Kool Skools Media Competition Guidelines
The FReeZA Push Start Battle of the Bands/Kool Skools Project needs graphic design/visual art/media savvy young people to help design the Compilation CD cover and prepare the video clip to promote the CD.
2 winners will join the Kool Skools Project team in Melbourne on September 22 and 23 to prepare the CD cover and video clip, with the assistance of professional graphic designs at Studio 52 in Melbourne.
How to enter??
Submit a CD Cover design, with the theme of “Music of Warrnambool”. We are looking for the people who have the best concept ideas.
The design can utilise the mediums of photography, graphic design and hand drawn works.
A high resolution image is to be sent to or
Dimensions are to follow the dimensions featured below:
Applications close at 5pm on Friday 15 August, 2014.
Winners will be decided through a vote by young people attending the Battle of the Bands competition on August 22 and 23.
All entries will be displayed at the event and all patrons at the event invited to vote for their favourite design.
Entrants may be required to provide folio examples to project organisers if the vote result is inconclusive.
For more details or if you have any questions please call Katie McKean at Warrnambool City Council on 55594867.
Kool Skools Project – Frequently Asked Questions
Who is organising this project?
Warrnambool City Council Youth Services in partnership with Brophy Family and Youth Services are running the project, through the use of FReeZA funding.
*Key contacts are Katie McKean (WCC 55594800) and Lyn Eales (BFSY 55618888)*
When is the project taking place?
Monday 22 September and Tuesday 23 September, 2014. These dates are not negotiable.
Isn’t Kool Skools just for people at School?
No, the Kool Skools project is open to all young people, aged 12-25 years.
Where is the recording studio?
Studio 52 at 23-25A Johnston Street Collingwood 3066 Victoria.
How much is it going to cost me to be a part of this project?
All costs associated with travel to Melbourne, from Warrnambool, return will be covered by the FReeZA program. This includes transport, accommodation and main meals. The details of this will be sent to all successful project participants after the Battle of the Bands on August 22 and 23.
Who will be supervising the trip to Melbourne/Recording Studio process?
The travel to and from Melbourne, accommodation and recording studio time will fully supervised by staff from Warrnambool City Council and Brophy Family and Youth Services. Consent forms will be distributed to participants after the Battle of the Bands.
Will my CD cover design, which I enter into the competition, be the one used on the actual Kool Skools CD if I win?
Not necessarily. As there will be 2 winners, the CD designs selected will just be used as concept ideas. The final CD cover will be designed at the Kool Skools Studio on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 September. The 2 winners will work with professional graphic designer Brendan O’Shea to develop a design that reflects the styles of music featured on the CD.
Do I need to bring a camera with me?
No. Canon cameras are available at Studio 52 for use during the project.
What other bonuses will this project give me?
-Addition pieces to be added to a folio
-Credit for design and development of CD cover and video clip
-Potential promotional opportunities – Winners will be acknowledged through a press release to local media outlets.