compliance to NEBS requirements. Submission of test reports is not required at this time. A Preliminary Evaluation is appropriate for a product review before final selection (e.g. an RFP). If a product is subsequently considered for final selection individually, or as part of a “final list” comparison, a complete evaluation should be initiated.


A Complete Evaluation is an evaluation of a product against all of the applicable requirements established for new equipment based on the equipment and its intended use. There are three types of complete evaluations.

  • LEVEL ONE - Level One requirements are the minimum acceptable requirements to protect personnel and the Network. Level One requirements should be used for Collocation, and for equipment that is not providing service to our customers (e.g., portable test equipment, equipment used for monitoring the network). Level One requirements do nothing to ensure the operation or reliability of the equipment. Form ESR-001 from TP-76200MP contains a list of tests that must be successfully completed to achieve Level 1 compliance.
  • LEVEL TWO - Level Two is an evaluation against all requirements and is for equipment providing service to our customers (e.g., switch, transport, broadband). Form ESR-002 from TP-76200MP contains a list of tests that must be successfully completed to achieve Level 2 compliance.
  • ANCILLARY - Ancillary requirements apply when the product is an addition of hardware to an existing approved product, (e.g., new shelf or circuit packs). Form ESR-003 from TP-76200MP contains a list of tests that must be successfully completed to achieve Ancillary Level compliance.

The Levels referred to in the above paragraphs are a collection of tests that are explained in detail in TP-76200MP. These Levels should not be confused with Levels as defined in Telcordia documents.

What happens after you request a NEBS Evaluation?

  • The NEBS group is committed to a 20 working day turn-around for an initial product evaluation. This is 20 working daysafter we receive the required information from the supplier.
  • Upon completion of the initial evaluation, the group coordinator will send a letter to you detailing the results of the evaluation for all environmental areas. If the initial evaluation does not demonstrate compliance in one or more applicable area, the area(s) will be addressed using the Supplemental Product Evaluation process. This is an interactive exchange between the Common Systems team member(s), their clients and the supplier to resolve open issues..

Your Responsibilities

  • As a client, you need to notify the group coordinator when the CFST has made a decision to reject or to approve a product for purchase. You also need to provide a draft of the Product Approval Notice (PAN) associated with all products approved for purchase. This will allow the group to identify any open requirements, provide advice to you, and manage the status of the product review files.
  • If there are still open requirements that have been assessed to be critical to the reliability or safety of the product you should work with the NEBS group to resolve these issues prior to deployment. You also need to notify the group coordinator if the decision is made to deploy the product with NEBS issues unresolved.

Revision 9/10/99