Grant Administration


South Ayrshire Council

County Buildings

Wellington Square


Tel: (01292) 61


Section 1


South Ayrshire Council will consider applications from community and voluntary organisations which are consistent with the information given below. Applicants should note that no guarantee of funding should be assumed by any organisation.


Financial support may be available to local voluntary organisations operating at a South Ayrshire wide level, locally based community groups and individuals.

Organisations are not encouraged to apply more than once in any financial year.

Please note that only in exceptional circumstances will organisations or groups receive funding for the same project for more than 3 years.

In considering applications it will be taken into account the extent to which groups are prepared and able to make a financial contribution towards their project/activities.


Financial support may be available to support voluntary organisations and community groups which provide and promote social, cultural, economic, environmental and recreational facilities, or support projects which are in the interest of people living in South Ayrshire.

In all cases no financial support will be provided retrospectively and all applications must be received in advance of any project/activity being started.

It is anticipated that many of the applicants for support will fall into a number of identifiable groupings. In these circumstances it is possible that the following type of applications will be considered if the applicant fulfils all eligibility and related requirements.

  • Start up grants for a new community group
  • Buying a piece of equipment for a community group
  • Improving or developing a community group’s activities
  • Raising awareness of a community group’s activities
  • Recruiting new volunteers/members
  • Identifying the needs of local communities
  • Community events
  • Projects that enhance quality of life and compliment other improvements locally
  • All projects must demonstrate that they will support the delivery of the Council’s strategic outcomes


  • Activity of a political or inappropriate nature designed to promote party political or religious causes (although applications from Faith groups involved in local community work will be welcomed)
  • Groups advocating particular outcomes from the statutory planning process
  • Routine property maintenance/repairs or for ongoing running costs
  • Servicing of debt or monies already spent (retrospective funding)
  • Contributions towards a large fund raising activity (e.g. minibuses, new buildings) are not eligible
  • Private sector bodies or individuals
  • Repairs or refurbishments to Council premises
  • Individuals, groups or organisations who already receive over £5,000 per year from South Ayrshire Council
  • Anything of an illegal nature or which ordinarily would be considered inappropriate to receive public sector funding e.g. pornographic activity
  • Applications from national organisations that do not have a clear impact in South Ayrshire


The relevant form should be completed and returned to the address printed at the end of the form. All relevant sections of the application must be completed and all additional information e.g. constitution, financial details included.

You should note that it is the responsibility of all organisations to arrange appropriate insurance cover for any equipment purchased with financial support provided by the Council.

There are three funding support systems available:

  • South Ayrshire Wide Support Fund - applications will be considered by the South Ayrshire Community Partnership Forum
  • Local Area Small Grants Fund - applicant organisations will be invited to attend a ‘Decision Day Event’ where they will be asked to make a short pitch about their project, after which all those attending the decision day will vote to determine which projects should receive funding
  • Individual Application - applications will be considered under delegated authority

The following general criteria are applied by South Ayrshire Council for funding voluntary bodies.

1.Voluntary bodies applying for Council support either in kind or financial should be able to clearly demonstrate their contribution towards the Council's overall objectives and specific objectives (see Section 4 of this Guidance document).

2.Voluntary bodies should seek to provide an activity that is based upon best practice and which makes the most effective and efficient use of available resources.

3.Voluntary bodies funded by the Council are expected to demonstrate that they will incorporate equal opportunities principles and legislation into their policy and practices.

4.Voluntary bodies are required to meet all reporting requirements required by the Council.

5.The Council will state clearly its criteria for making the award or resource available and its financial relationship with that organisation.

6.Included in this Guidance document are "Standard Conditions for Grant Assistance" which will apply to all successful applications for financial support. The Council reserves the right to include any relevant additional conditions to any award of financial support. Any such conditions will be included in any offer of grant.

Section 2


Applicants must read and agree to abide by the undernoted Conditions of grant. For individual applicants please go to Section 3.


  1. The grant is allocated for this project/activity only and no guarantee can be given that further funds will be available.

2.The financial support must be spent only on the purpose for which it was granted.

3.The Council's liability shall be to make a payment of the grant to the organisation. All other liabilities or claims are the responsibility of the organisation receiving grant.

4.The organisation will, at any time, if requested

(a)provide information or copies of financial records as may be required by an authorised officer of the Council.

(b) make items purchased or projects developed available for inspection.

5.Monies must be spent within 12 months of receiving the grant award and the organisation will submit evidence that the purpose for which the grant was awarded was achieved

6.If costs are less than the amount specified on the grant application the surplus will be repaid to the Council.

7.All projects/activities will be carried out under the complete control of the organisation awarded grant funding.

8.The organisation will keep records and receipts of how the grant was spent and produce these figures in a project/activity final report.

9.The accounting arrangements/transactions will be subject to audit scrutiny by South Ayrshire Council.

10.Any organisation receiving grant aid must acknowledge the support of SouthAyrshire Council in all publicity material. A copy of publicity material must be forwarded to the Council.

11.Additional conditions of grant may be set by the Council at its discretion.

12.The organisation will ensure that policies and practices minimise any detrimental effects to the environment and complement the Council's commitment to protecting and improving the environment of South Ayrshire.

  1. Organisations holding public events must have appropriate insurance cover.
  1. Section 2 of the Local Government Act 1986 prohibits the Council from publishing any material which appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party. The same section also prohibits the Council from funding organisations to do this. The organisation shall comply with this requirement.
  1. Any organisation receiving funding from the Council which is used for working with children and young people must satisfy itself that all staff and volunteers meet appropriate Disclosure Scotland – PVG scheme or the equivalent monitoring bodies.

16.The organisation will avoid discrimination in recruitment and conditions of employment and make efforts to be an equal opportunities employer. In both service provision and employment matters the policies and practices of your organisation should at all times conform to the following Acts and any amendments to them:-

(a)Equality Act 2010

(e)Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974.


Organisations awarded grant funding for the purchase of equipment will ensure that

1.the equipment will be owned and controlled by the organisation.

2.the equipment will be adequately insured by the organisation.

3.the organisation will undertake to ensure that the equipment is fully and properly maintained. purchased with a grant will not be disposed of without the prior permission of South Ayrshire Council.

5.should the organisation disband, any equipment or facilities purchased from financial support provided by South Ayrshire Council will be offered to the Council at no cost.

6.if equipment or facilities purchased from financial support provided by SouthAyrshire Council is lost, stolen, damaged or otherwise the subject of an incident covered by an insurance policy, any monies obtained from insurance will revert to the Council.

Section 3



Grants for individuals are intended to assist in improving performance in the area of Arts, Culture or Sports Activities. Grants will only be available to individuals who are participating at a national level.


  1. Only individuals of amateur status, who are resident within South Ayrshire are eligible

to apply for assistance.

  1. Grants are available to individuals with potential in Arts, Cultural and Sports pursuits

to assist with the cost of travel, training facilities, equipment and competition costs.

  1. Grants are available only to individuals who are eligible to receive free school meals.

Funding is not available for:

  • for items of personal clothing
  • for replacement of equipment


1.Amounts payable are up to a maximum of £150.

2.Applications cannot be considered from applicants who have previously been funded by the Council to attend an event within twelve months of the date of the event for which he/she is seeking support.

Applications will be considered under delegated authority.

South Ayrshire Sports Council provides financial assistance of up to £200 for individuals with potential or proven ability in sport. For further information and grant application form please see attached link: or contact

Section 4


Voluntary bodies applying for Council support either in kind or financial should be able to clearly demonstrate their contribution towards the objectives of the Council's Single Outcome Agreement or the Strategic Objectives of the Council Plan.

Key objectives of the Single Outcome Agreement include:

South Ayrshire has an enterprising and sustainable economy

  • We have a more diverse and sustainable economy
  • South Ayrshire is an attractive place in which to live, work and invest

People in South Ayrshire are skilled, confident and successful in accessing employment

  • People have the skills and opportunities to access employment

Our Children and young people in South Ayrshire have the best possible life chances

  • Our babies and children are nurtured and have the best possible start in life
  • The Wellbeing of our babies, children and families is improved and inequalities reduced
  • Our children and young people are confident and successful learners who have the skills for learning, work and life

People in South Ayrshire enjoy the best possible health and inequalities are reduced

  • Individuals and communities are able and motivated to look after and improve their health and wellbeing resulting in more people living in good health for longer with reduced health inequalities
  • People are able to access and benefit from sport and active leisure

Older people in South Ayrshire enjoy full and positive lives within their own communities

  • People with disabilities, long term conditions or who become frail are supported to live as safely and independently as possible in the community
  • People using health, social care and support services are safe-guarded from harm and have their dignity and human rights respected

Communities in South Ayrshire are stronger and safer

  • Communities are more confident and empowered to address the issues that matter to them
  • People are safer as a result of reduced levels of violence, antisocial behaviour and other crime
  • People are safer as a result of a reduction in the number of fires and road traffic casualties
  • Our local population is able to build on its strengths to reduce alcohol and drug misuse to the benefit of individuals, families and communities’

South Ayrshire is clean, attractive and delivering a sustainable low carbon future

  • Our impact on the environment is enhanced, due to lower carbon emissions
  • South Ayrshire has attractive built and natural environments, appreciated by its citizens & visitors

South Ayrshire Council

Our Strategic Objectives

South Ayrshire Council will work in partnership to maximise the potential of:

  • Our local economy
  • Our children and families
  • Our adults and older people
  • Our communities
  • Our environment

Working in partnership to maximise the potential of our local economy
  • More people of working age, across all communities, are employed or engaged in volunteering;
  • Businesses and social enterprises are supported to set up, thrive and expand
  • The proportion of young people and adults with relevant qualifications is increased;
  • Our Town centres are encouraged to be more vibrant and adapt to change; and
  • Tourism, culture and heritage opportunities are developed and promoted.
/ Working in partnership to maximise the potential of our young people
  • Effective early years and early intervention services are delivered;
  • More children and young people are successful learners, responsible citizens, confident individuals and effective contributors;
  • The gap between the highest and the lowest achievers is narrowed; and
  • We look after our most vulnerable children and families.
/ Working in partnership to maximise the potential of our adults and older people
  • People live as independently as possible in the community and have control over their own care and support;
  • People have positive experiences of social care and support services;
  • People who provide unpaid care are supported to look after their own health and wellbeing; and
  • People using social care and support services are safe-guarded from harm and have their dignity and human rights respected.

Working in partnership to maximise the potential of our communities
  • Communities are supported to become empowered
  • People feelsafer
  • Minimise the impact of inequalities; and
  • People have healthier lifestyles, including more exercise..
/ Working in partnership to maximise the potential of our environment
  • The maintenance and condition of our roads are improved;
  • People are able to find suitable and affordable place to stayin a community that suits them;
  • People live in warm, well maintained, energy efficient homes;
  • We improve the condition of our built environment and our open spaces; and
  • We work towards a sustainable, low carbon future.


Please complete the appropriate form from the list noted below:

If you want to provide more detailed information please use an additional sheet.

Funding will only be available to support projects which contribute to the Council’s Strategic Objectives outlined above.

N.B. Only application forms completed in full will be considered.

South Ayrshire Wide Support Fund(Established to support organisations that develop projects which impact across South Ayrshire) Maximum award £3,000
Applications will be considered by South Ayrshire Community Partnership Forum
Local Area Small Grants Fund (Participatory Budgeting)
Maximum Award £1,000
Applications will be considered at local level via a Participatory Budgeting process
Individual Application
Maximum award £150
To be considered under delegated authority

Advice and assistance with completion of this application form is available from the Council’s Communities Team. Please contact: Marion Young 01292 612626

Please send completed form to:

Grant Administration

County Buildings



Or email:

South Ayrshire Wide Support Fund / Application form

1. / Name of Group:
1a. / Name of Project;
2. / (i) Contact Person:
(ii) Position in Organisation:
(iii) Address (including postcode):
(iv) Telephone:
(v) Email:
3. / What type of group are you? / (Please tick all that apply)
Not a constituted group.(Note: groups will be expected to formalise prior to receipt of any award)
Constituted. (But not recognised as a charity)
Constituted. (And recognised as a charity)
Constituted. (And registered for VAT)
Other (Please specify)
4. / Brief summary of the activities of the organisation
5. / When was the organisation formed?
6a. / How many members:
Aged under 18? / Aged 18 or over? / Elderly/Pensioners
6b. / Is membership open to all:
Yes / No
If no, describe limits to membership:
6c. / Do all members have equal voting rights?
Yes / No
If no, describe the limit to voting

Section Two – About Your Work or Project/Activity

7. / Purpose of grant application. Please describe the specific way you would use any grant awarded.
8. / Does your organisation carry out fundraising activities?
Yes / No
If yes, please describe below, please include amount raised from activities.
Amount: (£)
9. / Please provide a breakdown of all project costs below. Please be specific and do not use phrases such as “as much as possible” or “at the Council’s discretion”.
Project Costs
(Please provide budget headings) / Total Costs
Total Project Costs: / £
Please indicate below a detailed breakdown of total project costs, your/organisation’s contribution, other organisations’ contribution (in total) and grant assistance requested from South Ayrshire Council. / Total
Total Amount for Project costs:
Your organisation’s Contribution:
Other organisations’ contribution (including local authorities) please detail below
Name of Funding Body / Amount Requested (£) / Source
(public/private/in-kind) / Date approved / Funding Confirmed / Awaiting Decision (please state date expected)
Total Funding / £
Please state the amount of grant requested from South Ayrshire Council (Maximum of £3,000) / £
10. / Applications will not normally be considered unless all of the following information has been received and all of the information requested in the application form has been completed. Incomplete application forms cannot be considered for funding. Please tick to indicate that you have submitted this information with your application.
A current financial statement
A copy of your most recent bank statement / book
If applicable, a copy of your constitution signed and dated by 2 Office Bearers
11. / Declaration on behalf of group:
I hereby apply for consideration for financial assistance as detailed above. I confirm that all information given is correct. Should grant be awarded I confirm compliance with South Ayrshire Council’s conditions of grant including completion of an evaluation report within six months of award, detailing grant expenditure; in the case of an individual award relevant receipts are to be submitted as proof of expenditure.
I understand that the information supplied, specifically group’s name, reason for and amount of award may be published on South Ayrshire Council’s website or local press. I understand this to exclude bank / financial details.
Name (in block capitals):
Signed: / Date: