College of Public Health Merit Need-Based Scholarship & Teaching Assistantship
Applicants & Newly Admitted Students
The College of Public Health has growing, but limited, scholarship
funding available. Approximately 25% of graduate students receive some funding from the College of Public Health. Every attempt is made to match available funds to students' need. Students are encouraged to seekother sources of funding.
The information provided on this applicationassists the College in making fair, equitable and effective financial awards. Although some of this application will duplicate information on your SOPHAS application, we ask that you provide specific, comprehensive and accurate information. Additional materials may be requested for certain types of funding.
US citizens and permanent residentsmust complete a FAFSA to be considered for College of Public Health financial assistance.
International studentswill need to complete a Financial Guarantee and may be asked to provide additional supporting information, depending on the source of scholarship funds awarded.
Please return completed form to:
Amy Glicken, Recruitment & Admissions Coordinator | E-mail:
Personal Information / First Name / MI / Last NameE-mail / Phone
Type of Student
Applicant or newly admitted student Continuing student
Academic Program
Please Choose ProgramBachelor of Science in Public HealthMPH - BiostatisticsMPH - Environmental and Occupational HealthMPH - EpidemiologyMPH - Family and Child HealthMPH - Health Behavior and Health PromotionMPH - Public Health Policy and ManagementMPH - Public Health PracticeMD/MPHMS EpidemiologyPhD EpidemiologyMS BiostatisticsMS Environmental Health SciencesPhD Environmental Health SciencesPhD BiostatisticsDrPH Maternal and Child HealthDrPH Public Health Policy and Management
Do you plan to be a full-time or part-time student? Full-time graduate students take 9 or more credits per semester.
Full-time Part-time
Citizenship / State of Residency
Please Choose CitizenshipUS CitizenUS Permanent ResidentInternational Student
Marital Status
Single Married
Number of children you support (if any) / Ages of children
Verified (for office use) / Undergraduate Level GPA
Graduate Level GPA
Combined Verbal & Quantitative GRE score
Diversity / Scholarships are sometimes available for students of US underrepresented minority groups. The Office of Student Services can help in identifying funding sources. Please choose all that apply.
American Indian or Alaskan Native (I) Tribe:
Asian or Pacific Islander (A) Specify country:
Black, Non-Hispanic (B)
Hispanic (H)
White Non-Hispanic (W)
Graduate Teaching Assistantships / Would you like to be considered for a Graduate Teaching Assistantship?
Yes No
Decisions regarding placement of GTA’s are made in collaboration with the course instructor. Please indicate if you have taken any core courses or undergraduate public health courses. If you have had previous teaching experience, please explain the circumstances:
Your Budget
Income / Type of Income / 2011 / Estimated 2012/2013 school year
Annual income if employed / $ / $
Spouse's income / $ / $
Available savings/investments / $ / $
Other family assistance expected / $ / $
Total Estimated Income / $ / $
If you are employed, where are you employed and in what capacity?
Will your employment continue while you’re in school?
Yes No Unsure
Does your employer offer tuition reimbursement?
Yes No Unsure
Estimated Expenses
for School Year 2012-2013
Current tuition and fees
Help with estimatedcost of attendance / Tuition and fees / $
Books, supplies / $
Housing costs / $
Food / $
Child care / $
Miscellaneous* / $
Total Estimated Costs / $
*Specify miscellaneous costs
Scholarships and Loans / Do you qualify for the Qualified Tuition Reduction because you, your spouse, or your parent (if you are a qualified dependent) is a faculty or staff member at one of the Arizona state universities?
Yes No
If you are a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, have you applied for the UA Peace Corps Fellows Program?
Yes No
Please list the loans and/or scholarships (additional to any the College of Public Health may award) that you expect to receive during 2012/2013 academic year.
Name of Scholarship, Loan, or Funding Entity / Amount
Total Loans and Other Scholarships Expected / $
Existing/Prior Loans / Do you have any outstanding educational loans?
Yes No
Please list amounts of TOTAL outstanding educational loans THROUGH Spring Semester 2012 (do NOT include spouse’s or children’s loans).
Name of Loan / Amount Owed
Total Owed on Outstanding Educational Loans / $
Personal Debt / Please list personal debts of $100 or more (home mortgage, auto, spouse’s educational loans, credit cards, etc.). Do not include your educational debt in this section.
Creditor’s Name / Purpose of Loan / Unpaid Balance / Monthly Payment
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
$ / $
Total Personal Debt / $ / $
Other Pertinent Information / Is there any other information that you would like the College to know about you when making financial assistance decisions?
Certification / I certify that the information I have provided on this application is a true and accurate reflection of my financial need.
Digital Signature (type name)
Equal Opportunity / The University of Arizona is an equal opportunity, affirmative action institution that prohibits discrimination in its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation or gender identity and is committed to maintaining an environment free from harassment and retaliation. A student who believes that s/he has experienced harassment or discrimination should call the Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Office at (520) 621-9449 [TTY (520) 626-6768]. Students who would like information on University policies regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act should call the Director of the Disability Resource Center (ADA/504 Officer) at (520) 626-7674 [TTY (520) 621-3268]. The Title IX Officer can be reached at (520) 621-9449.