Operating Experience Committee

Conference Call Minutes

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011 Call

Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EST

Call-In Number: 301-903-0639. Confirmation #: 314263 (60 lines)


Welcome / Jeannie Boyle
Group Sharing of Recent Lessons Learned - Be prepared to discuss YOUR recent LL. / All
Sharing of Lessons Learned from OPEX assessments (i.e., HS-64, PSO, Site Office, and internal assessments) / All
Identification of External Events for Review / All
Discussion on Autonomy Searching Tool for the Corporate LL Database -
Implementation is beginning, so bring your ideas. / Cori Moore, MicroLink, LLC
Roundtable / Subjects for Next Call / All

Welcome / Participants

1 / Ammonet, Patti / Pacific Northwest National Laboratory / Battelle Memorial Institute
2 / Anderson, Brian / Idaho Operations Office / DOE ID
3 / Book, Jackie / PPPO / LATA/Parallax (LPP)
4 / Boyle, Eugenia / DOE HQ / HS-32
5 / Branson, Gary / INL / Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC
6 / Brown, Richard / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
7 / Butler, Michael / Pantex / B&W Pantex
8 / Cheng, Sam / LASO / Los Alamos Site Office
9 / Chimah, Paul / Service Center / Service Center
10 / Christensen, Rob / PPPO / LATA/Parallax (LPP)
11 / Clarke, Debbie / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
12 / Cole, Matt / DOE HQ / SC
13 / Collier, Linda / LANL / Los Alamos National Security
14 / Doane, Bob / Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator (TJNAF) / Jefferson Science Associates (JSA)
15 / Estes, Tracy / Princeton Site Office / PSO
16 / Forshey, Cathy / PPPO / Wastren-EnergX Mission Support, LLC
17 / Foster, Steven / RL / Washington Closure Hanford (WCH)
18 / Gilliam, Susan / Y-12 National Security Complex / Babcock & Wilcox Technical Services (B&W)
19 / Haffner, Russ / Pacific Northwest Site Office / PNSO
20 / Harris, Allan / EMCBC / Environmental Management Consolidated Business Center
21 / Haynes, Bret / NV / Joint Nevada Program Office (JNPO)-LLNL/LANL
22 / Heard, Marie / Stanford Site Office (SSO) / SSO
23 / Hicks, Clyde / Kansas City Plant (KCP) / Honeywell
24 / Hoertkorn, Thomas / ORP / Office of River Protection
25 / Horning, Jeff / Livermore Site Office (LSO) / Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
26 / Humphrey, Graham / Canada / Bruce Power LP
27 / Jenkins, Dana / PPPO / LATA/Parallax (LPP)
28 / Kurkjian, Matthew / ORP / Bechtel National Inc (BNI)
29 / Langstaff, David / RL / Richland Operations Office
30 / Longpre, Dan / PPPO / Wastren-EnergX Mission Support, LLC
31 / Lopez-Cardona, Emma / DOE HQ / EM
32 / Lowry, William / NETL / Albany, Fairbanks, Morgantown, Pittsburgh, & Tulsa
33 / Marshall, Ginnie / DOE HQ / NA-50
34 / McCallister, Russell / Portsmouth/ Paducah Project Office - Lexington / PPPO
35 / McVey, Jim / PPPO / Swift & Staley (SST)
36 / Menas, Matt / NETL / Albany, Fairbanks, Morgantown, Pittsburgh, & Tulsa
37 / Mitcheltree, Brian / RL / CH2MHILL Plateau Remediation Company (CHPRC)
38 / Neil, Dave / Idaho Operations Office / ID
39 / Neilson, Steve / Thomas Jefferson Site Office / TJSO
40 / Otto, Tom / Pantex / B&W Pantex
41 / Owen, Donald / Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board / DNFSB
42 / Padilla-Vigil, Yolanda / Sandia Site Office (SSO) / Sandia National Labs. (SNL)
43 / Pasko, John / Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board / DNFSB
44 / Pavalko, Kelly / NTS / NSTec
45 / Pearson, John / Oak Ridge / ORAU
46 / Reitz, Mike / DOE HQ / NA-54
47 / Roberson, Waynette / PPPO / Swift & Staley (SST)
48 / Roddy, Michael / Watts Bar Unit 2 / Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
49 / Roggenkamp, Ken / Kansas City Site Office / KSO
50 / Saar, Michael / Ames Site Office / ASO
51 / Schumann, Craig / Argonne Site Office / ASO
52 / Schutt Bradley, Joanne / Oak Ridge - ORNL / Bechtel-Jacobs
53 / Searfoss, Glenn / DOE HQ / HS-32
54 / Sierra, Ed / Brookhaven National Laboratory / BNL
55 / Smith, Tania / DOE HQ / EM
56 / Spencer, Donna / Berkley Site Office / BSO
57 / Staffo, Gary / DOE HQ / EE-3C
58 / Tamplain, Jeffrey / SPR / DynMcDermott
59 / Von Weber, Mark / PPPO / Swift & Staley (SST)
60 / Whitney, Gerry / RL / Mission Support Alliance, LLC

Group Sharing of Recent Lessons Learned

Lesson #1: Jeff Horning (Livermore Site Office, LLNL): Emergency contact information was not current in the site system. This caused delays in communicating emergency and other relevant information and alerts to site employees. It is very important to keep contacts current to ensure all emergency/weather/etc. communications are done in a timely manner. The relationships between the employee and the emergency contacts are also very important and needs to be included in the information so that it will be readily available to responders and site managers. If multiple emergency contacts are listed, it is also good to identify the desired order of notification.

Lesson #2: Graham Humphrey (Canada, Bruce Power LP): In high humidity tunnels or other enclosed areas where moisture may be a concern, it is important to use rust-resistant material for items such as gratings that need to support one or more persons’ weight. There was an event where a person was walking on a grating in a tunnel and the grating collapsed under the person’s weight, because the grating was not constructed with rust-resistant material. If the grating has become significantly degraded over time due to moisture or normal wear, the grating should be taken out of service and appropriate actions taken to repair/replace the degraded grating.

Some elements which might be contained in a surveillance/walk-thru plan are:

­ Determine the amount of rust present ;

­ Determine if the grating is securely fastened to the wall or other support;

­ Determine if the rust to grating material ratio is sufficient to provide good support for workers; and

­ Determine if all fasteners are of the correct material and are in good condition (i.e., look at amount of rust on fastener and/or nuts; are they tightened appropriately; do any need tightening; are any part missing or fail inspection)

It is recommended that gratings in high humidity or harsh environments be put on a recurring surveillance/walk-through program. A fall through a poorly maintained grating by a worker could result in serious injury.

Lesson #3: Gary Staffo ( DOE HQ, EE-3C): During the holidays, a worker was walking between some buildings and slipped on ice. The fall resulted in a fractured wrist. Notifications were delayed because the injured worker was on leave (unavailable) and the holidays. This was a Worker’s Compensation claim. The worker was assigned/detailed to another agency when the injury occurred, so the responsibility and reporting requirements are not as straightforward. The questions are:

­ Who is responsible for the Workman’s Compensation documentation; and

­ Who is responsible for completing any related actions.

Lesson #4: Tania Smith (DOE HQ, EM): There was an incident at the Separations Process Research Unit (SPRU), which was related to Project Management but which also contained safety issues. This indicates that, when collecting Project/Program Management Lessons Learned, it is important to look for safety issues also. Similarly, when collecting Safety and Health Lessons Learned, look for project/program issues.

Lesson #5: Kelly Pavalko (NTS, NSTec): On December 19, 2010 a latched semi-truck trailer door was caught by a gust wind. This resulted in two injuries: 1) a worker was knocked unconscious for 30 minutes; and 2) a second worker was hit on the leg. Both workers were treated and released to work with no restrictions. The trailer door’s latch was worn, which was the cause of the wind blowing the door open. To prevent this type of incident, we need to concentrate on providing more safety barriers (e.g., tie downs).

Lesson #6: Kelly Pavalko (NTS, NSTec): A significant water leak was found in a building. The leak was caused by the extreme rain, which was recently experienced. When situations such as this occur, work should be stopped immediately due to the potential for unassessed hazards.

Lesson #7: Ed Sierra (BNL): A fire in a terminal room was caused by overheated coils (~1970s vintage), wrapped in wire, which were flammable. We are now improving our maintenance on these coils.

Lesson #8: Gerry Whitney (RL, Mission Support Alliance, LLC): The Suspect/Counterfeit Headmark List contains an error.

Editor’s Note: This error has been corrected on the Headmark List that is posted on the Operating Experience Wiki.


Donna Spenser (Berkley Site Office): Donna will be conducting an operating experience assessment in January. She will share any lessons learned with us during the February OEC conference call.

Identification of External Events for Review

Matt Cole (DOE HQ, SC): Found a New York Times article on Deepwater Horizon to be considered “for posting”. However, the article had already been posted.


Cori Moore, Autonomy MicroLink

·  Mike Reitz (DOE HQ, NA-54): NNSA PMLL want some additional ways to identify Lessons Learned. They want to link to other Lessons Learned documents including DNFSB documents from the DNFSB Representative website.

·  Cori: Autonomy will start with the Lessons Learned database and the OE WIKI. The searching of external sites needs to be controlled because the search tool (webspider) could keep following all the links in each article/item that it finds. Therefore, you will be able to go to an external article, but you will not be able to follow all of the links in the article. Another way to limit the information that is retrieved is by only retrieving articles containing certain words (e.g. energy).

·  Tania Smith: She is looking forward to the installation of Autonomy.

·  Mike Reitz: Is also interested in the Site LL databases, but we may have to deal with site firewalls first.

·  User ID and Password: User-ids and passwords will not be needed for Autonomy searching. However, data entry of LL will require users to have a User ID and Password.

·  Susan Gillman (Y-12 National Security Complex, Babcock & Wilcox Technical Services): There may be some concerns related to the proposed lack of credentials needed for searching. Since the data will be more publicly accessible, the LL may have to be reviewed more carefully before submittal. However, other comments noted that the LL database is already open to the public, even though credentials are required, since most people that request access are approved.

·  Tania Smith: They may have a concern about public access also.

·  Administrative Tools: Some administrative tools that were discussed for possible implementation included the number of times a Lessons Learned is accessed and the value rating of the Lessons Learned. Later, perhaps the ability to comment on specific Lessons Learned could be added. We may also be able to add links for use in work planning, etc. It does allow some clustering of similar events.

Roundtable/Subjects for Next Call

·  Jeannie Boyle asked if anyone wanted to host the Spring EEC meeting. Please contact her if you are interested in hosting the meeting.

·  Jeannie Boyle asked if anyone had any program dollars to contribute for Autonomy implementation. Again, please contact her to discuss this.

OE Wiki @ http://operatingexperience.doe-hss.wikispaces.net/ OE Summary Blog @ http://oesummary.wordpress.com/

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